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Posts posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. Yesterday in the zoom call Phil you talked about (I´m going to paraphrase here because I don't remember exactly your words) something like Peripheral vision being a thought and not an actuality.


    So I have tried several times this exercise, putting my "vision" to the pheripheral area of my surroundings, and noticing that the thought "This is my peripheral vision" arises. 


    It has happened a weird shift in "zoom" sometimes when I do this exercise. Seems like the Sphere or Awareness its "zooming" into my body and its the one that "sees", not me. 


    Weird stuff, maybe someone can guide me forward or just tell me I´m going nowhere with this lol

  2. Hi, since there's people here that probably have done more spiritual work than me someone can guide me in how can I better approach the greatest healing work project I'm working on: Deconstructing ALL Karma or The Pain Attachments of the ego.


    If not, just sharing this in case somebody finds it interesting or can help him. Right now this where I am:


    So basically this last couple of years I have verified some clear things about my 'suffering':


    1- My suffering or my main reason of suffering its not because of X or Y but its a very complex web of beliefs, thoughts, emotions, memories and identifications, probably formatted on childhood, but maybe also just 'heredited', (even though past lives might not be real LoL).

    I don't see life the way it is, I see life revolving around this Karma. It's shocking to realize, I absolutely been carrying this through all my life. I never been 'free' with the exceptions of some moments or when I take drugs (or meditate LoL).


    How to solve the 'suffering' or deconstruct this identifications its not by solving X or Y, its neither doing therapy, thinking more, or thinking different, or 'healing' myself. All of that do not solve Karma. 


    What solves it its literally Me Vibrating in a vibration above that one where the karmic bonds vibrate in. 


    Energy. Energy. Energy. It's all a matter of how intense, fluid, light your whole system vibrates, or how densely and slowly vibrates.


    And so since last summer I started some powerful Kriyas and energy work, designed my diet around it, and have quit a drug which I suspected was pulling me back into this lower vibrations.


    However, I must say, even though this energy practices and sadhana its the most powerful stuff ive ever tried so far, I would say its 20% potent of what I needed it to be (100% would be resolving Karma and leaving me free, in a vibration above it).


    I must confess, sometimes I take a certain drug that let me feel completely resolved of the karma. I manage myself to not get dependent on this drug or something like that, because my sadhana and spiritual work requires a mind that is totally clear. But I just gotta be honest, I find difficult to see in the future this Kriyas becoming x4 more potent. It's like the Karma vibration is way way way stronger and it ends up pulling me back. 


    It's true that I'm still learning the practices, there is a lot to master, a lot to learn. In a way I want to think that yes, someday I will be able to generate through the whole day this high energetic vibration and that will be it. I won. The complex web of pain of the ego will be gone. I know how to win it. I just need the correct tools to win it. And right now I´m like at 20% of effectivity with my current tools.



  3. 1 minute ago, Jonas Long said:

    He began the thread trying to examine his anger toward women and you basically popped in to encourage more of it, so I'm pretty sure he shouldn't be listening to you.  You both should listen to women more not less, and try to bring some patience and compassion and not knee jerk anger to it.  Anger doesn't cure anger.  

    You clearly don't understand the scale.


    Go read some David Hawkins and educate yourself. Talking to you its like talking to a wall right now. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

    You should really examine this a lot closer.  @Orb is most likely smart enough to ignore your "advice" but I didn't want to just let it go by.  Why are you so angry towards women, I'm curious.

    I am not sure, probably trauma that gets very deep in the first years of teen, adolescence, etc. But my main theory is that for some karmic reason I just vibrate deeply in shame-guilt with certain karmic bondages and anger releases that so it's a step forward. 


    Careful with assuming what @Orb needs. I could be wrong, but judging by his posts, it seems to me a clear case of someone stucked in shame vibration and that's a very fucked up place to be and he needs to get as fast as he can from that place. The last thing he needs is a feminine approach (which is usually at higher vibrations) to climb those first steps of the scale. 




    Anger vibrates at 150. More than even Desire and Grief! Notice how wrong you were thinking Anger its bad or useless.


    If I'm right and he is vibrating at 20-30-50, he needs a masculine-energy based approach to scale that (Anger). You thinking giving him +250 energy perspective its helping him, but its not realistic. His energetic aura and karma will not respond to it. He rationally might think you are right or understand you but it will do nothing for breaking his karma. 


    He needs what he needs right now. Not the hunky dory fantasy approach. The approach that actually saves your fucking life. I also would love that Life would just be 'be all Loving and solve all your traumas right now', but life doesn't work life that. Don't think life is so simple. 


  5. 1 minute ago, Jonas Long said:

    Your comment was pure anger about women.  

    Maybe. But I know I have all the right in the world to feel whatever I want to feel and express, in the same way that a woman that might have been domestically or sexually abused has all the space to feel and express hatred or anger towards men. 


    See here's the thing, even though anger might not be the best 'vibration' in reality (it's one of the lower ones actually), it has its place: it must be felt and expressed.

    When you guys instantly judge people that might have hatred or anger (like me), by saying thinks like incel, etc... (which the word itself vibrates in pure shame and guilt, so if you use it, you still haven't really transcended that vibration), you are contributing to the problem that you are critizing. 


