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I fell in love with a horror movie called Smile (highly recommend it). 


It's about an evil entity that spreads itself through trauma and then feeds on the trauma of its victims. 


It's very symbolic of healing from trauma and the effects it has on people. 


During this time I was doing the vagus exercises and finally noticed how it all came together! 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Reminds me of when it was first seen why I was so attracted to this movie.

And really, it was just this scene…

12 years old, jaw was on the floor. Enamored. Obsession. Bought a guitar the next day. I believed the obsession was about playing guitar. Didn’t see what was being portrayed in the scene at first. Synchronicity seems to reveal ‘itself’ first in a hindsight-clarity manor. But when the mind slows down a bit, it’s as if they coalesce in ‘real-time’. Into precognition etc. 

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@Phil very interesting. I'm beginning to see that now actually. I bought a book about small businesses and realized that my dynamic motivation style showed what my true passion is. Entrepreneurship itself! 


I'm also feeling more inclined towards singing.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Recently I've had instant clarity on things from synchronicity. It's so personal yet instantly recognized, it seems hard to explain. I was thinking about whether or not I should take a firm stand on counseling a friend whose life was turned upside down because of a practical joke her husband played and got punished for where he wrote insults on two bananas, and without thinking what I was doing in that instant I pulled two bananas out of my bag, which was the very out of habit snack I packed that day. Seeing them in my hand snapped me awake and I realized I was clouded by false empathetic judgements and discord, and I knew to let it go. 


Today I was contemplating something that happened when I was a kid. I was with a group of kids skating on the pond by our house and my mom had clearly shown us a fallen tree as a guideline to stay away from the source of the pond where the ice might be thin. To show off after she left, I put my foot just over the fallen tree and it went through with that first step. I was shocked. I equated it to "you better behave or else" and believed that God was essentially dealing instant karma. INSTANT karma. Sometimes I wondered if it was just me, if I was not allowed to do bad things and ever feel good, but other people were. 😂 I was contemplating that today walking in the woods, and again, without thinking put my foot through some thin ice where water pooled in the trail just for the satisfaction of it and again was snapped awake. 



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I once had some great conversations with someone, it was this time of year and I told him as a metaphor that he was like a kid that wouldn't eat his Easter bunny because he was afraid of harming it and had to keep it perfect. Later I had a strong intuition to go to this certain area and when I did I checked a little free book box and in it was a half eaten Easter bunny and a book about creating your own reality. 

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I was really mad at the world and went to a gas station I never go to because my local one closed. Everything about it pissed me off, the way they blared advertisements at me as soon as I started pumping gas, the way their signs blocked the intersection so I couldn't see oncoming traffic. The next time I went back I was feeling much better and playing on the radio was this song, 

which I forever connect with getting gas because of the scene in the movie Zoolander where this song is playing...

Thought it was hilarious. Then a couple months ago my husband and I were in Tampa, getting ready to return a rental car and needed a gas station, and he plugged it into the GPS and it was sending us way too far out and I knew it was wrong. Then this song came on the radio timed just perfectly and I relaxed, and we drove past the most convenient gas station in a city ever. 


WAKE ME UP before you go go...

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A few occasions I've made a video that ended up having severe technical problems and I linked that to the collective telling me that it doesn't want me to post that video because it doesn't want that content.  So there's a working with between the I and the Whole.  The Whole is extracting what it wants out of each I.  That's an example.  Sometimes the collective rejects what I want to do through a kind of indirect way and I'll go ah!  Ok!.  It doesn't want that.  And then I'm like, cool.  Not everything I want to do is what the Collective wants from me.  Sometimes the Collective will speak to me in this manner through synchronicities.  Maybe I need to see a shrink lol.  But it's true and I respect these kinds of experiences that point to the Will of the Whole.


So the synchronicity is between (1) the technical problems and (2) the insight that It doesn't want this from me.  Those are two things that appear on a surface level to have no causal relation but also appear together.

A synchronicity =  the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but [on a surface level appear to] have no discernible causal connection.  Definition acquired from Google search.  My extension to the definition is in brackets.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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29 minutes ago, Mandy said:

In high school the girl I hated the most had the same first name as me and on graduation, I learned that she also had the same middle name as me. I also happened to hate my first and middle names. 😂

My best friend and me have the same first name and initials and are opposite zodiac signs. 

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Sometimes I'll be thinking I'm gonna make a certain video and then reality will tell me I'm gonna make a different video, and the way it does it is I don't feel like making that first video.  But see the feeling of not wanting to do it is not just happenstance.  It's like reality is selecting from me what it wants but I feel like I'm the one in control who just was lazy for whatever.  Sometimes it will be like no you're not going to make a video today when I set my mind to do that.  But I'll just chalk it up to being lazy not knowing the deeper system at work.  So there's a working with between what my mind wants and what reality wants from me.  And I think a lot of synchronicities sort of originate in this conflict or working with between the individual I vs./and the collective Whole duality.  Now I just let whatever happens happen and I don't judge it too much.  The Muse is unpredictable and I like to be nice to it and kind let it guide me as much as I like to think I'm guiding myself.

Here's a video I made about exactly a year ago (but reposted recently) that kind of gives a broader context to what I wrote above:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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@Mandy 😄

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Was at the office takin a break, just kind of looking around at the place reminiscing & appreciating. Moved from employment in retail to self employment in this industry. I find it more preferable and easy to appreciate in a ‘where I started / came from sense’. Thinking about the timing of the change of industries, just before having the little ones, etc. Got a lil choked up frankly. Difficulties, challenges, yes, but the beauty of it all, heck Yes. Was told my interview was here. ‘That’s enough of that, back to work’. Guy comes in, first question is why are you looking for a change. He explains it’s because while he has thrived, he’s tired of some aspects of retail, and is getting married and they’re planning to have kids. Source you sob. 🥹

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