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How to achieve financial independence ASAP?

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Does it simply boil down to getting a job and making income via whatever means and then save some money every month to future investment? 

I don't even have a college degree yet and I won't for at least the next 5 years .does that mean I will be stuck depending on my family to pay my bills and stuff ? I don't like that. I feel like it emasculates me . I'm 26 now and it's time to be a grown ass man and afford for myself .

Also..Here’s why most college graduates will NEVER experience financial freedom.

So, first I wanna answer the question..why do most people pursue a college degree?

Because a degree increases the value of their skills... correct?

Yes, absolutely true, it’s been proven over and over again that college graduates are more likely to get paid higher wages than those who don’t have the fancy degree.

Well then, if that’s true, why will most college graduates NEVER experience financial freedom?

Because there’s zero leverage in HOW these people work!

Here’s the math if i take the traditional job-route.

My college-acquired skills are more valuable. So I will be able to make more per hour, per day or per month.

Yes, true!

But, this is how I will be  making  money if i follow the traditional path that most colleges teach us

“Go get a job.”


Paycheck = (Skill) x (Time)

That means I have to work my ass off for a good half a decade before I can get my shit (money situation) together in life . Isn't there an alternative?  I want to invest but I don't even have any income at all . I think that's the most important thing for me at the moment. Is to Start making money via any means possible. 

So I have few questions:

1- what's the fastest way to achieve financial freedom ?

2-can I start making income from any other source than 9-5 jobs because I don't have time because I have university assignments,exams and projects to work on? 

3-lest suppose I started making money independently..it seems to me that they will only serve me in the  short term..because I have Tons of bills to pay ..from food to electricity to rent etc...so I won't be saving much to invest in the future. So what's up with that ? How to save money for the long run ?

Thanks 😊 

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Find mentors, improve spending habits, get into a career that resonates with you and also can make lots of money. And meditate every morning as much as possible within your schedule. Also, at night put your hands together, express appreciation, try to see how the things that seem really tough in your life are really not that big of a deal.



Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

The first step is the willingness to challenge your own assumptions of what’s possible and what you’re capable of. 

The second step is noticing & no longer projecting.  

Third step is kind of inherent in the second step, honesty. 

When I first read this ..the first thing I thought of was why on earth would I possibly need to challenge myself lol . I don't know my full potential. And honestly I feel like its pretty low. At this stage of my life I feel I have had enough external challenges to last me a lifetime. Why would I possibly want to look for more? That's the excuse that I justify why I'm not manifesting my peak potential.  But you do have a point . I can do it .that's just the course of life and how stuff happen . I need to let go of that irresponsible teen inside me who just cares about instant gratification and get into more stoic mode . Although it's the way less traveled .because its getting outside my comfort zone .

1 hour ago, Orb said:

Find mentors, improve spending habits, get into a career that resonates with you and also can make lots of money. And meditate every morning as much as possible within your schedule. Also, at night put your hands together, express appreciation, try to see how the things that seem really tough in your life are really not that big of a deal.



Thanks for your perspective.  But I don't think this is a handy advice . I'm not looking for appreciating what I have..I'm looking for increasing what I have . Improvement not acceptance .

Yeah you have a point that I'm rather blessed to live in 21st century where life is much easier than it used to be in the past . But the rat race took on a whole new level .in today's world you can't get a decent job without a fucking uni degree .and if you work without it ..you will work a wage slave job that eates all of your energy. 


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@Someone here you're talking to a guy who has a more than decent job with ZERO degrees lol. Appreciation is abundance, when you see youre already rich, then you both stop caring about money and at the same time start making a lot of it. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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3 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Someone here you're talking to a guy who has a more than decent job with ZERO degrees lol.


How did you do it ? What you do for a living (If you don't mind me asking )?

4 minutes ago, Orb said:

Appreciation is abundance, when you see youre already rich, then you both stop caring about money and at the same time start making a lot of it.

As far as I'm concerned..abundance mindset is genuinely believing that you either have a lot of good things in your life, or you have the opportunity to get good things in your life.

I don't have neither of them at the moment. 

