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Does the Dream Board ever feel selfish to you?

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I haven’t been able to use the dream board consistently because I start to feel like I’m just serving myself and that doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for me to live. 

I also begin to feel like I am just living to do what’s on the board and there is nothing more to my life than that. 

I start to get lazy about doing things for others if it doesn’t get me what’s on the board.

it is true that I want things, but more than anything (besides feeling good) I just want my life to work, so I have been living by a different philosophy lately.

Edited by Bob Seeker
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30 minutes ago, Mandy said:

As simple as writing whatever you want to experience on the board, including helping others. 

I have this thought often, yet maybe the issue is this:


“How do I know that what I THINK I want is what is best for me?”


What if there is something higher than the path I am choosing via the dreamboard? And embarking on a path builds momentum via choices, for example, entering a relationship just because my dreamboard says “girlfriend”. This could just create a shallow relationship that is unhealthy yet still fulfills the asking on the dreamboard.


in real life I put “get sales job in Austin” and I really did it, and I hated it and wasted like $10,000. 


maybe dream boarding only works with a certain level of clarity and selflessness and needlessness.


I'm open minded, cuz getting what you want does sound good

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Nothing is wasted, now you know more clearly what you do want.


It's not like a checklist you tick off, it's more like something spontaneously occurs as a good idea and you write it down. Or simply if you want it. It's not what you think you ought to have. 


Most of what I have on the board is general feeling stuff. I also wrote "perfect curb appeal" because of how that makes me feel. House was looking really rough, needing paint and roof and having weathered three severe storms recently. So I put "perfect curb appeal" on there, already well on the way, doing the painting myself, got a new mower so I got the lawn easily maintained like never before, roof on the way, flowers done, etc.  There's two other physical things including a scarf and a tankless hot water heater. I have no motivation to buy those things now or make them happen, but if it felt right, I'd recognize the opportunity and timing. 


There's no self that can be selfless. With that said you possibly be happy, passionate, enthusiastic and satisfied and not also benefit others.  

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I’m very on board with the idea that preferences arise, yet how much attention should we give them? 

I’m genuinely curious because I don’t know.


is it better sometimes to “surrender” or to “follow Love”? What does it mean to “surrender to love” I don’t actually know, but something tells me it isn’t about pre-envisioned desires manifesting.


is there such a thing as an “egoic desire” -that sounds dualistic, so I don’t think there is such a thing. 

It must be that desire simply arises, yet I do think formulating actual imagery around these desires is a thought activity and is not actuality. Here is where it gets tricky for me


is it better to give intent to manifesting an envisioned desire or to allow reality, which already is aware of desire, to simply answer that unthought desire in its own way and at its own pace.


there seems to be multiple schools of opinion around this.


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Posted (edited)

Also, as far as having the board, there are two potential uses:


1. recognizing clearly that you want something specific and then clarifying that in words and keeping it as a reminder in the board of your already existing intention to do it or explore it further.


2. trying to “make your life better than it already is” by imagining a shopping cart-like life of all the things that you would pick if there were no real unforeseen consequences, and using that as THE method to make your life extravagantly better than it is.


one of these seems more mature than the other


Thus I will try renaming my Dream Board as “Intention Board”



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Be more selfish. 


Let the facade that you’re a good person who cares about others go simply because it’s utter bullshit. 🤍


If & when doubt is felt, express that it is. 


15 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

I haven’t been able to use the dream board consistently because I start to feel like I’m just serving myself and that doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for me to live. 

You can’t serve yourself because you are yourself. 

If you’re already alive, there is no need for a reason to live. 

If judgmental thoughts arise, whether about “yourself” or “others”, or imagined to be on behalf of others about yourself - acknowledge the thoughts & and how they feel. 


15 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

I also begin to feel like I am just living to do what’s on the board and there is nothing more to my life than that. 

Inspect and question the validity of the thought narrative about there being a separate self; the ‘doer’. 

Consider ‘my life’, in comparison to my being, my creating - IS LITERALLY ME. 


15 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

I start to get lazy about doing things for others if it doesn’t get me what’s on the board.

It’s not about manipulation / pretending you’re doing (things for others)… it’s about preferences, focus & receiving. 

One aspect of conscious creating / dream-boarding is ‘getting out of your own way’. Noticing self judgments like ‘I’m lazy’ don’t resonate because they aren’t true. Noticing thoughts about ‘others’ don’t resonate because they’re not true. 


15 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

it is true that I want things, but more than anything (besides feeling good) I just want my life to work, so I have been living by a different philosophy lately.

Your life is already working. Philosophy isn’t needed. 


How does the thought feel?

What is the guidance / emotion(s)?

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It’s more the older in which I prioritize things that is at the heart of the matter.


It is just so that when I have career-related desires on the board, and sex-related desires, I tend to over-prioritize the sex desires. I also just tend to do the “fun” stuff instead of the other stuff which has more relevance to my actual happiness.


I make poor tradeoffs.


In other words, it gets distracting.


It also increases my tendency to disregard the intricate co-creative dance I am participating in with all other beings in my life. This can spoil a lot of great opportunity and can lead to isolation.


It can lead to using others, shallowness, unfulfillment.


The goal is always to bring God into my life. God only GIVES love. Is Love, Celebrates Love. Merges with its creation, heart first.


This goal is achieved by taking on the attitude of God. It just seems that on a practical level the dream board can distract me from that if I’m not careful.


So I’ve begun writing only things I actually intend to do based on holistic judgement.











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When you do good for yourself you also do good for others.

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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12 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

What are you referring to?

Being yourself. Reality as is. Non-conceptual. Happiness, the actual truth of abundance.  


11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


Why is it bullshit to care about others?

It’s based on a separate self of thoughts. Separation is a presumption, not an actuality. 

Any and all beliefs are directly experienced only, without exception. The belief in others and or others with beliefs is not others with beliefs. 


Plugging in the vacuum and then vacuuming, vs believing vacuuming leads to the vacuum being plugged in. 

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