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2 hours ago, Llurendt said:

Really? I haven't noticed very much of that from him directly. Lots of other people adding things or altering the ideas he presents. Can you elaborate some please?

E.g. that status is something that occurs in nature and that he associates it with material status and does not mention that status is perceived in different ways and is subjective.


Furthermore, what he teaches implies that there are objective truths in reality that can be found out scientifically.


Or once he talked about being on an Elon Musk manufacturing floor and said that he (Elon Musk) was doing "masterpieces of engineering."
Although Jordan Peterson A) Doesn't have a degree in engineering and is going by gut or just esoteric beliefs and B) Doesn't get the idea that most of the machinery has been imported from outside service providers.


And much more. It gives a distorted perception of reality that is irrational. Of course, you can still take away some things.

Edited by BlendingInfinite

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I'm not yet all that familiar with what Phil says and I don't think I've seen anything of Peter Ralston yet (looking him up shortly!), but I certainly agree that Abraham/Hicks has a very precise and accurate message. 🙂 I like hearing the 'scientific' examination as much as I enjoy exploring the ways the messages are conveyed through the Bible, the Vedas, or any other format. It all eventually comes to the same thing, often through metaphor and symbolism. Science comes at it with theory and an attempt to categorize and describe everything, but it is beginning to explore some of the more interesting areas in psychology, brain wave recognition, and quantum theory.

I think eventually it'll all come around to show that we are more than we can currently see and that all is one. It seems that all the various pathways of religion, spirituality, philosophy, and even science are all simply the same message being spoken in different languages for different modes of thought. What do you think?

May you seek and find Unity.

My Blog, Upward Quest

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2 hours ago, Llurendt said:

I'm not yet all that familiar with what Phil says and I don't think I've seen anything of Peter Ralston yet (looking him up shortly!), but I certainly agree that Abraham/Hicks has a very precise and accurate message. 🙂 I like hearing the 'scientific' examination as much as I enjoy exploring the ways the messages are conveyed through the Bible, the Vedas, or any other format. It all eventually comes to the same thing, often through metaphor and symbolism. Science comes at it with theory and an attempt to categorize and describe everything, but it is beginning to explore some of the more interesting areas in psychology, brain wave recognition, and quantum theory.

I think eventually it'll all come around to show that we are more than we can currently see and that all is one. It seems that all the various pathways of religion, spirituality, philosophy, and even science are all simply the same message being spoken in different languages for different modes of thought. What do you think?

I think there are many scientist having different views and intellectual capacities. And imo Jordan Peterson isn't as smart as he acts like and is wrong with many objectives.


For me there is no spirituality on the one hand and science on the other. Either things are true or not.


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Many philosophers and scientist are ruminating too much about obvious things. At the end nothing really valuable comes out of their mouths.


And these are mostly just blabbermouths who want to make themselves important and build an identity on it. With some one listens nevertheless gladly.  Michael Levin, for example, I don't think the above. He comes across more like someone who really cares about the issue itself.


Philosophy and psychology has its substance almost entirely in thought. While other fields of science go beyond that. If something is based only on thoughts, it tends to degenerate into unnecessary musings and pomposity.

Edited by BlendingInfinite

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@BlendingInfinite Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  As you said, Peterson, like many scientists, seems to have a more narrow (or perhaps only different) focus, solely on the material plane and they speak in terms of material understanding. That does not mean they are any less smart or able than anyone on a more spiritually aware path, only that they continue to dismiss certain questions, or accept a different explanation for said questions.


To use the concepts discussed by Abraham/Hicks in The Law of Attraction and the following books...

The vibration of the scientists will effectively communicate some concepts better to people of similar vibration. As the vibration of the scientists and those listening to them changes, communication will happen differently because they are able to receive a different message. For example, Jordan Peterson speaks more in terms of the Bible than before and seems to identify more with the spiritual since his health issues a couple years ago. Remember, as discussed in "The Law of Attraction," we generally move along the scale by stepping along it, not leaping. All of it seems to be neccesary in this existence to enable and support the variety of experience and ability to transition up and down the vibrational scale. However distasteful the behaviour of others might seem, it is important to remember that acceptance of all others is part of the process of releasing the burdens we have hung upon ourselves.

What my experience and study has shown me is that science and spirituality are like two sides of the same coin. No different than any religion, philosophy, or other kind of spiritual path. All are merely the same pursuit of Reality.