I think what you suggest is not about playing hard to get or lying to myself, but instead genuinely being more happy with what i have and not being needy. That has its place in life .but my mindset have shifted in the last few months .because I'm having difficulties with my family (with whom I live ) and I want to increase and progress. Not much for accepting at the moment. 

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31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

When I first read this ..the first thing I thought of was why on earth would I possibly need to challenge myself lol .

The first step is the willingness to challenge your own assumptions of what’s possible and what you’re capable of. 

The second step is noticing & no longer projecting.  

Third step is kind of inherent in the second step, honesty. 


What was said was ‘challenging your own assumptions’. It was assumed this means ‘challenging myself’, but that is not what was said. That was skipping step one as if it didn’t happen, and jumping into skipping step two as well. The third ‘step’ is result the underlying nature of no longer skipping over the first & second steps. 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I don't know my full potential.

Challenge the assumption that that is even possible in the first place. 

Check direct experience to see if there even actually is a my potential. 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And honestly I feel like its pretty low.

No, honesty feels amazing. It’s a natural ‘high’, truth, happiness, bliss. 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

At this stage of my life I feel I have had enough external challenges to last me a lifetime.

Question the assumption there are external challenges at all. 

Let alone a lifetime of! 😅 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Why would I possibly want to look for more?

Check those three steps again. Looking for more isn’t being suggested brother. 🙏 

Not to project is to notice projection and instead, take pause. 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

That's the excuse that I justify why I'm not manifesting my peak potential.

That’s how you veil that you already are. 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

  But you do have a point . I can do it .

On a projection scale of 1 to 10, you’re in Spinal Tap territory my good man. 


No one said you can do it. 


31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

that's just the course of life and how stuff happen .

No Such Thing. 🙏 

31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I need to let go of that irresponsible teen inside me who just cares about instant gratification and get into more stoic mode . Although it's the way less traveled .because its getting outside my comfort zone .

Or effortlessly focus on what you do what. 

Dreamboard makes it very easy, more so, reveals the effortlessness of what (already) is. 

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51 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Phil how to unlock my full potential? 

What is that? 

If you asked how to unlock a door, in recognition of what “door” points to, I’d say use the “key”. 


Perhaps the conceptual has been a hand full of beans all along…?



“What is the key?”

Here is the key:

The first step is the willingness to challenge your own assumptions of what’s possible and what you’re capable of. 

The second step is noticing & no longer projecting.  

Third step is kind of inherent in the second step, honesty. 


But how do I unlock “my full potential”?



Garbage in, garbage out. 


“But how do I manifest everything I actually want?!”
Write it on a dreamboard, and allow & receive it.


But how do I unlock “my full potential”?!



On a most practical note, so to speak of course, when I was in college full time I worked a full time job, and had two part time jobs, and a family. My question is, what in the world do you do with your abundance of free time?

My assumption would be conjecture, years of listening to pointless discordant conceptual rumination which arises of emotional suppression. 

But you know what they say about assumptions. That’s step one. 



Intentions. Still, unwilling to see intentions. Namely your own. 



Hard to miss on a dreamboard.

Simple, straightforward, not a single thought is needed. 

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20 minutes ago, Phil said:

The first step is the willingness to challenge your own assumptions of what’s possible and what you’re capable of. 

The second step is noticing & no longer projecting.  

Third step is kind of inherent in the second step, honesty. 


What was said was ‘challenging your own assumptions’. It was assumed this means ‘challenging myself’, but that is not what was said. That was skipping step one as if it didn’t happen, and jumping into skipping step two as well. The third ‘step’ is result the underlying nature of no longer skipping over the first & second steps. 


Challenge the assumption that that is even possible in the first place. 

Check direct experience to see if there even actually is a my potential. 


No, honesty feels amazing. It’s a natural ‘high’, truth, happiness, bliss. 


Question the assumption there are external challenges at all. 

Let alone a lifetime of! 😅 


Check those three steps again. Looking for more isn’t being suggested brother. 🙏 

Not to project is to notice projection and instead, take pause. 


That’s how you veil that you already are. 


On a projection scale of 1 to 10, you’re in Spinal Tap territory my good man. 


No one said you can do it. 


No Such Thing. 🙏 

Or effortlessly focus on what you do what. 

Dreamboard makes it very easy, more so, reveals the effortlessness of what (already) is. 