    The irony is that you are not different than me, but you want to think you are so morally superior than me. Well guess what, you're not. 


  6. 1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    After having gone through the Leo Gura experiment with having someone call themselves God I’m not so sure it’s wise or obvious that one should call themselves God.

    I know, I think Leo Gura says it from the human perspective. I don't think his 'awakenings' from the past were incorrect, but I think he lost it with too much psychedelics and poor meditation/sober work.


    I say it from the 'Life' perspective.

    IME, There is only One God, and I was just pointing to Someone here that its him.


    If you happen to discover another God let me know 😅

  7. Her: Tall but thin, pretty, she just looks so fucking fragile

    Him: Tall but not too tall, but muscular, beard, face of just a fucking typical asshole, of course poorly dressed because all this guys are just fucking stupid.


    I was walking behind them and I was just flowing inside with rage. And you know what happened? The fucking guy gave a small slap to her ass. The girl replied to him in a child-like manner like she is 5 fucking years old, whining to him that don't he do that again. 

    My god, why the fuck are you so fragile and weak?? Didn't you grow up? How do you don't have some fucking self-respect? You are an adult for christ sake. 


    I'm telling you, this type of couples make reality a bad place. I fucking hate them with all my heart. If there were no consequences I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet inside one of each heads. The girl weak and fragile, the guy asshole and mediocrally strong. Fuck both of them. You make reality shit. Fuck you.

  8. On 3/24/2023 at 12:20 PM, WhiteOwl said:

    As the title says: Alcohol almost always puts me in a sort of depressed state the day after. Yesterday i had 3 beers, wasn't drunk obviously and came home and drank lots of water and took good care of myself, still felt it a little bit in the morning. But that is not the problem. Why can't i be happy even though i feel a little hungover? Many people i know have no problem with that whatsoever and just don't care that much. I feel very fragile if nothing more than a few beers can put me down. 

    Is it my beliefs about alcohol being bad? 

    And i am not asking for advice to stop drinking even though thats obviously best, i do it sometimes but i don't want to stay away from it completely at this point.

    As others have said, you probably make it worse than it is by you telling yourself all of that.


    Having said that, alcohol is literally a depressor. So you shouldn't be surprised that it gives you this effects.


    Honestly alcohol the worst drug in the universe, just do other thing. (Or better don't do anything)

  9. So here's the deal, ime Awareness or Consciousness seems to not be the body or the mind, since one can apparently focus on parts of the body, breath, thoughts, sounds or sight, it seems to be this 'thing' call Awareness or Consciousness is empty, it seems to be 'Me' and it seems to not have any limitations in the sense that I can 'imagine' it would be possible for this thing to be 'alive' or keep 'existing' once the physical body stops pumping blood (aka, what humans call 'death') and the brain stops functioning.


    So let's say that this apparent possibility, it's indeed true. So let's say 'my' body stops pumping blood, brain stops working. Body its in the soil now. No mental activity, no memory, no nothing. Awareness its still there. So what now? Does this awareness exist by itself? It would´t be even sight or sound (that comes apparently from the brain), so its not like Awareness could be 'entertained' with watching worms or hearing flies in the middle of the forest, while the body that was 'attached' or 'emanating from' its being decomposed.


    I'm quite frustrated that it doesn't seem to be answer to this. I am beggining to think total awakening (realization of Truth, there is no death, etc...) it's not possible! I can totally see that is only One mind, and there Is no separation actually. But, there doesn't seem to be a clear answer what happens with this 'empty awareness' when body+brain stops working. (death)

  10. On 2/3/2023 at 5:33 AM, Omar Osama said:

    I am in Egypt if I want to do psychedelics I should visit Europe but it's not a priority in my life right now.


    What are you going to find in Egypt is ketamin and other low stuff.

    Oh Ok fair enough, yeah I guess Egypt has to be a tough country to get any access to psychs. 


    Ketamin is not so bad though if done if properly! I had a very deep awakening on it, not less than with other psychedelics.


    Not encouraging the use, just saying. The attitude and setting does a lot. 

  11. 19 hours ago, Phil said:

    Try to find one honest sentence which isn’t divisive rhetoric about separate selves.


    I regret to inform you guys that I made the decision to demote Nahm from being a Mod. Since he is one of the...



    Leo:  "You are not teaching about God-Realization"

    'You': "I am You! Can't you see it?"

    Leo: "Stop with that Neo-Advaita thing' 



  12. On 1/23/2023 at 10:42 PM, Omar Osama said:


    I wish I could do psychedelics but not accessible in my country?


    I tried to do kriya yoga stuff but my leg hurt too much it's really stupid and unnecessary pain compared to the islamic spiritual practice Salat is better and more effective also faster people in the west really don't appreciate how powerful it is they are always biased towards yoga and buddhism as there are no other religions or practices in the world but it doesn't matter anyways they are all lead to the same God.

    Kriya Yoga its too complex try Sadhguru inner engineering its pretty good stuff.


    Which country are you? Everyone says "psychedelics not accesible in my country" lol I think lot you guys are lazy to really look around

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