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Huge Insight on the Emotional Scale


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Started journaling alongside looking at the emotional scale and realized something intuitively. 


Emotion is completely free, and is not bound to the same sequence as whats on the scale. 


The emotions on the scale are organized based on convenience, and ease. But emotion doesnt always flow in the same trajectory as whats on the scale. 


This has really cleared up a lot of confusion on my part. 


For example, I always wondered how I can go from contentment to worry so quickly even though boredom is the emotion directly below contentment on the scale.


Thats because emotion is completely free. 


You gotta investigate this for yourself to really get the message here. Im having trouble putting it into words lol. 


You are free to experience any emotion whatsoever, the scale is just like a ladder that you can use if you want to feel better easily, but you can really feel however you want, in whatever sequence. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Within the experience of contentment and the emotions above it, the little "itches" of discord can still come up.


If the discord is believed to be true (scratching the "itch"), then a certain emotion will be felt, then the emotional scale can be used for convenience. 


Knowing which emotion is felt is very helpful, as it indicates your "proximity" to your own source. Like if im using a map to go somewhere first I wanna know where I am on that map - that is finding out what emotion is occurring. 


So theres contentment 😌, then belief arises: "I hate everyone!".


The belief is believed 😡, then the emotional scale can be used for a gentle climb back up. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 10/25/2022 at 4:58 AM, Orb said:

Started journaling alongside looking at the emotional scale and realized something intuitively. 


Emotion is completely free, and is not bound to the same sequence as whats on the scale. 


The emotions on the scale are organized based on convenience, and ease. But emotion doesnt always flow in the same trajectory as whats on the scale. 


This has really cleared up a lot of confusion on my part. 


For example, I always wondered how I can go from contentment to worry so quickly even though boredom is the emotion directly below contentment on the scale.


Thats because emotion is completely free. 


You gotta investigate this for yourself to really get the message here. Im having trouble putting it into words lol. 


You are free to experience any emotion whatsoever, the scale is just like a ladder that you can use if you want to feel better easily, but you can really feel however you want, in whatever sequence. 

When you say you can feel however you want in whatever sequence of emotion you are saying that there is you and there is another one who is feeling something about that emotion. Is these free two? What is not free? 

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@nurthur11 oh no that wasn't implied at all in my OP. 


I'm saying that the emotional scale is only useful if you want to have a gentle way of "moving up" from how you feel right now. And that the sequence of emotions on the scale isn't absolute. 


It's tough to convey because you really gotta see for yourself. 


For example, according to the scale, Love is all the way at the top, but you can actually go from feeling hatred straight to Love. 


It's just that the sequence of emotions offered in the scale provides a gentler way of moving up.


@Phil thank you, came randomly. I was trying to write a book, then got bored and then felt good and this insight came up.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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There is something interesting with what you're saying because I also remember having such an experience before. The thing is that the way I think about emotions has changed already and I don't use them much, this is because it can make you fall into the illusion of believing the emotion and the thought of an emotion are the same. So then, what is an emotion? The way I like to think about it is that when you feel like yourself then you're experiencing an emotion. You know how sometimes you feel like you? That the entire folding of experiencing is happening in front of your eyes live? That feeling of realness and control? So when you experience that then you're feeling some kind of emotion.

All emotions can only be felt in honesty.

Being yourself is being honest, which gives space and energy for the emotions to move and be experienced (emotion = energy in motion).

By default you'll feel good. Promised.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, then frustration for you is like heaven, it is the best thing you could possibly experience. And why am I saying it?

Back to the difference between the experience of emotion and the thought of emotion:

You might think the emotional scale is telling you like "Oh, pessimism is aight I guess because it's a spectrum and so the closer I get to Joy the better I'll feel" (thought), but I think this is an unhealthy way to think of it. I believe a better way is identifying the emotion you're experiencing (you might not be perfect at that, but it doesn't really matter because -) and then reach for a better feeling, focus on feeling better, more real, more you. Let's say for example you feel some discord (say frustration); The reason you're stuck on frustration is because you've stopped feeling like yourself, you've stopped prioritizing feeling like YOU and instead get caught entertained/disturbed by those thoughts. The way you move 'up' the scale is by sort of trying to like 'find yourself' (focus on the feeling of being you) and then automatically this frustration morphs into pessimism - which is the greatest thing you could've asked for! - Because it is not just "you moved to pessimism", but you got back into the momentum of being you, which is amazing! Now that you got to this heavenly space of being yourself, now everything else is just morphing - different thoughts appear, you feel even more like yourself, however, it is only and ever only the next emotion that is most wanted at every given moment. From the perspective of experiencing frustration, every emotion further from pessimism will feel discordant.