Yeah you said challenge my assumptions. To me that means challenging myself . Because the assumptions are the concurrent features of myself. 

Is it enough to challenge my own beliefs, or those of others ???


Yes, I have said that before, but it's TRUE!

To challenge beliefs like challenging the  religion i grew up with (in this case Hinduism). Which is not easy to do.  Because those mofos (parents lol) deeply condition you with their bullshit that they themselves have picked from the lineage. To challenge your own beliefs is far more difficult. You have to make a determined effort to work past them and to replace beliefs with proven facts. This isn't an instant process by any stretch of the imagination; indeed it may take half a lifetime. 

The part about the dreamboard..I have noticed that some weird attraction happening recently in my life .I won't get into details..but damn man..the dreamboard thing actually fuckikg WORKS😅

I attracted few stuff into my daily routine which were difficult for me to do by simply focusing on what's important to me . For example I have stopped consuming cigarettes and that's a huge metric in my health condition. Im actually not sure if you should put on the dreamboard also what you do NOT want.  Because I wrote being "smoke-free " .and that's it .

27 minutes ago, Phil said:

What is that? 

If you asked how to unlock a door, in recognition of what “door” points to, I’d say use the “key”. 


Perhaps the conceptual has been a hand full of beans all along…?



“What is the key?”

Here is the key:

The first step is the willingness to challenge your own assumptions of what’s possible and what you’re capable of. 

The second step is noticing & no longer projecting.  

Third step is kind of inherent in the second step, honesty. 


But how do I unlock “my full potential”?



Garbage in, garbage out. 


“But how do I manifest everything I actually want?!”
Write it on a dreamboard, and allow & receive it.


But how do I unlock “my full potential”?!



On a most practical note, so to speak of course, when I was in college full time I worked a full time job, and had two part time jobs, and a family. My question is, what in the world do you do with your abundance of free time?

My assumption would be listening to pointless discordant rumination. 

But you know what they say about assumptions. That’s step one. 

Haha nah I'm actually thinking of leaving the actualized .org forum and just stick to your forum (if it wasn't for that I'm addicted to the actualized.org forum I would have left long ago ..and now I'm getting addicted to your forum lol 😆).

Also give this generation of men  some credit. This era has more distractions than the era when you were in my age . You know ..video games ,junk food ,porn ,social media platforms etc. 

Im not making excuses. But it's just a fact that this era made men more beta and unproductive because of the luxurious life they live early on.


What I mean by unlocking my full potential is that I have capabilities that are  awesomy but they are not being put into practice. I like making music on my computer for instance.  I mix a lot of songs and make my own new music.  But I'm not taking it to the ultimate  end.  I could start uploading it on YouTube but I didn't.

To my understanding If I want to release my potential, i just have to train in the area u want to improve and practice! practice! practice! The more effort i put into developing a skill, mindset or goal, the more likely I am  to achieve it. That's it in a nutshell. So I want solutions to laziness and procrastination. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Yeah you said challenge my assumptions. To me that means challenging myself . Because the assumptions are the concurrent features of myself. 

Is it enough to challenge my own beliefs, or those of others ???


Yes, I have said that before, but it's TRUE!

That you could challenge yourself is an assumption. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

To challenge beliefs like challenging the  religion i grew up with (in this case Hinduism). Which is not easy to do.  Because those mofos (parents lol) deeply condition you with their bullshit that they themselves have picked from the lineage. To challenge your own beliefs is far more difficult. You have to make a determined effort to work past them and to replace beliefs with proven facts. This isn't an instant process by any stretch of the imagination; indeed it may take half a lifetime. 

Those are the assumptions to inspect. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:


The part about the dreamboard..I have noticed that some weird attraction happening recently in my life .I won't get into details..but damn man..the dreamboard thing actually fuckikg WORKS😅

Yep. Sure does.  🎩

The only ‘challenging’ aspect is the assumption, “I know”. 


1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I attracted few stuff into my daily routine which were difficult for me to do by simply focusing on what's important to me . For example I have stopped consuming cigarettes and that's a huge metric in my health condition. Im actually not sure if you should put on the dreamboard also what you do NOT want.  Because I wrote being "smoke-free " .and that's it .

