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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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I wonder how many of the people who hate Leo have actually realized themselves as God🤔


Yeah, he talks too much about pick-up and personal development, but he's right about 95% of everything he talks about.  Most of what he says is just advanced common sense.  It takes a lot of "RAM" to understand some of his higher level concepts, but it's all pretty simple and self-evident.

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55 minutes ago, God said:

I wonder how many of the people who hate Leo have actually realized themselves as God🤔


Yeah, he talks too much about pick-up and personal development, but he's right about 95% of everything he talks about.  Most of what he says is just advanced common sense.  It takes a lot of "RAM" to understand some of his higher level concepts, but it's all pretty simple and self-evident.

I smell a cult member;)

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36 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

As far as I can tell, and I do not claim enlightenment, there is nothing about "awakening" that keeps you from strongly disliking certain personalities.

So you agree he's God, you just don't like his personality?  What do you dislike?

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18 minutes ago, God said:

So you agree he's God, you just don't like his personality?  What do you dislike?

Don't put words in my mouth.  What do I dislike about his personality?  He is gross, misogynist, anti social, pretentious, pompous, condescending, irresponsible, narcissistic... need I go on?

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13 minutes ago, God said:

So you agree he's God, you just don't like his personality?  What do you dislike?

Everyone is already God, it's just if you know it or not. I prefer to say, I'm awareness, but either way, It's not something special that one should hang a badge on themselves for, it's just a realization who you are. It's getting stabilized in that realization which is the challenge. If you flicker on/off that's called the fire fly stage which can last years. 


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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7 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

Don't put words in my mouth.  What do I dislike about his personality?  He is gross, misogynist, anti social, pretentious, pompous, condescending, irresponsible, narcissistic... need I go on?

How is he misogynistic?  Picking up girls doesn't make him misogynistic.

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Just now, God said:

How is he misogynistic?  Picking up girls doesn't make him misogynistic.

I'll let someone else explain that to you....go back and read this full thread, and if you still have to ask that question, you're not worth my time. 

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2 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

I'll let someone else explain that to you....go back and read this full thread, and if you still have to ask that question, you're not worth my time. 


He very clearly demonstrates an advanced awareness of what gender is.  You do not offer a real argument here. 


Ignore gross, anti social, pretentious, pompous, condescending, irresponsible, narcissistic for now, just try to prove this one single point of yours.

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9 minutes ago, God said:

How is he misogynistic?  Picking up girls doesn't make him misogynistic.

I don't know if he's a misogynistic, but he's certainly a cringeworthy sexist pig. I even called him a sexist pig the week before I was banned and he said sexist pigs are God too. So, he seemed to at least agree on that point!

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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2 minutes ago, Faith said:

I don't know if he's a misogynistic, but he's certainly a cringeworthy sexist pig. I even called him a sexust pig the week before I was banned and he said sexist pigs are God too. So, he seemed to at least agree on that point!

Why do you consider him a sexist pig?  He sees gender as a mental construct.

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4 minutes ago, God said:


He very clearly demonstrates an advanced awareness of what gender is.  You do not offer a real argument here. 


Ignore gross, anti social, pretentious, pompous, condescending, irresponsible, narcissistic for now, just try to prove this one single point of yours.

He uses doublespeak and contradicts himself constantly.  "Women love not taking responsibility for sex" "most women are bad at sex" "do you want to be touched in a smooth way or a creepy way, either way you'll say its predatory(him to a woman objecting to pickup" boy, if you don't see a problem here, you're the problem.

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2 minutes ago, God said:

Why do you consider him a sexist pig?  He considers gender a mental construct.

Are you truly serious? You haven't followed him long enough on the dating subforum if you need to ask that question and I don't have all night. 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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4 minutes ago, God said:

Why do you consider him a sexist pig?  He sees gender as a mental construct.

This is why its a cult of personality, here you are grasping at straws to defend not a teaching, but a person.  A person who is OBVIOUSLY deeply flawed.  To anyone not in his cult of personality. 

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12 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

He uses doublespeak and contradicts himself constantly.  "Women love not taking responsibility for sex" "most women are bad at sex" "do you want to be touched in a smooth way or a creepy way, either way you'll say its predatory(him to a woman objecting to pickup" boy, if you don't see a problem here, you're the problem.

Well I can't disagree with him there.  Men and women have different expectations of each other; different roles in certain contexts.  Women do not need to impress or show strength or anything to attract a partner, men do.  It's not sexist, it's just nature.  I can explain specific quotes if you need, but it's mostly common sense.


Historically, women used to "starfish" and just lie in bed during sex, while the man just fucked her.  Now the culture is changing, but many women are still starfishing as "performing in bed" just isn't in their genes, and won't affect procreation.  A man usually won't give a fuck that the woman does nothing, but if a man is "pathetic" in bed, this tells the woman the man has hormonal issues.  High testosterone men are obviously gonna be a hell of a lot more "active" during sex.  Again, not sexist, just very common sense statistics.

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1 minute ago, God said:

Well I can't disagree with him there.  Men and women have different expectations of each other; different roles in certain contexts.  Women do not need to impress or show strength or anything to attract a partner, men do.  It's not sexist, it's just nature.  I can explain specific quotes if you need, but it's mostly common sense.


Historically, women used to "starfish" and just lie in bed during sex, while the man just fucked her.  Now the culture is changing, but many women are still starfishing as "performing in bed" just isn't in their genes.

Oye.  Goodbye little boy.  Just as I suspected, you are not worth my time.  You have much to learn, and with any luck you will.  But it won't be from me.  I've better things to do. 

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4 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

Oye.  Goodbye little boy.  Just as I suspected, you are not worth my time.  You have much to learn, and with any luck you will.  But it won't be from me.  I've better things to do. 

Wow, great argument.  If you had any real argument you would've at least said something more specific than "you have to learn".  Man can't even troll properly.

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