But yeah, anyways I think a more clear way to go about it all is just the "reaching for the better feeling" by being yourself.

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@fopylo just reason this, thanks for sharing your interpretation of moving up the scale. 


I like how you mentioned that's it's all about feeling like yourself. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 10/27/2022 at 2:11 AM, Orb said:

@nurthur11 oh no that wasn't implied at all in my OP. 


I'm saying that the emotional scale is only useful if you want to have a gentle way of "moving up" from how you feel right now. And that the sequence of emotions on the scale isn't absolute. 


It's tough to convey because you really gotta see for yourself. 


For example, according to the scale, Love is all the way at the top, but you can actually go from feeling hatred straight to Love. 


It's just that the sequence of emotions offered in the scale provides a gentler way of moving up.


@Phil thank you, came randomly. I was trying to write a book, then got bored and then felt good and this insight came up.

Did u move up the scale?

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@nurthur11 yea, many times, then i go back down. But idk, it's kinda fishy that there's a person going up or down a scale. 🤔

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@fopylo I'm not 100% comfortable with the true nature just being this good feeling. 


it seems egoic, seems too good to be true. 


Love is unconditional, so how could it just feel good and not bad?

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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10 minutes ago, Orb said:

I'm not 100% comfortable with the true nature just being this good feeling.

It is just having an experience that you can very much assure "This feels like Me"


12 minutes ago, Orb said:

it seems egoic, seems too good to be true.

It's the feeling of being yourself vs. the image of yourself. The feeling is great and you always enjoy basking in it when it happens, you're just not thinking spiritual concepts and what's right and wrong at the moment. The image could be thought to be what/who you are, but you might still not feel like you're yourself and confusion arises.


15 minutes ago, Orb said:

Love is unconditional, so how could it just feel good and not bad?

The default, put up against all the suffering one experiences feels like pure bliss. But who am I to know that for sure? Maybe ask someone else

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13 hours ago, Orb said:

Love is unconditional, so how could it just feel good and not bad?

Because love Iunconditional, Iintelligence, Iknowing, and Is being, as in being this. 

Which seems to equal forgetting itself, while yet never actually becoming any thing; always remaining, itself.

‘Well wait just a minute here! I don’t know about this!? A lot of this sucks!’

Every single thought which is discordant and inspected is found not to be true and in the process of, is no longer held apart from it’s source. 

‘Oh, lol… “this”.




😴 💭 🌍 

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14 hours ago, Orb said:

@fopylo I'm not 100% comfortable with the true nature just being this good feeling. 


it seems egoic, seems too good to be true. 


Love is unconditional, so how could it just feel good and not bad?

That is not your true nature - the "totality of who you are" is your true nature. Take it very simple, you go out in nature you see a bear you will feel the fear the awareness/good feeling by itself doesn't feel(if you want to examine as a separate thing). You are aware of the fear and awareness works without you. Awareness does not last similarly in all the individuals - though the function of awareness is the same in all. Some go to sleep or stay awake and fry their brain before others. You can examine this it doesn't take so much intelligence.


Though this good feeling can help you examine, resist or let go of fear if it becomes prolonged or in a form of trauma - can help you learn how to stand better. Believing that awareness/attention is our true nature is like believing in god and this is just escaping from the human life - it is a stance for weak people. 


Think about how you came to believe that this good feeling is your true nature. Basically you are saying to your self that there is me then this other thing that is coming is my true nature now I am complete, then you go again in this circle.  This is like a conjuring up a compensation to feeling bad. If you belive in this process to be your true nature you will end up numb. This happens by itself if you are feeling bad you notice that your body start going in circle to produce a better feeling for you. 




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