Smoke-free is wanted. 

CONGRATS btw!!! 👊🏻 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Haha nah I'm actually thinking of leaving the actualized .org forum and just stick to your forum (if it wasn't for that I'm addicted to the actualized.org forum I would have left long ago ..and now I'm getting addicted to your forum lol 😆).

Another assumption. 🫤 No one’s talking about conceptualized.org.  The conjecture is indicative only of suppression. The same dogmatic  fundamentalist separatism can be found at virtually any church. 

Yet interestingly, not at all per se in the alleged writings of Jesus. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Also give this generation of men  some credit. This era has more distractions than the era when you were in my age . You know ..video games ,junk food ,porn ,social media platforms etc. 

Im not making excuses. But it's just a fact that this era made men more beta and unproductive because of the luxurious life they live early on.

It’s a generation of assumers & excuse makers. 🙂

1 hour ago, Someone here said:


What I mean by unlocking my full potential is that I have capabilities that are  awesomy but they are not being put into practice. I like making music on my computer for instance.  I mix a lot of songs and make my own new music.  But I'm not taking it to the ultimate  end.  I could start uploading it on YouTube but I didn't.

To my understanding If I want to release my potential, i just have to train in the area u want to improve and practice! practice! practice! The more effort i put into developing a skill, mindset or goal, the more likely I am  to achieve it. That's it in a nutshell. So I want solutions to laziness and procrastination. 

And indeed, they are offered, just not received. It’s the original three steps brother. Much love!


Write what you want on the right side of the dreamboard, and allow all the deets to fill in to the left. 

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32 minutes ago, Phil said:

That you could challenge yourself is an assumption. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Yes it is. 

I know You have a problem with the "myself " part aren't you 😅? Because it assumes that there is two of you.  Me +myself . But why do you think this word exists in all world's languages? 

34 minutes ago, Phil said:

Smoke-free is wanted. 

CONGRATS btw!!! 👊🏻 

Thanks 😊 

35 minutes ago, Phil said:

Another assumption. 🫤 No one’s talking about conceptualized.org.  The conjecture is indicative only of emotional suppression. You will find the same dogmatic  fundamentalist separatism at virtually any church. 

Yet interestingly, not at all per se from the writings of J

41 minutes ago, Phil said:



What these people are claiming goes against what Jesus said. He said that the road to salvation is narrow, and very few will find it. This narrow road implies obedience to everything he taught, something that very few are doing.

The churches tickle their visitors' ears for a couple of hours, and then everyone returns to their greedy lifestyles.

37 minutes ago, Phil said:

It’s a generation of assumers & excuse makers. 🙂

Lmao 🤣.

Seriously though..men today are more feminine than ever . You see those silly teenagers on TikTok jiggling their butt lol 😆 wtf .hilarious man.

38 minutes ago, Phil said:

And indeed, they are offered, just not received. It’s the original three steps brother. Much love

I could be misunderstanding you, but it sounds like you’re a perfectionist like me. Perfectionism is kind of like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Been there, done that too.) We know that we’re capable of great things, just if… we had… “X.” If we had that “X” we could do “it”  whatever and anything! “X” could be a tool, or material, or some little bit of knowledge, talent, skill, the words, idea, inspiration!l

And it would be perfect! If we could just unlock “X.”

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Big Bang Theory of the start of the universe. One little… “X-BANG” started the whole thing. Of course, then it took a zillion years of expansion to get it here on Earth, but that gets us to an old saying, “Every great work is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” You’ve had the inspiration, so now’s the perspiration part. Trust me when I say I'm not making excuses . I just didn't have any father figure or role model to get my ass inspired. 

But i got no other options. To improve myself or to live a shitty lame mediocre one. It's my choice 😌

41 minutes ago, Phil said:

Much love!

