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Are people unconsciously done with leaders?

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Or rather are they done with the discord of insecurity, thoughts of inferiority and blame? Is that why we are attracting options for leaders that no one is happy with and is that why there is no respect for the position anymore? 


We have the technology to truly have a democracy and not rely so heavily on representation by a  figurehead. Why aren't we discussing evolving the government to reflect what people want in a more efficient manner rather being so focused on the person that gets chosen? 

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2 hours ago, Mandy said:

We have the technology to truly have a democracy and not rely so heavily on representation by a  figurehead. Why aren't we discussing evolving the government to reflect what people want in a more efficient manner rather being so focused on the person that gets chosen? 

Sounds very good. But it would take for people to educate themselves on a broad range of topics. Maybe thats still far from where we are at.

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3 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Sounds very good. But it would take for people to educate themselves on a broad range of topics. Maybe thats still far from where we are at.

Yeah, if you haven't researched the issue and/or don't have a preference you wouldn't vote. I leave plenty of questions on the ballot blank if I'm not clear on what I want with them. Why do we trash the planet with signs telling people how to vote or how not to vote rather than simply only allowing facts to be presented? Right/wrong, authority. 

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2 hours ago, Mandy said:

... simply only allowing facts to be presented?

The struggle is in the presentation, it seems to me. The best methods of disseminating information so broadly have become owned and/or undermined by the very people having a serious interest in which facts are acceptable topics of conversation.


Raw democracy at the pace we're capable of, presently, makes me nervous. Like when you're driving really fast in a big truck and correct the wheel a few times in rapid succession. 


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14 hours ago, A Tim said:

The struggle is in the presentation, it seems to me.


Yeah, I should have clarified when I said that I was thinking just about paid campaign ads and roadside signs. 


14 hours ago, A Tim said:

Raw democracy at the pace we're capable of, presently, makes me nervous. Like when you're driving really fast in a big truck and correct the wheel a few times in rapid succession. 

You can go fast as long as you're laser focused on where you want to go, but if you're focused about who you're terrified of becoming president, or looking where you don't want to go you'll right to that too. 

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9 hours ago, Rose said:

Do we really want to reflect what the average person wants given how unconscious people are?  

I don't believe that people are unconscious. I believe at heart we all want the same but what we often aren't conscious of is just that. 

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On 3/14/2024 at 7:27 AM, Mandy said:

if you're focused about who you're terrified of becoming president, or looking where you don't want to go you'll right to that too. 

Have you ever read The Art of Racing in the Rain? Good book. Got the tears rolling. 


Anyway - one of the characters is a Formula 1 racer (or something) and one of his mantras is "the car goes where your eyes go." He elaborates to say that if you're hitting the turn, but nervous about the shoulder and glance over - well, you can guess where the race car ends up. 


Fear drives the car lately, which has been careening us toward various ditches. Not because "we" want to go there, but because we can't stop looking at what drives the (perception of) fear. 


All that is to say - excellent point. 

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49 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I don't believe that people are unconscious. I believe at heart we all want the same but what we often aren't conscious of is just that. 

Just that being a lack of awareness that we're all truly driving after the same goal unawares and in different manners?

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