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Questioning thoughts with Byron Katies 'Work' (Template)

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So I've been experimenting with Byron Katies 'Work' lately and I've found an easy and straight-forward way to utilize it in 7 steps.


Byron Katie's 'Work' has already been shared/mentioned on this forum, but I just felt like sharing this in case it'll be easier to utilize with these simple steps.


1. When "the phone rings" (discord arises), notice it and isolate the thought that feels off and express it in simple short statement. Write it up in your journal inside "apostrophes".


2. Question it by asking: "Is that thought true?" Answer Yes or No.


3. Continue questioning by asking: "Can you be absolutely certain that it is true?" Again, simple Yes or No.


4. Ask: "How does that thought feel like?" Use the emotional scale and point out all emotions that the thought triggers.


5. Ask: "Who would you be without that thought?" This time I usually use more descriptive terms. I write "hopeful" rather tham "hopefulness". I might write "explosively joyful" or "friendly" or "kind". I'm not quite sure why, but that resonates more for some reason. Might be different to you.


6. Write the opposite of the original statement. Again use apostrophes.


7. Write down at least three aligned thoughts that resonates and supports the opposite of the original statement you just wrote.


Thats it. Maybe before sleep you can go through what you've journaled that day.



Here's an example:



"This weekend is going to be so boring. There is nothing fun to do."


Is that thought true?




Can you be absolutely certain that it is true?




How does that thought feel like?


Boredom, pessimism, disappointment, doubt, blame and anger


Who would you be without that thought?


Optimistic, excited, radiant, joyful, calm, relaxed, satisfied, smiling, friendly


"This weekend is going to be super exciting. There's lots of fun stuff coming."


- How I feel is really just about how I focus.

- I can go for a long walk and listen to great music.

- It's great to have some calm, relaxing time with myself.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 3/2/2024 at 7:03 PM, Blessed2 said:


7. Write down at least three aligned thoughts that resonates and supports the opposite of the original statement you just wrote.


If you feel like it / got some time on your hands, you may also set a timer for like 30 minutes and keep writing as many aligned thoughts that come until the timer goes off.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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“I think this is really helpful.. BUT when does one find time to do it for every thought that feels off? I would need to quit my job for that..”


Is that thought true?




Can you be absolutely certain that it is true?




How does that thought feel like?


Freeing, easy, gives me more time


Who would you be without that thought?


Anxious, feeling like I have to do a bunch of exercises all the time and that I need to keep learning and learning all the unlimited number of tools or otherwise I will never feel better.




It could be my ego avoiding the work.. but for some reason recently whenever I see anyone talking about some new techniques I just feel anxious that there is yet another thing I need to do.. that’s why I’ve stopped reading self help books.. because they started making me feel like I am not “doing enough”


Edited by Rose
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3 hours ago, Rose said:

How does that thought feel like?


Freeing, easy, gives me more time


Who would you be without that thought?


Anxious, feeling like I have to do a bunch of exercises all the time and that I need to keep learning and learning all the unlimited number of tools or otherwise I will never feel better.


You kind of reversed these because what I meant in the OP by "that thought" was the statement you first put in apostrophes 😁 but it seems it works your way too!


3 hours ago, Rose said:

It could be my ego avoiding the work.. but for some reason recently whenever I see anyone talking about some new techniques I just feel anxious that there is yet another thing I need to do.. that’s why I’ve stopped reading self help books.. because they started making me feel like I am not “doing enough”


Oh yeah I'm experiencing those exact same interpretations.


Makes me wonder if they're really my thoughts, or maybe it's some mind-parasite appearing as if it's thoughts was my thoughts, and you and I have the same parasite. 🤔


I feel that way about the emotional scale and journaling. Feeling shitty about something and then feeling even more shitty about not doing "what I should do" (the scale, aligning thought with feeling) etc.


I'd feel so good without that thought.



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Time exists. 


On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

Is that thought true?


On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

Can you be absolutely certain that it is true?




An ego / separate self exists.

On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

Is that thought true?


On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

Can you be absolutely certain that it is true?



Shoulds are a real phenomena, and not just a belief based on the belief there are separate selves.

On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

Is that thought true?


On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

Can you be absolutely certain that it is true?


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On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Rose said:

It could be my ego avoiding the work.. but for some reason recently whenever I see anyone talking about some new techniques I just feel anxious that there is yet another thing I need to do.. that’s why I’ve stopped reading self help books.. because they started making me feel like I am not “doing enough”

The "cleanest" method of staying present I've seen is kind of what is described, but more direct. I'm told it's called "noting."


There is a very small little book (which is totally unnecessary to read) by Mahasi Sayadaw on the subject. 


It basically goes something like this:











^this is an approximate description of my experience for a couple seconds. 


Make the simplest note possible about the current experience, and notice whatever you can. Don't get tied to the label. They don't matter. Use your own. 

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