  • "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." - Matthew 7:7
  • "Whatever celestial form a devotee seeks to worship with faith, I steady the faith of such a devotee in that form." -Bhagavad Gita 7.21

I certainly struggle with accepting that others speak in different languages at times... Especially when it seems we are both speaking the same language! Because words are so imperfect at transmitting ideas, and ideas themselves are formed of thought, and we often confuse thought and emotion, then respond to -both- in less than ideal ways, communication can be quite confusing and difficult. This, I think is what might be conveyed with the Tower of Babel story. Thus, we all speak and think in a multitude of ways and we see this in the world when we look at the massive number of ways in which people act, speak, and in the pathways they walk. 


That odd aftertaste you mentioned comes from our resistance to what we are experiencing, from our cynicism, not from the content itself. That resistance is a large part of what Abraham/Hicks discusses in the books and one of the primary things to work on releasing, because it stops us from really activating and making deliberate use of the Law of Attraction. It is the same resistance that causes all our problems in this experience, and thus we should deliberately look at our thinking and feeling when we experience that sensation of resistance.


With that goal of exploring and releasing resistance in mind, I am addressing your specific points:

Status certainly appears to be displayed in Nature. Wolves and chimpanzees both have group leaders, insiders, and outsiders. Associate status with material things... well, when studying the way humans behave, in greater society, material things absolutely have a major impact on status. Often those regarded highest are those with highly expensive material posessions, and if they don't already have them, they soon will. Again, perhaps the focus is not on spiritual or energetic reality, but it IS still a valid observation which can lead people up the chain to the next step.


As far as objective truths being able to be discovered through scientific methods... I suspect that we are approaching that point where science recognizes that all things are energy. This is kind of already the case, though it is not widely discussed. Between the electromagnetic spectrum and quantum field theory, we are essentially there already. Check Lynne McTaggart's book "The Intention Experiment" to see how science is approaching real understanding of our place in existence.


It doesn't take an Engineer to take a look at most of our modern technology and feel the awe at what has been accomplished. Yes, what Elon Musk has assembled through his vision and bringing together of the right elements ARE masterpieces of engineering. Why do you think they are not so? Look at all the parts that are brought together in each of his projects. The first widely successful all electric motor vehicle manufacturer, a self-landing reusable rockety system, and the starlink satellite system are all fairly admirable projects, regardless of his motives or methods. Saying this does NOT take away from the mastery displayed by other producers of engineering feats and it doesn't necessarily say Musk or Peterson are necessarily good people, though perhaps I misunderstand what your objection is.


I have personally stopped watching many people who I learned some wonderful things from, but who were moving in a different direction of thought. In fact, while I respect Peterson quite a lot for being well spoken and careful with his word choice and how he presents his ideas, and he has helped me immensely to see a lot of how to change my perceptions of life in this society in a very positive way (especially through his Rules for Life books), I feel I've learned all I can from him at this moment and haven't watched much of him recently. I do not love or respect him any less when I DO disagree with him, or in seeing that I am going to continue walking in another direction. There is nothing wrong with anyone spreading their message, and there is nothing saying we should agree with anyone's message. We all must be aware of our resistance if we wish to continue making positive progress.

I wish you all the love, peace and joy following your path will bring. ❤️

May you seek and find Unity.

My Blog, Upward Quest

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11 hours ago, Llurendt said:

@BlendingInfinite Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  As you said, Peterson, like many scientists, seems to have a more narrow (or perhaps only different) focus, solely on the material plane and they speak in terms of material understanding. That does not mean they are any less smart or able than anyone on a more spiritually aware path, only that they continue to dismiss certain questions, or accept a different explanation for said questions.


To use the concepts discussed by Abraham/Hicks in The Law of Attraction and the following books...

The vibration of the scientists will effectively communicate some concepts better to people of similar vibration. As the vibration of the scientists and those listening to them changes, communication will happen differently because they are able to receive a different message. For example, Jordan Peterson speaks more in terms of the Bible than before and seems to identify more with the spiritual since his health issues a couple years ago. Remember, as discussed in "The Law of Attraction," we generally move along the scale by stepping along it, not leaping. All of it seems to be neccesary in this existence to enable and support the variety of experience and ability to transition up and down the vibrational scale. However distasteful the behaviour of others might seem, it is important to remember that acceptance of all others is part of the process of releasing the burdens we have hung upon ourselves.

What my experience and study has shown me is that science and spirituality are like two sides of the same coin. No different than any religion, philosophy, or other kind of spiritual path. All are merely the same pursuit of Reality.

