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1 hour ago, Phil said:

I get it. I really, really do. It seems like the idea - the ‘better reality’ - would be that there is someone who’s being disingenuous. It seems like that would make more sense. It’s comprehendible & comprehensible.


The notion that there is no one here, points to the disingenuous felt or experienced - being of the inner, merely reflecting as an outer, and this notion can be confronting, uncomfortable, and challenging.


But neither the idea, nor the notion - are  better than This, as is - unconditional and without facts, merely appearing as. 


There is another idea, another notion - that of divesting the ‘mind’ of limitation, of belief in facts as true. Which is not to say, divesting of an apparent experience or appearance of facts.


Allowing you, consciousness, as well as what’s actually wanted to more readily, easily & effortlessly be, is paramount - isn’t it? Facts and properly met challenges or others being this way or that just aren’t going to keep you warm at night, nor bring about the truth and true nature. Isn’t it so? It’s a sort of heading to, perhaps even seemingly relying on, an external objective reality. I love you. I want the very best for you. If there were a way to do that - that’s what would be said. Un-obscuring yourself, consciousness, and the true nature of therein, is not a doing. It’s a letting go, and not as a doing. An allowing - without an allower. It’s challenging AF, yet for no one.


If it turns out I’m entirely deluded and completely and utterly off or wrong - you shouldn’t have listened to me. Listen to how ‘it’ - whatever ‘it’ is or seems to be - feels.  


The paragraphs above are heard loud and clear. I get that this is my stuff coming up for the most part. I don’t understand why I care who dies or not. Or why I care about what anyone thinks. Or why I care about what I think is the truth. However it seems vitally important. It’s probably related to my stupid fucking mom disregarding everything I had to say about the truth and what’s right and about how I was mistreated. I probably think I can change what happened somehow by making things right in the present.


I went on a meditation retreat last weekend and I’ve been meditating an hour and a half every day since then. I my emotions are stirred up and I’m angry. Mostly I’m done debating this but I have one last question.


1 hour ago, Phil said:

They’re not preventable. Not one single murder or rape is preventable. This is absolute, and there is nothing you can or will ever be able to do to change that. This is perfection - as is. Every thought train about how this is imperfect and needs - to be changed, bettered, corrected, etc - leads right on back to the infinite perfection you already are - which this already is. Forgive me if I’m not the least bit apologetic about this - or - don’t. It’s perfection either way. Forgive and relinquish resentment - or don’t. It’s perfection either way. 


The logical extension of this is that we should do nothing to prevent any deaths because nothing is preventable. That sounds stupid doesn’t it?

1 hour ago, Phil said:

What’s your number one job?

What are your ‘laws’?

Dispel em. Right?


And “that” would be better, since “that” is really happening - ?

Look around. 



Witnessed any of this?


It is silly. it’s a pendulum swing. Not what’s been / being said. 


Yes, pretty sure. Death is a stickler of a belief. 


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6 minutes ago, Kevin said:

I noticed you stopped crying about Gaza. How are you coping with the loss


LMAO, I don't care about this shit I was doing it bec I like to fuck with people like you and the ones who are Israels bec I noticed you guys are so dogmatic nationalist its like a common trait with jews keep hurting LMFAO 

Edited by Isagi Yoichi


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3 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


LMAO, I don't care about this shit I was doing it bec I like to fuck with people like you and the ones who are Israels bec I noticed you guys are so dogmatic nationalist its like a common trait with jews keep hurting LMFAO 

Oooh so that’s how you’re coping. Makes sense.

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35 minutes ago, Kevin said:

The logical extension of this is that we should do nothing to prevent any deaths because nothing is preventable. That sounds stupid doesn’t it?

Nothing isn’t preventable, nothing’s happening. Seems like some thing is happening, but nothing’s happening. There’s no separation, no self or selves. No death. 



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1 hour ago, Phil said:

Nothing isn’t preventable, nothing’s happening. Seems like some thing is happening, but nothing’s happening. There’s no separation, no self or selves. No death. 



Hmm well this doesn’t make sense to me at the moment.

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Attachment wise, it’s very easy to gloss over.


On 10/1/2024 at 8:35 AM, Phil said:

Termination: The act of ending something or the end of something.


Responsibility: Something that is your job or duty to deal with: 


On 10/1/2024 at 8:35 AM, Phil said:


In essence, deflection is ‘the mind's’ way of avoiding emotions, or simply put; the mind’s aversion from feeling.

It's a reflexive and habitual response stemming from a misunderstanding of the truth, true nature of identity and experience.

When discordant thoughts arise that bring discomfort or suffering, deflection occurs when emotions and feeling are pushed aside & ignored, in favor of ‘holding’ limiting beliefs - in spite of the discord felt.



An emotion is experienced, and believed to be caused by an exterior or external reality. It isn’t. Emotion is how thoughts feel.


Nothing’s happening. ♥️

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"(...) allowing people to come through an open border... Thirteen thousand of which were murderers, many of them murdered far more than one person. And they're now happily living in the United States. You know, now a murderer, I believe this - it's in their genes. And we got a lot of bad genes in our country right now."


- Guess Who


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 10/2/2024 at 6:34 PM, Kevin said:

politics is largely a playing out of childhood trauma

That is one of the deepest most insightful things that’s ever been said on this forum. To your point, I suggest entirely, not just largely. Sometimes seeing it visually clarifies ‘seeing it’ at play internally. Likely the clearest example that could ever be - if interested, do you see it - specifically the entirety.  

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4 hours ago, Phil said:

That is one of the deepest most insightful things that’s ever been said on this forum. To your point, I suggest entirely, not just largely. Sometimes seeing it visually clarifies ‘seeing it’ at play internally. Likely the clearest example that could ever be - if interested, do you see it - specifically the entirety.  

Idk man. I’m sure I don’t see it entirely. I think if I saw it entirely I’d be totally enlightened and wouldn’t be affected by it at all.


I feel an intense compulsion to be accurate/right. This has been playing out at a very high intensity lately. I feel like arguing constantly.


Also I’m pretty certain I’d still vote and I’m fairly certain I’d be voting for the same policies even if I was emotionally unaffected. Although it’s hard to say because I am emotionally affected currently.

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