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Mescaline trip report


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So I met a guy at a festival last summer. This guy was a chemist who synthesized his own mescaline and he sold me some. I finally did it and it was wild.


first off I highly recommend mescaline. I think it’s one of the most fun psychedelics as well as being the most healing and the most gentle. I am normally sensitive these days in the sense that smaller amounts make me trip way too hard. An eight and mushrooms or one or 2 tabs is enough to be too much most the time.


I definitely took too much mescaline but I was able to handle it without panicking. Basically my body started to feel really uncomfortable and I started vibrating and then most of the trip involved me laying on the bathroom floor listening to the same 2 songs over and over.


its really hard to put the important stuff into words but basically over the course of like 8 hours it felt like my body was rewiring itself at the deepest level. As I lay there and relaxed and let go, it felt like beliefs that manifested as certain way I held my physical body were unwinding. As they unwound I relaxed more and resentments began to wash away.

More importantly I started to see why I behave the way I do. And how certain core tensions led to other core tensions which led things like social anxiety and trouble meeting women because I vied them as separate. I viewed women as something to be acquired. I also realized so many other things that I can’t put into words.


i saw that a personality is just a habitual configuration of tension. I suspect good actors are so talented because they can change the bodily configuration of tension with ease. The body truly keeps the score. 


The one question that wasn’t answered is basically what started all of this. What is the beginning of it the tension? For example, at one point some kind of tension dissolved and as it dissolved I intuitively knew that it was the believe that I need to play games in social situations. Like you need to pretend to not care for someone to gain status. I had lots of realizations like that that kept going deeper and deeper but I continued to feel this tensions. Like something was solved. As the trip went on the tension and stress that was felt so strongly got less and less intense as my psyche unraveled l. But something that I’m not quite sure of was still present. I have a feeling it’s the origin of all the suffering. 

Also another interesting point as I went deeper I felt more like an animal. More primal. Also I had an odd desire for violence or combat. I’m gonna make another thread about that though.

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On 12/17/2023 at 11:39 AM, Kevin said:

So I met a guy at a festival last summer. This guy was a chemist who synthesized his own mescaline and he sold me some. I finally did it and it was wild.


first off I highly recommend mescaline. I think it’s one of the most fun psychedelics as well as being the most healing and the most gentle. I am normally sensitive these days in the sense that smaller amounts make me trip way too hard. An eight and mushrooms or one or 2 tabs is enough to be too much most the time.


I definitely took too much mescaline but I was able to handle it without panicking. Basically my body started to feel really uncomfortable and I started vibrating and then most of the trip involved me laying on the bathroom floor listening to the same 2 songs over and over.


its really hard to put the important stuff into words but basically over the course of like 8 hours it felt like my body was rewiring itself at the deepest level. As I lay there and relaxed and let go, it felt like beliefs that manifested as certain way I held my physical body were unwinding. As they unwound I relaxed more and resentments began to wash away.

More importantly I started to see why I behave the way I do. And how certain core tensions led to other core tensions which led things like social anxiety and trouble meeting women because I vied them as separate. I viewed women as something to be acquired. I also realized so many other things that I can’t put into words.


i saw that a personality is just a habitual configuration of tension. I suspect good actors are so talented because they can change the bodily configuration of tension with ease. The body truly keeps the score. 


The one question that wasn’t answered is basically what started all of this. What is the beginning of it the tension? For example, at one point some kind of tension dissolved and as it dissolved I intuitively knew that it was the believe that I need to play games in social situations. Like you need to pretend to not care for someone to gain status. I had lots of realizations like that that kept going deeper and deeper but I continued to feel this tensions. Like something was solved. As the trip went on the tension and stress that was felt so strongly got less and less intense as my psyche unraveled l. But something that I’m not quite sure of was still present. I have a feeling it’s the origin of all the suffering. 

Also another interesting point as I went deeper I felt more like an animal. More primal. Also I had an odd desire for violence or combat. I’m gonna make another thread about that though.

Ones with shrooms trip, I had become a wolfman. It was wild and crazy .

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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