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Should I be concerned about inquiring away my desires?

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In the attempt to "empty myself of thoughts/beliefs" I bump into fantasties/desires, which I could spell out to myself. Then I could ask them the Byron Katie set of questions like: Is it true? What happens when I believe this thought? etc.


For example:

I want to move to another city and meet new people.

Is it true?

What happens when I believe this thought?

Why do I want to do it?

Who wants to move to another city and meet new people?




Such questions tends to descontruct the subject and the object.

Therefore, dissolving the very desire itself.

If the very desire itself is dissolved in the inquiry of it, is that a good sign (that there is nothing then to write on the dreamboard at that time)?

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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

“Nothing’s happening” is often heard as “there’s nothing to do”. 

Why is that? 

Because there is no one to do and nothing to be done


The some one who would do anything is a subject.

And something there to be done is the object.


I don't know, if this resolves my original question.

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14 minutes ago, Ceejay said:

Because there is no one to do and nothing to be done

This is what’s being pointed to, happening. 

(When it’s said “nothing’s happening”, often it seems it’s heard as “there’s nothing to do” / “there’s nothing to be done”.) 

14 minutes ago, Ceejay said:


The some one who would do anything is a subject.

Sure but what is the actuality of a subject? 


14 minutes ago, Ceejay said:

And something there to be done is the object.

And an object as well?


14 minutes ago, Ceejay said:


I don't know, if this resolves my original question.

Then it doesn’t. Our aim here is not half ass satisfaction and manifesting. It’s absolute. 

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

Sure but what is the actuality of a subject? 


2 hours ago, Phil said:

And an object as well?


2 hours ago, Phil said:

When it’s said “nothing’s happening”, often it seems it’s heard as “there’s nothing to do” / “there’s nothing to be done”.

Maybe the implications of the statement "nothing's happening" is not getting fully felt and/or fully explicated.

2 hours ago, Phil said:

Then it doesn’t. Our aim here is not half ass satisfaction and manifesting. It’s absolute. 

Which is unalloyed happiness without subject and object.

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

Desires being written and manifesting is truly nothing happening. 

I don't understand what you actually mean by "nothing happening".


You use it very often.


Can you rephrase it, whilst retaining the intended meaning?

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2 hours ago, Ceejay said:

I don't understand what you actually mean by "nothing happening".


You use it very often.


Can you rephrase it, whilst retaining the intended meaning?

I is actually nothing, happening. Understand, understander, understanding, are actually nothing happening. Meaning, is actually nothing happening.

Take a look around. That’s what I’m talking about. This is, nothing happening.

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8 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


Exactly! 🙂

Awareness is not a thing. 

Thing is the thought, thing… and no thing, awareness, is appearing as, said “thought”.


But what is the essential essence, the true nature, of awareness? 

And what is the ultimate truth of, “awareness”? 

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32 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


Existence is an apparent transient phenomenon. The essential essence of being isn’t apparent, transient or a phenomenon. 

32 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


eternal awareness 

Eternal awareness is a transient conceptual framework. The Truth is not these things. 

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@Isagi Yoichi

How is awareness not aware of itself?


How can the tip of this finger not point to the tip of this finger?


How can this tongue not taste this tongue?


How can desire not desire desire?


Does how apply to what… isn’t? 


How is it there aren’t unicorns? 



Perhaps the question is… how or why does it seem like awareness is or could be aware of itself.

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the experience of being aware, or the knowledge ‘I am’, ‘I am aware’ or ‘There is
awareness’ is awareness’s knowledge of itself. Only awareness knows that there is awareness.
Only awareness is aware. As such, awareness is self-aware. Just as all objects on earth are
illuminated by the sun but the sun alone is self-luminous, so all experience is known by
awareness, but awareness itself is self-knowing. Thus, it is awareness’s experience that it is
continuously or, more accurately, eternally aware.



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