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Should I be concerned about inquiring away my desires?

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3 minutes ago, Phil said:

How so? 

What’s “knowing”?

I am pure knowing, independent of the content of the known. I am the knowing with which
all experience is known. I am the experience of being aware or awareness itself which knows
and underlies all experience. Pure knowing, being aware or awareness itself is the essential
ingredient of mind – the ever-present, subjective, knowing essence of mind, independent of
its always-changing, objective content of thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions.
Being aware or awareness itself is the knowing in all that is known, the experiencing in all



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10 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

the experience of being aware, or the knowledge ‘I am’, ‘I am aware’ or ‘There is
awareness’ is awareness’s knowledge of itself. Only awareness knows that there is awareness.
Only awareness is aware. As such, awareness is self-aware. Just as all objects on earth are
illuminated by the sun but the sun alone is self-luminous, so all experience is known by
awareness, but awareness itself is self-knowing. Thus, it is awareness’s experience that it is
continuously or, more accurately, eternally aware.

Knowledge in accordance with the definition, is a condition. Knowledge in accordance with direct experience, is a condition. 


4 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

I am pure knowing, independent of the content of the known. I am the knowing with which
all experience is known. I am the experience of being aware or awareness itself which knows
and underlies all experience. Pure knowing, being aware or awareness itself is the essential
ingredient of mind – the ever-present, subjective, knowing essence of mind, independent of
its always-changing, objective content of thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions.
Being aware or awareness itself is the knowing in all that is known, the experiencing in all


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14 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:



24 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

the experience of being aware, or the knowledge ‘I am’, ‘I am aware’ or ‘There is
awareness’ is awareness’s knowledge of itself. Only awareness knows that there is awareness.
Only awareness is aware. As such, awareness is self-aware. Just as all objects on earth are
illuminated by the sun but the sun alone is self-luminous, so all experience is known by
awareness, but awareness itself is self-knowing. Thus, it is awareness’s experience that it is
continuously or, more accurately, eternally aware.


18 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

I am pure knowing, independent of the content of the known. I am the knowing with which
all experience is known. I am the experience of being aware or awareness itself which knows
and underlies all experience. Pure knowing, being aware or awareness itself is the essential
ingredient of mind – the ever-present, subjective, knowing essence of mind, independent of
its always-changing, objective content of thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions.
Being aware or awareness itself is the knowing in all that is known, the experiencing in all


No one knows this ‘stuff’? 🙂


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1 hour ago, Phil said:

How so?

bec only awareness can know itself therefore awareness knowing of itself cannot be limited or conditioned as there isn't something that can know it other than it


@Phil is there a knowledge that isn't in accordance with direct exp? (conditioned)


Edited by Isagi Yoichi



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1 hour ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

bec only awareness can know itself therefore awareness knowing of itself cannot be limited or conditioned as there isn't something that can know it other than it

Awareness is itself. 


1 hour ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

@Phil is there a knowledge that isn't in accordance with direct exp? (conditioned)

I don’t mean knowledge is conditioning or conditioned. More that there is knowledge is a condition. 

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It’s really about self-realization, the truth and the true nature of awareness. Knowledge is appearance of the world-sphere, experienced as it were via the lens-sphere. If there is knowledge or knowing, then ‘awareness is aware’ is therein knowledge or knowing, as opposed to being (without any facade of knowledge or knowing). 


As far as inquiring away desires, it’s only the self conceptualization of there being a separate self and it’s desires which ‘goes’, which is to say, it’s only the discord & resistance of the self conceptualization / ignore-ance which ‘goes’, while the actuality of self / reality of course, remains as what is already the case. 


Preferences still appear as Creator-Creating-Creation, yet aren’t conceptualized as separate finite things or possessions (my, mine). 

The corresponding ‘stuff & relationships of perception’ so to speak is being attracted already, and un-conceptualizing self is merely an allowing, a ‘not getting in the way’. 

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8 hours ago, Phil said:

It’s really about self-realization, the truth and the true nature of awareness. Knowledge is appearance of the world-sphere, experienced as it were via the lens-sphere. If there is knowledge or knowing, then ‘awareness is aware’ is therein knowledge or knowing, as opposed to being (without any facade of knowledge or knowing). 


I should stop quoting stuff from Spira books until I self realize lol



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