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Everything posted by Alexander

  1. Because I like psychology more now.Don't forget I actually help and support people irl. You are right I will be more compassionate from now on.
  2. I am the creator of the topic there.Everything is God what's so hard to understand spirituality.That forum indeed become better with Phil's departure which was ego driven.He wants to be an authority but it can't be to me because I have actual enlightenment experience by becoming Infinite Love which is true awakening not this neo advaita nonsense of no self.
  3. So do you agree with me that whole non duality teachings are mental masturbation and we should use that time to be more productive.Actual love is actual love no need for cheap expression of empty words.
  4. I volunteer at the hospital ,OK.I actually help people(separate selves you beleive are non existant).
  5. I love you are just cheap words.Sick of these so called spiritual people who just talk and don't bring that love to the world.I call BS.
  6. What about Nahm he is an ENFJ.Do you agree.
  7. @God Based on his journal writing he is an introvert.
  8. Can we talk about MBTI .Can you type James is here
  9. I want to be surrounded by models.
  10. I've done 2 hours long meditation on breath and now I am at contentment but during it ,it was mostly boredom. I jumped to much or is it normal.
  11. Any tips how to move up on the scale?
  12. According to science my job is to survive and replicate I'll take that perspective because it's validated by science.Emotions and feelings are in response to survival and reproduction nothing spiritual about them.
  13. Lens is who I am.I am consciousness.I have always been it for all eternity.I never moved.For eternity I am imagining life after life forever.
  14. You are nothingness but it goes full circle it's everything.No location.
  15. What suffering?Grow up and live life as it is. What's wrong with being separated self sick of this charade of spiritual nonsense. Like you can't be happy on your own.
  16. Prove me wrong with things you were able to manifest in your life
  17. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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