  • "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." - Matthew 7:7
  • "Whatever celestial form a devotee seeks to worship with faith, I steady the faith of such a devotee in that form." -Bhagavad Gita 7.21

I certainly struggle with accepting that others speak in different languages at times... Especially when it seems we are both speaking the same language! Because words are so imperfect at transmitting ideas, and ideas themselves are formed of thought, and we often confuse thought and emotion, then respond to -both- in less than ideal ways, communication can be quite confusing and difficult. This, I think is what might be conveyed with the Tower of Babel story. Thus, we all speak and think in a multitude of ways and we see this in the world when we look at the massive number of ways in which people act, speak, and in the pathways they walk. 


That odd aftertaste you mentioned comes from our resistance to what we are experiencing, from our cynicism, not from the content itself. That resistance is a large part of what Abraham/Hicks discusses in the books and one of the primary things to work on releasing, because it stops us from really activating and making deliberate use of the Law of Attraction. It is the same resistance that causes all our problems in this experience, and thus we should deliberately look at our thinking and feeling when we experience that sensation of resistance.


With that goal of exploring and releasing resistance in mind, I am addressing your specific points:

Status certainly appears to be displayed in Nature. Wolves and chimpanzees both have group leaders, insiders, and outsiders. Associate status with material things... well, when studying the way humans behave, in greater society, material things absolutely have a major impact on status. Often those regarded highest are those with highly expensive material posessions, and if they don't already have them, they soon will. Again, perhaps the focus is not on spiritual or energetic reality, but it IS still a valid observation which can lead people up the chain to the next step.


As far as objective truths being able to be discovered through scientific methods... I suspect that we are approaching that point where science recognizes that all things are energy. This is kind of already the case, though it is not widely discussed. Between the electromagnetic spectrum and quantum field theory, we are essentially there already. Check Lynne McTaggart's book "The Intention Experiment" to see how science is approaching real understanding of our place in existence.


It doesn't take an Engineer to take a look at most of our modern technology and feel the awe at what has been accomplished. Yes, what Elon Musk has assembled through his vision and bringing together of the right elements ARE masterpieces of engineering. Why do you think they are not so? Look at all the parts that are brought together in each of his projects. The first widely successful all electric motor vehicle manufacturer, a self-landing reusable rockety system, and the starlink satellite system are all fairly admirable projects, regardless of his motives or methods. Saying this does NOT take away from the mastery displayed by other producers of engineering feats and it doesn't necessarily say Musk or Peterson are necessarily good people, though perhaps I misunderstand what your objection is.


I have personally stopped watching many people who I learned some wonderful things from, but who were moving in a different direction of thought. In fact, while I respect Peterson quite a lot for being well spoken and careful with his word choice and how he presents his ideas, and he has helped me immensely to see a lot of how to change my perceptions of life in this society in a very positive way (especially through his Rules for Life books), I feel I've learned all I can from him at this moment and haven't watched much of him recently. I do not love or respect him any less when I DO disagree with him, or in seeing that I am going to continue walking in another direction. There is nothing wrong with anyone spreading their message, and there is nothing saying we should agree with anyone's message. We all must be aware of our resistance if we wish to continue making positive progress.

I wish you all the love, peace and joy following your path will bring. ❤️

Nope, what I meant is that jp isn’t even smart on a Material level. 


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Moreover, I already told you and explained my objections. Elon musk does import technology and hasn’t designed a huge part of it. Currently it just works, this doesn’t mean these are masterpieces. 

There a much bugs etc. Reported on tesla btw. And even if not, it is naive to say these are masterpieces without knowing the subject. 

I find it disrespectful not to read what I have written and just come with the same arguments again. The difference is, I know what I am talking about. Moreover, it was about the construction floor and not the rockets. 


You can assemble stuff so it looks good and works, but it could also crash in the long term or being energy inefficient etc. So it is naive. But you are either right instead of taking the effort to inspect what is s aid. That’s good for me because it shows most people are not suited for business or creating bigger things.

Edited by BlendingInfinite

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The Divine Masculine is the I (or thing) which has no second.  The Divine Masculine is the Sovereign I.  The Divine Feminine is the Sovereign We (or relation) or Sovereign Whole.  Divine Marriage is the relation or link between the Divine Masc and Divine Fem. This is my current model which is intended to wobble on the Integration vs./and Transcendence duality as well, meaning it's scaffolding that can be both used and discarded.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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