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„I love you” - what does it mean ?

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Every time In a relationship, when i say:” I love you”, deep down I don't really know what it means.

And even worse, it feels slightly inauthentic because, in my experience, there is no such thing as love towards that one person, that specific person.


Yes, there is emotional, psychological, sexual attraction, and desire. Yes, there are pleasant sensations. Yes, there are emotions and thoughts/ images about that person and how great it is that I'm with her. About things we share etc.



But what is love towards that one person? Is it just a social construct? Is it a story we tell ourselves? Is it just an attachment? What do you really mean when you say, "I love you" without the concepts?


And please drop the spiritual jargon about love being the realization of oneness, that lofty thing. Where do you find it in your direct experience? Why you say „i love you” only to your partner and not a homeless person on your street?


Please put it simply.


What is love to you? What do you mean when you say love? What do you mean when you say, "I love you"?

Edited by Forza21
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3 hours ago, Forza21 said:

Every time In a relationship, when i say:” I love you”, deep down I don't really know what it means.

And even worse, it feels slightly inauthentic because, in my experience, there is no such thing as love towards that one person, that specific person.


Yes, there is emotional, psychological, sexual attraction, and desire. Yes, there are pleasant sensations. Yes, there are emotions and thoughts/ images about that person and how great it is that I'm with her. About things we share etc.



But what is love towards that one person? Is it just a social construct? Is it a story we tell ourselves? Is it just an attachment? What do you really mean when you say, "I love you" without the concepts?


And please drop the spiritual jargon about love being the realization of oneness, that lofty thing. Where do you find it in your direct experience? Why you say „i love you” only to your partner and not a homeless person on your street?


Please put it simply.


What is love to you? What do you mean when you say love? What do you mean when you say, "I love you"?

In my experience, when I say I love you it means I accept you fully as you are.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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On 12/18/2023 at 4:20 PM, Phil said:

As my experience arises an individual subject seeks wholeness in meaning, purpose, value & worth while the present remains an unsuspected gift. 

present is either with or without this person, i talk about romantic love. What is this bond between two people, what makes it special? 

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On 12/18/2023 at 1:10 AM, Forza21 said:

Every time In a relationship, when i say:” I love you”, deep down I don't really know what it means.

And even worse, it feels slightly inauthentic because, in my experience, there is no such thing as love towards that one person, that specific person.


Yes, there is emotional, psychological, sexual attraction, and desire. Yes, there are pleasant sensations. Yes, there are emotions and thoughts/ images about that person and how great it is that I'm with her. About things we share etc.



But what is love towards that one person? Is it just a social construct? Is it a story we tell ourselves? Is it just an attachment? What do you really mean when you say, "I love you" without the concepts?


And please drop the spiritual jargon about love being the realization of oneness, that lofty thing. Where do you find it in your direct experience? Why you say „i love you” only to your partner and not a homeless person on your street?


Please put it simply.


What is love to you? What do you mean when you say love? What do you mean when you say, "I love you"?

Emotional reactions from want and need to be accepted by others is instinctive behavior in each ancestor adapting to their limited time when occupying space here now.

Genetics spaces ancestral positions apart by "generation gaps" since inception of original 16 great great grandparents where there had to arrive 5 generation gap spread living in total sum population occupying the moment here now.


It is the actual evolving process without estimations if occurs any other way which ends up causing constant conflicts between every generation gap alive blaming their previous 4 for life always corrupting the 6th generation arriving one at a time as physically being eternally separated now when biologically conceived to replace their previous 4 generation gaps living here now.


Believing now isn't eternity is the root of history made through mayhem, madness, misery put on ancestors to silence instinctive honesty cradle to grave to serve ideas of supreme intellectual universal designer creating better tomorrows protecting reasonable doubt for the greater good of keeping people on message saving humanity since dawn of civilizing the savage beasts of homo sapien ancestries calling themselves human beings in the spirit of discovering eternal life is more than living eternally separated as biologically here now.

Edited by solereproduction
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