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Guys, Never late, NEVER LATE TO LOVE


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After so called maximum 60 years, almost none of us will be here. I just want to thank everyone for these beatiful sharings, talkings, understandings, lovings, tryings, feelings, most importantly having someone to talk to. Even if we cant be together physically, all hearts are together. Thats the way to worship, help, surrender and honor the heaven and appreciating to nothingness. Believe me even for having a body, someone to talk to, touch to, feel to. YOU ARE THE LUCKIEST PERSON EVER. NEVER FORGET THAT. YOU ALREADY HAVE YOU. Stop wasting your time with wanting, expectations. LOVE LOVE LOVE EVERYTHING YOU CAN. It is never late. NEVER. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

This is true: It's Never too Late to Love - You can be aligned with Love which at the highest level that I currently know of is Telos.  Most of us on here have integrated some love.  I credit that to @Phil's strengths and leadership on this issue.  And @Mandy too equally.  We're all bigger than whatever nonsense!  That's the key insight.  We survive the nonsense lol.  I shouldn't laugh, but to laugh is good too.  Laughter is truth on some level.  It's nonsense is one of the highest truths (but not the highest).  

Telos is just a pretentious word you obviously jacked from actualized and aren't even using correctly.

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