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An example of emotional guidance and wisdom


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Here's a tangible, see-it-for-yourself example of emotional guidance and wisdom at work:


You probably know how in sciences a human being is seen as a material being. We are seen as animals, a part of the biological system, just like birds, fish, plants, micro-organisms etc. We are subject to evolution and reproduction. Our bodies are material stuff, molecules and atoms of the universe. "Star-dust". When we eat, we literally turn soil in a form of apples and potatoes to a human body. In science, it is quite obvious that we are not separate things, but manifestations of universal laws and the biological system.


Though in your thinking, you probably can't go 'all the way'. You know you're an animal and life on planet earth, but you still kinda think you're separate. You might think you have your own life, your own problems, your own body and mind, and people around who have their own bodies and minds. You don't think you're literally the planet earth and all life on it, even though you "know" the science and biology. You know how in ecology everything affects everything else. But your thoughts are not completely grasping how you're literally that system, living as a manifestation of planet earth and universal laws, right now. And not just an individual part of it or something.


Though in feeling, do you notice you can feel the entire planet earth within you? Do you notice you can feel all the billions of years of history and evolution, all the universe and universal laws at the same time, literally going on in your body right now? Do you notice you can feel the interconnectedness you might not be able to think or grasp in the mind?


Do you see how in feeling there is no the boundaries that in thinking might seem to be physical and very real?


Are you're the freaking planet earth?!?! Do you feel it??

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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38 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Here's a tangible, see-it-for-yourself example of emotional guidance and wisdom at work:


You probably know how in sciences a human being is seen as a material being. We are seen as animals, a part of the biological system, just like birds, fish, plants, micro-organisms etc. We are subject to evolution and reproduction. Our bodies are material stuff, molecules and atoms of the universe. "Star-dust". When we eat, we literally turn soil in a form of apples and potatoes to a human body. In science, it is quite obvious that we are not separate things, but manifestations of universal laws and the biological system.


Though in your thinking, you probably can't go 'all the way'. You know you're an animal and life on planet earth, but you still kinda think you're separate. You might think you have your own life, your own problems, your own body and mind, and people around who have their own bodies and minds. You don't think you're literally the planet earth and all life on it, even though you "know" the science and biology. You know how in ecology everything affects everything else. But your thoughts are not completely grasping how you're literally that system, living as a manifestation of planet earth and universal laws, right now. And not just an individual part of it or something.


Though in feeling, do you notice you can feel the entire planet earth within you? Do you notice you can feel all the billions of years of history and evolution, all the universe and universal laws at the same time, literally going on in your body right now? Do you notice you can feel the interconnectedness you might not be able to think or grasp in the mind?


Do you see how in feeling there is no the boundaries that in thinking might seem to be physical and very real?


Are you're the freaking planet earth?!?! Do you feel it??

I don't think this is emotional guidance.

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