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It sure as hell can seem like there is. Oh boy, just how convincing things can get.

But is anything really, truly contradicting anything? Is an idea that's definitely A really contradicting an idea that's totally B? Or are both just ideas? And in that way, one and the same? Is there such a thing as 'this over that'? Only if someone is getting something out of it. Only if it favours a self, in some way or fashion. But the self... is an idea. How can an idea be favoured, or served? That's kind of funny.


Is imperfection possible? 

Can one thing, one self, truly ever be out of alignment? Un - true? Not whole?

And if Oneness, Wholeness, Unity is already the case... what is the vail... but yet another idea?


That there is a contradiction or a conflict ultimately cannot be true, because that would require two separate realities, both equally true, yet opposing. 


Why does it matter if there is an I or not? Self or not? One or two? To whom does it matter? It's not that hard to purposefully avoid the letter I. Or the idea of me. 


If everything is Truth, all ideas about it included, what was the lie in the first place, but an idea?




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Posted (edited)

I think the highest teaching is there is no conflict.  That's what Moksha means, Liberation from samsara.  Some people like using Freedom for Liberation, but that has weird connotations to me.  Liberation from suffering sounds best, liberation from craving/attachment to the body, mind, and ego.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Conflict is a concept. Alignment is too, and refers to how thoughts feel.



Contradicting is denial of truth, or assertion of an opposite. Alignment is not about concepts, denial or assertion. 


Conflict is a disagreement or argument, or incompatibility. Alignment is not about disagreement, argument or incompatibility. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Or are both just ideas? And in that way, one and the same? Is there such a thing as 'this over that'? Only if someone is getting something out of it. Only if it favours a self, in some way or fashion. But the self... is an idea. How can an idea be favoured, or served? That's kind of funny.

Like if the idea was to attract a lot of money, one might focus in an aligned manor to reveal the reality of abundance and attract it. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Is imperfection possible? 

Apparently yes, actually no.


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Can one thing, one self, truly ever be out of alignment? Un - true? Not whole?

Alignment is about emotions, not a self or selves. It’s about frequency. Vibrational appearance & the truth and true nature of what’s appearing. 

Concepts like conflict and contradiction is a reference to thought, concepts, as things. 

Alignment is not about things. 

One self which is a thing which could be out of anything at all, would be a thing. A concept. 

Alignment would be about how that concept feels. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

And if Oneness, Wholeness, Unity is already the case... what is the vail... but yet another idea?


That there is a contradiction or a conflict ultimately cannot be true, because that would require two separate realities, both equally true, yet opposing. 


Why does it matter if there is an I or not? Self or not? One or two? To whom does it matter?

Alignment isn’t about what’s true, it’s about how thoughts feel & consciously creating. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

It's not that hard to purposefully avoid the letter I. Or the idea of me. 

The emotion guidance for that thought for example, is infallible. Ever-present perfect accuracy without exception in regard to any question & and any manifesting. 


4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

If everything is Truth, all ideas about it included, what was the lie in the first place, but an idea?

That thought too. 

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7 hours ago, ivankiss said:



If everything is Truth, all ideas about it included, what was the lie in the first place, but an idea?




 The lies that tell the truth.

Truth is never what thought thinks it is. Truth is without doubt or error regardless of any perception of it. Therefore, truth  is no truth absolutely.

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

good written but a bit all over the place..what is the  main question or point you want to discuss? 

Good eye. I was distracted by my girlfriend's naked juicy booty walking around the apartment. 


No real questions, it all answers itself. Maybe some curiosity about 'alignment'.

11 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Liberation from suffering sounds best, liberation from craving/attachment to the body, mind, and ego.

Can all that be boiled down to just attachment to thought? And is then liberation the ability of seeing through or dropping thought altogether?

11 hours ago, Phil said:


Alignment is about emotions, not a self or selves. It’s about frequency.

Is frequency something real/actual? Is it felt or thought? Does it affect perception? If so, how?

7 hours ago, Jane said:

 The lies that tell the truth.

Truth is never what thought thinks it is. Truth is without doubt or error regardless of any perception of it. Therefore, truth  is no truth absolutely.

Love that. But can a lie really tell the truth? Perhaps in a way that it cancels itself out, automatically...

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Can all that be boiled down to just attachment to thought? And is then liberation the ability of seeing through or dropping thought altogether?

I think cessation of conflict or Liberation can be boiled down to -- finding an I that makes the ego, mind, and body look more like objects of perception than what or who You are.  And then the identification with those (ego, mind, body) starts to fade.  The movie still runs without anyone in the driver seat.  It's like one of those driverless cars if you've seen one of those.  That car no longer has a "self" driving it, but it still does the same thing as if it did.  A driver could look at that car and say -- I don't need to identify with anything about this car, and to do so would be a kind of an illusion because I'm not seated in that car, I'm not controlling that car.  But I can still Watch the car be a car.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

What is 'thought attachment', right now?


There's no attachment because the Self doesn't attach.  That's a very high level teaching.  There's no craving.  There's no suffering.  All of that is an illusion.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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27 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


There's no attachment because the Self doesn't attach. 

That seems like already to much to say. 

There just is no attachment, anywhere to be found right now. Is there?

28 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


That's a very high level teaching.  

Has nothing to do with any teaching. It is just about honest observation, introspection.

29 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


All of that is an illusion.

Unnecessary to state, if there is no attachment.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

That seems like already to much to say. 

There just is no attachment, anywhere to be found right now. Is there?

Has nothing to do with any teaching. It is just about honest observation, introspection.

Unnecessary to state, if there is no attachment.


Yes to all.  Those are all pointers what I wrote.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Phil said:

Thought attachment is like the wind. It’s not an object, it isn’t seen or defined. It’s felt. Like attachment with ideas, and idea the veil as an idea. Might be subtle, but would feel discordant (‘inner’ conflict). 






This is what I refer to as the Masculine vs./and the Feminine.  The Masculine builds up, then the Feminine turns that into a salt doll put into water.  Then the Masculine builds up again and after a while the Feminine turns that into a salt doll and dissolves it in water.  And so on and on.  This is Maya.  Back and forth, back and forth.  But everything is fine because this conflict just is what Maya is. There's no need to let this conflict nature of Maya disturb You because that's what it always is and what it always will be.  Crocodiles biting other crocodiles.  You can actually come to appreciate the crocodiles that came to kill you.  Samsara is never going to be anything other than samsara, and that's ok!  That's its nature.  Even spiritual egos attack each other like crocodiles, albeit very subtle crocodiles.  Every ego wants to win, but for how long does it win?  Until another crocodile comes along and bites its head off.  The Buddhists and the Hindus are another great example of this.  The Hindus build up and the Buddhists tear it all down.  God (Masculine) becomes emptiness (Feminine).  The Masculine wants to ground in thinking and the individual (the Mind/Bliss), the Feminine wants to ground in feeling and the relation (The Body/Love).  Back and forth, back and forth.  Nobody wins for more than a scene, then a shift to a new scene with new crocodiles.  One builds a little camp, the other raids it and destroys it.  It's like the relation between Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (The Preserver), and Shiva (The Destroyer).  See image below.  Brahma is left, Vishnu is center, and Shiva is on the right.



Edited by Joseph Maynor

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