Thank you .I appreciate  you 🙏

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@Someone here I did it by visualizing, looking at the bigger picture, and just trusting the process. And the time will come when youll feel ready to start expressing appreciation. You got this. My job is an office type job.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Someone here *High five* on being smoke free!!! You really can do what you love. Follow your interests and it will lead somewhere good. I have about 50-100 side hustle with big potential or business ideas I would absolutely love to do, but I already have a good one. This might not seem like it connects at first, but I listened to this Brene Brown talk yesterday... it's really damn good and I think it comes into play here. With anything you go into,  accepting where you are now is gonna take some vulnerability and is gonna be what propels you forward. Accept the vulnerability of being supported by your family... in that is your power. The business I have now I started while living with my parents. I accepted that gift, even if it was really uncomfortable at times, looked forward to what I wanted and it paid off as well as being enjoyable to do. The vulnerability is really of course the openness to feeling.  




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43 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Someone here *High five* on being smoke free!!! You really can do what you love. Follow your interests and it will lead somewhere good. I have about 50-100 side hustle with big potential or business ideas I would absolutely love to do, but I already have a good one. This might not seem like it connects at first, but I listened to this Brene Brown talk yesterday... it's really damn good and I think it comes into play here. With anything you go into,  accepting where you are now is gonna take some vulnerability and is gonna be what propels you forward. Accept the vulnerability of being supported by your family... in that is your power. The business I have now I started while living with my parents. I accepted that gift, even if it was really uncomfortable at times, looked forward to what I wanted and it paid off as well as being enjoyable to do. The vulnerability is really of course the openness to feeling.  




Thanks Mandy🙂. I'm only three weeks in (without cigarettes). I hope I can make it to the end of the year .
will watch the video

I'm actually struggling to accept where I am in life financially speaking . There is a lot of stuff I want to try but lack of money prevents me . I didn't live an exciting teenage years .I saw the other wealthy boys buying the nicest clothes and the newset brand watch etc and I couldn't do anything about it other than being jealous and envy them.
The problem is that if you are wealthy, you can afford to spend more so that you can spend less. You buy the more expensive car that’s more reliable…and not the junker that needs major repairs every other month. You buy in bulk and save. You buy clothes that last for years. You go to the doctor before the cough turns into pneumonia.

But if you’re living on the edge of survival, utterly trivial things can compound themselves into disasters.
May I ask you what do you do for a living ? I know its a personal touchy question ..so don't shy away from withholding the answer if you want . I just want to gather a consensus of how do people at my age make money (sorry I don't know your age, but I assume you are at your late 20s or early 30s).

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yes it is. 

I know You have a problem with the "myself " part aren't you 😅? Because it assumes that there is two of you.  Me +myself .

No, no problem. It’s like uncluttering the mind, allowing the simplicity of truth or what is. 

I of course only mean it in the ‘getting out of your own way’ sense, or de-conditioning, unlimiting.

Challenging assumptions, the thoughts & beliefs, isn’t quite the same as ‘challenging yourself’. 


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

But why do you think this word exists in all world's languages? 

Where else would it?


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

What these people are claiming goes against what Jesus said. He said that the road to salvation is narrow, and very few will find it. This narrow road implies obedience to everything he taught, something that very few are doing.

The churches tickle their visitors' ears for a couple of hours, and then everyone returns to their greedy lifestyles.

I never really got the impression he was a teacher or was preaching obedience. Seems really opposite. Seems like the funniest guy who ever was. Like parable cosmic joke humor. 


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Seriously though..men today are more feminine than ever . You see those silly teenagers on TikTok jiggling their butt lol 😆 wtf .hilarious man.

Feminine is good imo. Overly & thus easily distracted though. I have actually seen Tik Tok yet. 


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I could be misunderstanding you, but it sounds like you’re a perfectionist like me. Perfectionism is kind of like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Been there, done that too.) We know that we’re capable of great things, just if… we had… “X.” If we had that “X” we could do “it”  whatever and anything! “X” could be a tool, or material, or some little bit of knowledge, talent, skill, the words, idea, inspiration!l

And it would be perfect! If we could just unlock “X.”


I’m sure you’ve heard of the Big Bang Theory of the start of the universe. One little… “X-BANG” started the whole thing. Of course, then it took a zillion years of expansion to get it here on Earth, but that gets us to an old saying, “Every great work is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” You’ve had the inspiration, so now’s the perspiration part. Trust me when I say I'm not making excuses . I just didn't have any father figure or role model to get my ass inspired. 

