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6 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Totally, I'd rather vote for a rapist/felon/senile windbag than someone stuck with a vagina.

Why would you vote for Kamala? 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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1 hour ago, Orb said:

Why would you vote for Kamala? 

I wouldn't.  I don't care that she would build affordable housing, end price gouging, restore the right to chose and having autonomy over your own body and Healthcare, that she chose a running mate who provided free breakfast and lunch to children in school, has tons of political experience in different spheres including being the DA of San Francisco at the time her opponent claims it was thriving most, and I don't care that trump is a career grifter with no values who says creepy things about his daughter, is the only president to deny the peaceful transfer of power, found guilty of election fraud, etc, I'm voting for the guy who isn't just stuck with this vagina thing, I just can't get behind that. 

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1 hour ago, Orb said:

Why would you vote for Kamala? 

I would really like the US to have universal healthcare and to better fund education. Kamala seems the clear choice for supporting that. There are a handful of policies and attitudes that I align with Trump's views on, the vast majority are more aligned with Kamala's policies. I do think that having a balance in conservative and liberal views is critical, and I hope that we can learn to communicate patiently and clearly, appreciate one another and stay focused on what's wanted. 


Still interested in hearing what you like about Trump's policies. 

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3 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I would really like the US to have universal healthcare and to better fund education. Kamala seems the clear choice for supporting that. There are a handful of policies and attitudes that I align with Trump's views on, the vast majority are more aligned with Kamala's policies. I do think that having a balance in conservative and liberal views is critical, and I hope that we can learn to communicate patiently and clearly, appreciate one another and stay focused on what's wanted. 


Still interested in hearing what you like about Trump's policies. 

People here in the middle east talk about how trump will fuck them more here and milk Saudi for money and make the situation in Gaza worse , also they talk about the immigration stuff and problems the arabs gonna face in America lol idk if any of this stuff is accurate

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7 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

People here in the middle east talk about how trump will fuck them more here and milk Saudi for money and make the situation in Gaza worse , also they talk about the immigration stuff and problems the arabs gonna face in America lol idk if any of this stuff is accurate

He and his son in law took millions from Saudi and yes he says he wants to enable Israel to "finish the job" in Gaza.  But I don't care, and also it doesn't bother me that he buried his ex wife in an unmarked grave behind a golf course, or that he grabs women by the pussy, cause I mean, they're stuck having one so what do they expect?  Also I don't care that he will cut funding for education and give his completely unqualified family members important positions in the white house, that he is a nepo baby who is completely out of touch and has scorn for the middle class and poor, is totally corrupt, mismanaged the pandemic costing thousands of lives, and petulant, he's got a penis, small though it may be from what we've heard. 

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The Middle East is like a playground for dictators it's like they have a secret club or they follow someone's order who is the ultimate dictator, If I went to the street now and practised my right to freedom like in America I would go to prison for the rest of my life hopefully the military dictatorial system will cease to exist or I will get out of this shithole, but Europe is turning into fucking Islamic state with the shit going on in Britain idk about the rest of Europe I think the best scenario is suicide if I want to be able to live freely, maybe I can go to japan but I think I will face a lot of racism. 





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41 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Ultimately what politicians say they will do, and try to achieve and what the results end up being sometimes aren't nearly as straightforward or predictable as we'd like to think.

I think that's the case with everything, like no one is doing', it's God so the result is not up to us we are puppets who think that we can achieve something or we can control what can happen. that would make a great thread idk what to call it 

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44 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

I think that's the case with everything, like no one is doing', it's God so the result is not up to us we are puppets who think that we can achieve something or we can control what can happen. that would make a great thread idk what to call it 


Getting what you want, that you didn't know you wanted?

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And while I'm at it, I don't think it's odd at all that trump, who has very publicly violated ALL of the "7 deadly sins" has the support of evangelical Christians.   And I don't think they should look at their own mythos and observe that, according to them, the antichrist will come as someone who somehow tricks all of them into loving him despite everything he says, does, and stands for, and that he'll have a head wound like trump got from his hair plugs, and smell like shit, which trump reportedly does.  In fact I think it would be weird for someone to point that out, which is why I'm not doing exactly that.

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Just now, Jonas Long said:

And while I'm at it, I don't think it's odd at all that trump, who has very publicly violated ALL of the "7 deadly sins" has the support of evangelical Christians.   

Even this I am grateful for, I spent so much effort trying to make those people happy, and instead I coulda just been totally livin it up and actually achieved the result. Pleasing people... not what you think. 


1 minute ago, Jonas Long said:


trump got from his hair plugs. 



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And even though Harris in a very short amount of time galvanized and united not only the left but some 200+ Republicans who are now endorsing her, and trump does nothing but sew rage, misinformation and division...ok fuck it the schtick is getting old.  Yeah, Harris is unequivocally the better option here.

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

@Isagi Yoichi  I'm not sure about the rest but immigration is definitely something Trump's policies are very strict with. 

Both Obama and Biden deported more undocumented immigrants than trump did, that's just another case of sound and fury and lies.  Democrats have never been for "open borders" and trump even made the republicans in congress kill a bipartisan border bill which was written by a republican only because he didn't want it happening during Bidens term.  No principles whatsoever, only using the issue to fear monger and to bash Democrats for nothing.  Another lie that is being repeated is that crime is up under Biden, when it is down from what it was under trump.  So another thing Harris is proposing is to bring back that border bill, which is really too conservative for my liking as it doesn't include a pathway to citizenship, but it's another glaring example of trumps lies and hypocrisy. 

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