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We are all children playing and singing in the park

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To connect with others is to be open with them

For being open is the only way which can allow it


Being open is what allows truth,

it is what allows desire,

it gives rights to all ugliness and weirdness


Hey, stop kidding haha

We are all children playing and singing in the park

Couldn't it be more obvious

Come on man, stop playing - we aren't so different after all

Just children singing and playing at the park


Let us all cut this shit

Come on boy - simplicity!

You know you want it, who're you fucking kidding?

Oh but wait...

Don't you need to understand how everything works?

Don't you need to find the meaning in it all?

Aren't you forgetting you're on some mission?


Be the child

Throw the tantrum

Throw the rage

Throw the frustration

Be the weak, be the strong

Be the visionary, be the pessimist

Be the melancholy, be the beauty

Be the music that you're playing right now -



Come one man, we are all this ugly stupid pieces of shit that make mistakes

We are fucking clowns man

Funny people

We are all real

It is simple


We are all children playing and singing in the park

Edited by fopylo
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As I was reading some journals I have realized there is a difference between the threads on certain topics, like between spirituality, the path, health, family, and the topic of expressing (expression journals). On the former people tend to write on a more 'spiritual' level, more asking questions, building insight, take and give, growth. However, in expression journals it looks like people are more real, more human. More expressions of daily life, more mundane, more relatable. It could seem as though it is deviated from spirituality - but it is actually the essence of it. There's no spirituality and journaling - journaling is the actual spirituality! All this wonderful, beautiful talk about spirituality isn't exactly it... It is really about showing your humanness and being genuine, which feels clear and good.


If we all are gonna be very open and express what we would like to suppress, then we might very well see how we really are just children who are just older, big children, or more like children who grew up forgetting they are children. Come on, we all have our 'forbidden' stuff (desires, secrets, quirks) that we are constantly avoiding to put on the table, to admit before our eyes.

Think, how will the world, let alone this community look like if we were all very open and sincere with ourselves? (sincerity with others = sincerity with ourselves)


To me it looks like being very unique people, with a variety of desires, worrying about petty things, curious...

This really feels like a child to me!

This is what my desire really is! Isn't it yours as well? Well, I might be some weird guy haha.


If we were all honest humans, perhaps we would all be sharing the most desired experience.

I believe this is the most powerful, strongest, most intimate way to connect with someone FAST like a good friendship, and I believe it could apply to romance as well.

This gives hopes regarding friendships and the potential for success with people, with meaningful moments and great times.

We are all children playing and singing in the park.


Some of us have a hard time singing

Perhaps throat isn't working well

Perhaps voice cracks

Perhaps not liking the way they sound


But there's still music all around us

Are you humming to it?

Are you singing it?

Are you drumming to it?


Maybe you should just go somewhere else

somewhere quite, somewhere relaxing

You might jive better with yourself

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I love the analogy of Calvin and Hobbes. Sometimes it seems like we are the foolish kid, other times the voice of reason, but neither are actually real, we are the Author/Creator of both. My experience is that if you go around just pretending to be the foolish kid all the time that feels awful, go around just trying to be the wiser voice of reason, that feels awful too. 

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6 hours ago, Mandy said:

I love the analogy of Calvin and Hobbes.

Don't know who they are haha

6 hours ago, Mandy said:

My experience is that if you go around just pretending to be the foolish kid all the time that feels awful, go around just trying to be the wiser voice of reason, that feels awful too. 

Thanks, that is insightful


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This is a playground?


Well, if we're playing tag, you're IT ❤️.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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