But i got no other options. To improve myself or to live a shitty lame mediocre one. It's my choice 😌

I’m perfectionist? Have you seen any of my videos? Lol

Improving yourself is kind of like challenging yourself. The changes desired are of experience, not of you…beliefs & assumptions are experienced, and aren’t about you… isn’t it so?n Maybe time will tell, idk. 


Perspiration is great. The more the better imo. But it doesn’t equal suffering or confusion. Why not 100% inspiration 100% perspiration you now what I mean? 


Sorry to hear you didn’t have a father figure. That is lame & I really am sorry. Dreamboard man. Like you said, you write it, reality be’s it. It get’s pretty damn inspiring and magical pretty quick. That right & left writing, seeing all the gaps fill in, that’s what I’ve always ‘done’. Doing it now watching a fourth business unfold. Very inspiring & exciting. 


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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Thanks Mandy🙂. I'm only three weeks in (without cigarettes). I hope I can make it to the end of the year .

Three weeks is awesome. 


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I'm actually struggling to accept where I am in life financially speaking . There is a lot of stuff I want to try but lack of money prevents me . I didn't live an exciting teenage years .I saw the other wealthy boys buying the nicest clothes and the newset brand watch etc and I couldn't do anything about it other than being jealous and envy them.
The problem is that if you are wealthy, you can afford to spend more so that you can spend less. You buy the more expensive car that’s more reliable…and not the junker that needs major repairs every other month. You buy in bulk and save. You buy clothes that last for years. You go to the doctor before the cough turns into pneumonia.

Kinda true on some level, but the real currency (think current like "flow" or "now") is appreciation. (Think "appreciate" like, this asset appreciates.) It's not accidental that these words have multiple meanings. Wouldn't you rather be an appreciative AF poor dude than a miserable entitled AF rich one? In he moment, what is wealth other than a concept? It's the feeling of worth and freedom we want. Limitation only enhances appreciation unless the limitation itself is directly focused on. 

2 hours ago, Someone here said:

But if you’re living on the edge of survival, utterly trivial things can compound themselves into disasters.
May I ask you what do you do for a living ? I know its a personal touchy question ..so don't shy away from withholding the answer if you want . I just want to gather a consensus of how do people at my age make money (sorry I don't know your age, but I assume you are at your late 20s or early 30s).

I make glass beads in the flame of a torch and sell my beads and jewelry. 

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On 12/7/2022 at 6:39 AM, Someone here said:

That means

Careful not to come to a conclusion. Remain open minded. This allows opportunities to be seen. 


On 12/7/2022 at 6:39 AM, Someone here said:

I have to work my ass off for a good half a decade before I can get my shit (money situation) together in life . Isn't there an alternative?  I want to invest but I don't even have any income at all . I think that's the most important thing for me at the moment. Is to Start making money via any means possible. 

So I have few questions:

1- what's the fastest way to achieve financial freedom ?

Create a company, invention, product, patent, etc that generates income in an ongoing manor. 

Often one works a lot initially and ‘replaces themself’ - trains to the tune of moving from hands on operator to owner / overseer. 

You could also do any of the above with someone or a group. 


There’s also funding… private, secured, and the various go fund me websites. 


Around here at least… a first home purchase can be a major financial windfall. Lot’s ins & outs of programs available. 

On 12/7/2022 at 6:39 AM, Someone here said:

2-can I start making income from any other source than 9-5 jobs because I don't have time because I have university assignments,exams and projects to work on? 

Use all the other time. Also multitask. Some jobs, often evening & weekend jobs, have a lot of downtime in which you could do schoolwork and or a business plan. 


On 12/7/2022 at 6:39 AM, Someone here said:

3-lest suppose I started making money independently..it seems to me that they will only serve me in the  short term..because I have Tons of bills to pay ..from food to electricity to rent etc...so I won't be saving much to invest in the future. So what's up with that ?

Make more money and or reduce overhead. 


On 12/7/2022 at 6:39 AM, Someone here said:


How to save money for the long run ?

Invest. Some investments produce income now, and appreciate as future income. 

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I wouldn't know but what I would know is that you can redefine your understanding of abundance, to use and allow all shapes and forms of abundance to come into your life rather than only one form you know as money, and you will find with practice and play, you can live from less and by allowing in more.

The paradox of creation ❤️

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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