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Posts posted by Ges

  1. Tomorrow I will be meeting with the development team and staff in person and for the first time. I don't feel anything about it in particular, and I don't have many thoughts, either. It will probably be fun.

    In the meantime, I'll keep on practicing more JS while studying the theory of C. I have found that learning C is the best way to learn programming.

  2. @Indisguise Here are a few thoughts:

    1. Prioritize according to importance and alignment with your values.
    2. Remove/Decrease time spent on unnecessary activities. Ex: Video games, TV, YouTube, etc.
    3. Merge spiritual practice with daily activities. Ex: Use the time spent on transportation for meditation.
    4. Make sure you don't turn #3 into multi-tasking.
    5. Trial and error, and struggling for a few days or a couple of weeks, then you'll get used to it.
    6. Don't worry. Time management is a skill, and it gets better with time.
    • Spiritual ego is the ugliest and most disgusting kind of ego. No-selves fighting over No-thing.
    • All suffering is well-deserved. Selfishness costs happiness. No more sympathy for the human suffering.
  3. Shout out to @Joseph Maynor for all the content he releases and the wisdom he shares on his YouTube channels:

    Accountability Partners Community & Joseph Maynor, Development Work, Intellect Mastery


    @Joseph MaynorI really enjoy watching your videos, and was wondering if you had already made or are planning on making a video explaining the masculine and feminine from an overview perspective, as well as leading with the masculine vs. leading with the feminine and how it looks like from each polarity individually. If such a video already exists, please point me to it. Thanks.


    P.S. I have already watched the series on leading with the masculine and leading with the feminine, but for some unknown reason they were not enough for me 😁

  4. So I have an internship interview tomorrow at noon. If I pass the interview, I will be working/training remotely for 3 months and probably for free, then probably officially start working. Not exactly what I ultimately want for now, but good enough as a first step. Hope everything goes well.

    They've asked me to do 4 tests before accepting me in the interview, the results are in the screenshots below:







    Indeed, I manipulated the personality tests to get the results I anticipate they wanted to see, cuz I know personality tests/types are BS.

    Then I tried to send the response email through my main email (Hotmail) which failed me for some reason. It got blocked/suspended for the first time (thanks life, you always disappoint). So I had to go through some trouble and eventually resort to my backup email in order to reach the company's HR, who was very gentle and understanding. My main email seems to be lost forever, but it's only linked to my Facebook account so it's no biggie.


    For the remaining time, I will be researching on how to prepare for a front-end internship interview. Maybe I'll get an edge or something. But if it didn't work out, then I'm gonna continue as before, like nothing had happened, while taking the lessons for future interviews etc. (fill in the blanks positive-psychology, self-help stuff).


    We will see...

  5. @Joseph Maynor What can I say except that I hope you're right?

    On a different note, I can't thank you enough for all the insights you share on your channels, man. I'd already watched the stage Emerald video and been watching "Unpacking The Issue of Epistemology" when you posted the reply. I thought it was kind of on point with the discussion as I think Leo is very similar to Spinoza.

  6. 9 hours ago, Ges said:

    Being privileged is relative. Does having your basic needs met equal being privileged? What are the basic needs, anyway?


    I'll add that it is likely that for many people spirituality is perhaps one of the most basic needs, and that it only changes in how it manifests but never goes away. I could argue that even materialism is a form of spirituality.

  7. @Joseph Maynor The Mystic dude is clearly delusional. It looks like religious delusions, so I think it is part ideology and part mental illness. I think he should probably check with a therapist, or at least stay away from these topics until he recovers and gains a little bit of perspective, clarity, and detachment. Practices like meditation and contemplation are always good and he should probably stick with them more instead of mindlessly consuming and recycling other people's ideas.

    Like, for God's sake, he came here just to proselytize to us after many of us had fled from his brainwashing there, what does that tell you? I just hope he isn't proselytizing that way in real life because that would probably be pretty problematic for him.

  8. 1 hour ago, Robed Mystic said:

    No.  I was talking about the way of the world- not my personal embodiment of Selflessness.  It is not possible as a finite self to not have bias.   But one can be self aware of their own biases.  Or tbey may be blind to them.

    You used what you call "the way of the world" to justify the double standard that you accept from the moderation team. You think that it's okay for Leo to be a jerk and for his mods to applaud him and nod along in agreement because that's "the way of the world".


