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  Today happened something i want to share.

While in meditation, I've noticed, that sense of body and any boundaries are pure mental. There are no boundaries in reality. It all dissolves in meditation. Even the sens of perceiver which is somewhere behind "eyes" can be dissolved.

All sensations in body, such us emotions, tinglings, thoughts, just appears. It's like the constant flow of a river. It never stops. It appears to none, because there's no such thing, which I can call "I".
Who am I?

While I was walking, there was mental masturbation going on "in my head", like " hmm... after I die, will I experience my girlfriend perspective?" , " Will i reincarnate?" And it hit me.  What a stupid question!

It's like a wave, which wonders, " hmm... will I be this another wave some day?"

This life of "Forza" is no different from wind blowing, or leaf falling on the ground. When there's no identification with thoughts, you see a perfect dance of everything which is arising, and I'm that.

Sounds. Sensations. Thoughts. Tinglings. Vibrations. It all arises to none, it's a pure ocean of consciousness.  Pure "I  am".

From that point, every question about "experience of other people" or "reincarnation" simply doesn't make sense, and it belongs to dualistic mind. Even question about ''solipsism" which bothers me for a while, doesn't make sense. Because who is this "I' who's alone?

Of course, my "ego-mind" makes stories about this experience, but i feel, the practice of being present, and constantly going from thoughts, to whatever's arising, is the key to freedom.

I have no idea, if this should be called "insight" or " returning home"...  🙂


Edited by Forza21
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Grats Man! 


I'm happy to see you've released the thorn in your side which was your obsession with Solipisism. 


Ah, you saying your home reminds me of this:



“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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On 4/15/2022 at 5:59 PM, Blessed2 said:

Great share 🙏🙏🙏 thank you so much 🙏

Thank you ❤️❤️ 


1 hour ago, Aware Wolf said:

Grats Man! 


I'm happy to see you've released the thorn in your side which was your obsession with Solipisism. 


Ah, you saying your home reminds me of this:



Thank you ❤️ yes, slowly, but steady it's going to the right direction. Thank you for all your support ❤️ 

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