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the busy world

Isagi Yoichi

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I despise capitalism and the prevailing societal systems that dictate our lives today. There seems to be no space for personal reflection or anything beyond serving the system. You are compelled to adhere to the system's rules, or risk being left behind.


For instance, choosing to live in a forest might mean foregoing the basic benefits of society and potentially facing conflict with the system.


The way it's structured offers no time for anything; you must complete your job or work on time, or face homelessness.



It feels like being trapped in a machine where you are not valued; they prioritize money and the work you do for them, not your well-being.


Is the prevalence of wage slave jobs indicative of a lower vibrational state or something similar? Because if people were offered money without the need for work, it's likely that 95% of them would accept.


Edited by Isagi Yoichi



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Write what you want to create on the far right side of the dreamboard and allow all the steps to fill in to the left of what you wrote. Use Google, Gpt & ask questions. Ideas, details and insight will fill in. Put em in order. Gaps & questions will be obvious. Google, Gpt, ask questions to fill in the gaps. There’s a lot of clarity in visually seeing it, a lot of excitement in creating it, and people & opportunities come right out of the wood work. 


If you don’t want a mediocre life, don’t think like everyone else. Don’t waste time focusing on what you don’t want or what doesn’t resonate. 


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18 minutes ago, Phil said:

Write what you want to create on the far right side of the dreamboard and allow all the steps to fill in to the left of what you wrote. Use Google, Gpt & ask questions. Ideas, details and insight will fill in. Put em in order. Gaps & questions will be obvious. Google, Gpt, ask questions to fill in the gaps. There’s a lot of clarity in visually seeing it, a lot of excitement in creating it, and people & opportunities come right out of the wood work. 


If you don’t want a mediocre life, don’t think like everyone else. Don’t waste time focusing on what you don’t want or what doesn’t resonate. 


I still dont get it. I have this board in front of my eyes on my wall. And the first thing I would write down would just be "I want to feel independently happy and free".

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Yes, write material stuff. Dream big as in general & broad, and allow specifics to fill in naturally. 


The back is ideal for questioning thoughts & beliefs as it’s a lot easier to see visually (than ‘in your head’).

Write “can I”, and question the belief in identity behind that. Write who or what is believed to be asking, and who or what is believed to be asked. 

As emotions are experienced, write which emotion, and then write why the interpretation (thought) feels off, to dispel the belief. 

Same for material stuff. 



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15 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

I despise capitalism and the prevailing societal systems that dictate our lives today. There seems to be no space for personal reflection or anything beyond serving the system. You are compelled to adhere to the system's rules, or risk being left behind.


For instance, choosing to live in a forest might mean foregoing the basic benefits of society and potentially facing conflict with the system.


The way it's structured offers no time for anything; you must complete your job or work on time, or face homelessness.



It feels like being trapped in a machine where you are not valued; they prioritize money and the work you do for them, not your well-being.


Is the prevalence of wage slave jobs indicative of a lower vibrational state or something similar? Because if people were offered money without the need for work, it's likely that 95% of them would accept.


The current society is irrelevant when it comes to Self-Realization. Jesus lived through an even more barbaric society where conditioning was rampant and he was killed for sharing the message of Non-Dual. Self realization will unfold in its own way no matter what the circumstances are, and suffering WILL diminish. 


As hard as it may seem, you can reframe these ideas. Like "wage slave", this kind of framing isn't helpful at all. Are you a slave? Are you working in a field all day for no pay and getting whipped? 


Nothing wrong at all with preferring a different kind of career that may feel more freeing for you. I would just suggest not falling into the trap of framing yourself as a slave and disempowering yourself. You deserve more than that. 



"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Isagi Yoichi When you cooperate with the world instead of fight it, you will be surprised at all the people who will manifest and help you accomplish what you want. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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10 minutes ago, Phil said:


Yes, write material stuff. Dream big as in general & broad, and allow specifics to fill in naturally. 


The back is ideal for questioning thoughts & beliefs as it’s a lot easier to see visually (than ‘in your head’).

Write “can I”, and question the belief in identity behind that. Write who or what is believed to be asking, and who or what is believed to be asked. 

As emotions are experienced, write which emotion, and then write why the interpretation (thought) feels off, to dispel the belief. 

Same for material stuff. 



Could you just send me an example of this on yours? Via DM. It's difficult to understand.



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Meditation allows self referential thoughts & subject-object thoughts like ‘I don’t get it’, ’can I’, and ‘it’s too difficult to understand (for me)’ to fizzle out. As focus is gently returned to feeling breathing in the stomach, thought is no longer fed attention and truly just comes to rest naturally. 


In the empty lens in which those thoughts were appearing  - now, presently… ideas, insights, epiphanies & revelations about what’s wanted appear.  Questions appear clearly, without a backstory & beliefs. 




@Isagi Yoichi

Vibration isn’t conceptual. Concepts are vibrational appearance. (States, lower vibrational states, higher vibrational states, wage slavery, etc).

Don’t suppress emotions to believe concepts… allow emotion to dispel concepts. 

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