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How do I achieve my goals ? How to use a dreamboard for this?

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So I need a fresh start in my life . I need to take shit seriously more . .basically I'm trying to get my shit together in life .  Somethings need to change  .

I need to quit :


Porn and masturbation. 

Junk food .

Mental masturbation. 



University's new semester begins in mid June . My plan is to finish my business degree. Find a job so that I can afford myself buying a house and finding a girl to marry.

This will require time and effort and dedication.  It's not a one night deal.  Its a life long journey to my dream life.

One of my goals also to work out an build a strong body . I can't go to the gym for reasons I'm not going to mention here. But i have some basic equipments in the house so I can workout at home .

 There isn't enough micro details to report everyday.  To notice a macro significant change will require years of dedication and work towards the right thing and avoiding the bad stuff .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

This will require time and effort and dedication.


This might be hard to believe, (I have trouble believing it myself), but the truth really seems to be that effort and dedication isn't required, not at all.


It's all about now. It's literally just as simple as how you're feeling right now.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Blessed2 but I don't have these things right now . There is a barrier of time and hard work . I can only have these things in the future, not in the now .

I believe if I let loose and just lose myself in the present moment, that I will never ever achieve something significant in my life . The problem is I misuse the present moment by engaging in short-term hits of dopamine,you know..stuff that gives you instant pleasure but fuck you up in the long term like smoking and watching porn and wasting a lot of time on online forum mentally masturbating about useless shit lol.

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Maybe a fresh new framing is the fresh new start. 


How do I allow my desires to manifest, vs achieve my goals. 

There is no past or future, only now, and thus now is always a fresh new start already

Reality is pure spontaneity, as I am That. 

want to let go of taking everything so seriously, of adding that filter or color.
want to let go of what isn’t resonating, what is working, what isn’t serving me. 

Judgement doesn’t resonate. Appreciation resonates. 

There are somethings I want, and want to change, and want to start doing differently. 

Nothing is in a future, time is a gift, a blessing, not a barrier. 

Life is supposed to be fun. 

Losing myself in the moment, is flow, is getting out of my own way, is allowing. 

Avoidance of unwanted doesn’t result in change, but creates an experience of avoidance. 

Change is alignment… taking the first step, and the next, and the next. 

One at a ‘time’, only now.


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@Phil you always urge people to write down what they want out of life (their dreams, their goals ,their ambitious) on a dreamboard. I like this idea and it actually helped me to manifest micro things in my life . But I'm skeptical that this will work also for the big challenging goals like buying a house or getting married. 


Also what about the stuff that i don't want in my life anymore. Should I make a list of the unwanted things in my life as well like the few things that I mentioned in  OP?

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On 5/27/2022 at 11:26 AM, Someone here said:

But I'm skeptical that this will work also for the big challenging goals like buying a house or getting married. 

‘Go to’ direct experience. Confront this directly. Where is this house, this marriage? 

In direct experience, these are thoughts. With respect to feeling; desires. 

But because these are not actually ‘in’ direct experience, these are not ‘big’. 

These are thought to be big. 

Again with respect to feeling, consider this is experiencing the emotion of doubt, doubt that what you desire can be… rather than just skepticism. 


On 5/27/2022 at 11:26 AM, Someone here said:


Also what about the stuff that i don't want in my life anymore. Should I make a list of the unwanted things in my life as well like the few things that I mentioned in  OP?

That would be helpful in getting it out, finding some relief from having expressed it. 

Writing a list of what you do want will feel aligned. 

For example, quitting smoking isn’t quit the same as wanting alignment with well being. 

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@Someone here


It's all about letting limiting beliefs go. Focus is everything. Write what you don't want and invert it to what you actually want. Write on dreamboard. See it as often as possible. Meditate in the morning, read it and feel after meditating. Make sure it's "wanting" mindset instead of "needing". Put feelings first.

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