    The kicker is that Leo himself doesn't have such a double standard. He doesn't punish arrogance or jerk-type comments as long as they're at a similar level to his. Leo is very tolerant of bad behavior because he knows himself very well. It's just some mods that are dissociated with this fact and have their own imaginary guidelines that they try to enforce on everyone except Leo.


    So even if we ignore all the fallacies you're committing, the mods actually are not doing well in this regard, your arguments don't hold any value, and this discussion is completely pointless.

  9. 1 hour ago, Robed Mystic said:

    You will find double standards everywhere.


    And yet, you're here preaching about being unbiased.

    Don't you see the irony and contradiction? And most importantly, don't you see the hypocrisy?

    Are you that much blind? Or do you not have any level of self-awareness?


    You justify Actualized biases by highlighting the fact that there are biases everywhere. That is a textbook whataboutism fallacy.


    1 hour ago, Robed Mystic said:

    Do you have a job?  If you do - I guarantee your boss doesn't follow the same rules his employees do...at least not behind the scenes.  There is a rule that is bent somewhere.


    Now, this is the false equivalence fallacy mixed with the double standard fallacy.

    You're saying that since hierarchies exist at work (and basically everywhere), then they're fine and should exist in Actualized. And I would agree, but that's not where you're wrong.
    You're wrong in rationalizing away poor behavior of the mods by equating it with the good behavior of some boss at work. You either think that being a jerk is necessary for moderating an online forum, and/or that it's okay for bosses to abuse the privileges they have, and so by extension it's also okay for mods to do the same, which at the very least is extremely myopic.


    1 hour ago, Robed Mystic said:

    Not  here defending anyone


    Obviously lol.

  10. 7 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

    Now- you will find in life there are double standards everywhere.   It is unfair but it is the way of the world because of the ego's selfishness.


    You're like the worst lawyer ever. It's embarrassing enough to be here defending Leo, but this comment alone is at a whole new level of embarrassment.

  11. 53 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

    Or maybe you actually broke the guidelines on that particular forum and you got spanked for it.  


    Maybe. Why do you care?


    The point is that Leo breaks the guidelines all the time, and the mods just nod along, justify, or at best remain silent. He is literally the biggest jerk on his own forum. But to his loyal mods, he's the almighty God that can do no wrong, and so here we are.

  12. 11 hours ago, Space4This said:


    It's easy to judge moderators, because they're supposed to represent a standard,


    It's kind of funny that the standard they're supposed to represent does not apply to the admin. I've been warned and given penalties many times for saying things in a way similar to Leo, and I only did that because I thought it was okay since he does it this way. And the irony is that the mod that issued me the most warnings and penalties was a huge supporter of everything Leo says and does, and they would jump into his defense all the time or remain silent, but never criticize. The double standard there is iconic.

  13. On Actualized moderation team...


    I've always had problems with the way that forum is moderated. And I admit, I've been problematic too. I can be very difficult to deal with sometimes.

    However, the issue is still there, not only for me but for many people. I think of Actualized moderation team as children with guns, they don't know how or when to use them, so they end up causing more harm than good. Honestly, the best moderator there I think is Leo himself. He often makes proper judgments, and rarely misses. He has been consistent with that since ever I knew him.

    I don't want to name names, but I don't think moderators who are too passive are good either. It's a balance, and a combination of multiple factors. For example, a moderator should be able to be impartial, detached from ego, and constructive. They should be able to exercise containment as well as strong boundaries. As well, they should have patience, good intentions, and good interpersonal skills. Unfortunately, many Actualized mods don't meet most of these criteria (especially the more active ones), as Leo picks them mainly based on loyalty, later more so than earlier. But to be fair, there are a handful of really good mods that have earned my respect over the years.

    The problems that I have faced the most with some of the mods is poor judgment and top-down communication style, which put simply is inflated ego and abuse of power. There is a certain form of bureaucracy going on there that enables the aforementioned behaviors. Some mods seem to use their powers just because they can, regardless of effect. They're too liberal with the warnings and the points, and think that they're "enforcing" the guidelines that way, but I think on a deeper level the bigger motivation is a desire to dominate and show power. They don't distinguish between honest and genuine behavior that is problematic and between malevolent and destructive behavior that is actually problematic.


    Again, I am not an angel, but to me the moderation team there is a net negative on average, at least in terms of development.


    Would be interested to hear everyone's thoughts too.

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