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Conscious Creating; The Magic of Already-ness Revealed Via Direct Experience.

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That there was a world or universe happening which you were born into is a belief which disregards direct experience entirely. 


In your direct experience there is no experience whatsoever of being born. 

Death is a presumption, upon the un-inspected assumption you were born. 



Nothing’s happening. As in, there is not something, some thing, as in separation. 

Nothing, that which is not a thing, not something else, not some other thing - is you, awareness. 

Nothing’s happening, as in, awareness is appearing. 



The reason there is no recollection of there being a world or universe prior to your experience of a world or universe is precisly because you are being the so called world or universe. 


You appear as a world / universe, with a ‘hollow’ center, making it seem like you’re inside of a world / universe, while in truth you are being / appearing as. 


You, awareness, are aware. 

That any thing or anyone else is aware, is an assumption. 




You appear as a world / universe, in a manor making it seem to yourself that it makes sense, by appearing as a world / universe “already in progress”, “already underway” - as if “it” had been “there” - already. As if there was a big bang, time, history, evolution, ancestors, grandparents, parents, etc. 


There wasn’t something “there” already. All of the references that there was “something there” already - come exclusively from - the world / universe you are appearing as. 



Why did you / are you / are you continuing (if you are) to dupe, trick & bamboozle yourself in this way?


Because you’re infinite. 

Infinite means there is no finite. 


Awareness is self-aware. That means as awareness appears as a world / universe - there is no experience whatsoever of “a world” or “universe” for, awareness. Because awareness is self-aware, awareness is aware of, awareness. Not, “a world” or “universe”.


For it to seem like there is a world / universe means you, awareness, must veil yourself of your own infinitude & unconditionality. You “do” this not by doing, but simply by appearing as a world-sphere, and a lens-sphere. The lens-sphere veils you of your infinitude & unconditionality, while the world-sphere appears as already-in-progress - as if the “world” was already happening - and you ‘just happened to be born’. 




What’s the relevance to consciously creating?

Everything you, awareness believe - is a belief. Everything about there being a world / universe and you being born into it - is false. Beliefs. 


These beliefs are felt. This is what suffering is. This is what emotional guidance is. This is why emotional guidance is. 


Sounds great, anything actionable here?

Yes actually. You are the power. You’re what’s appearing. Tell the wanted story. Line up with it. Believe it like you believed there was a world / universe you were born into - and it will be. 


What is the evidence of this?

Look around. 




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Is it possible to completely forget past conditioning? 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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9 hours ago, Reena said:

Is it possible to completely forget past conditioning? 

Great question. 

That there is a past as in past conditioning, is a presently appearing condition (thought). 


Worded slightly different… “Is it possible to be fully and only present?”


Yes, in fact that is reality and already the case. 


It’s only thought, presently experienced, which make it seem otherwise. 


Awareness of thoughts meditation

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Reality is unconditional love. 


Reality is Oneself. 


Reality is one perspective. 


As is. 


There is not-a-thing ‘beyond direct experience’. 


You, awareness, are - not a thing.


Appearing as, ‘direct experience’. 


Unborn, undying, un-manifest; being.  



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On 7/15/2024 at 4:42 PM, Phil said:

You appear as a world / universe, in a manor making it seem to yourself that it makes sense, by appearing as a world / universe “already in progress”, “already underway” - as if “it” had been “there” - already. As if there was a big bang, time, history, evolution, ancestors, grandparents, parents, etc. 


This just seems to undermine everything but what i "directly experience". For example climate change. I don't have any direct experience of the climate warming. Why would i bother sorting the trash (if one was doing it for lowering co2 emission) if there is no climate change?

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30 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:


This just seems to undermine everything but what i "directly experience".

That ‘everything’ is actually within direct experience, as the thought that there is “everything outside of” or “everything beyond” - direct experience. There’s no actual direct experience of outside of or beyond, direct experience. 


30 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

For example climate change. I don't have any direct experience of the climate warming. Why would i bother sorting the trash (if one was doing it for lowering co2 emission) if there is no climate change?

That I, which would or wouldn’t bother, isn’t actually present or found as an entity in direct experience. It’s the same ‘situation’. The thought that there is is directly experienced, what the thought is about or points to, isn’t. 



“Magic” title wise is meant literally, and is not meant as a sentiment, opinion or the like. That would also be pure magic / reality (direct experience) is actually magic. 


The alreadyness, that it seems there was a world existing or transpiring before you were born etc, is also directly experienced (as the thought that there was). There isn’t any actual experience of that there was, other than the thought that there was. (There’s no actual direct experience of outside of or beyond, direct experience.)


Consciously creating is the exact same. Pure joy. 

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

That I, which would or wouldn’t bother, isn’t actually present or found as an entity in direct experience. It’s the same ‘situation’. The thought that there is is directly experienced, what the thought is about or points to, isn’t. 

I see. So sorting the trash doesn't matter? Do you sort the trash. If so, why?

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Nothing exists.  That's all .

By this I mean there is literally nothing existing . Reality is composed of past +present +future. 

The past and future are pure imagination. 

And the present is like a mirage you can't grasp it . Therefore when time comes to leave your body ...your whole life will seem like it never even happened. 

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Being presently in such a way as to convince yourself any of this was happening prior to appearing in such a manor as to make it seem to yourself that you were born. So what’s the ideal manor of manifesting? Alreadyness. No change whatsoever.

What do you want?      

Great, it’s already under way. It’s this, unfolding as “that”. 



Delusional? No. 

Real magic? Yes. 

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