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Tired of feeling a lifetime of suppression


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It's just a rant. But I am tired of having what Eckhart Tolle calls a painbody.


I hate it. It hurts. I want it all to leave and disappear for good. I recognize it in my nervous system as feelings of duality that are present in a whole range of spectrum. From very dense and painful (fear, unworthiness, anger) to just mildly uncomfortable.


I want it all to clear up. I keep expressing (hours per day!!!!!!), doing ceremonies, aligning myself with my purpose. But it feels like it's not enough and it's still hurting in an excruciating way.


Yeah. Who is hurting. BLABLABLA. I know. The ego is hurting. Not the real self. But I still operate from the ego level and i'm just interested in turning it somewhat functional first.



How do I love best now?

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1 minute ago, Mandy said:



Nice story about nervous systems, are little pandas with purple hats in charge of running that thing? What's behind it? I love stories, but tell me a more satisfying one. 

No, it's awareness. It's all awareness. The nervous system itself is awareness.




So it's awareness experiencing suffering and the impression of being two.

How do I love best now?

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2 minutes ago, Serenity said:

Well that's the question.


I want pandas, mandy. 😂

WELL GODDAMN IT, HAVE THE PANDAS! What is barring you from pandas? 


Personally, an actual panda would be a lot, I can't even keep chickens, so panda gifs and ridiculous ideas about pandas are exactly the kind of pandas I want. How can I complain? Everything I want right here. 

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40 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Pandas howling at the full moon! 




Panwolf babies 😍 


37 minutes ago, Mandy said:

WELL GODDAMN IT, HAVE THE PANDAS! What is barring you from pandas? 


Personally, an actual panda would be a lot, I can't even keep chickens, so panda gifs and ridiculous ideas about pandas are exactly the kind of pandas I want. How can I complain? Everything I want right here. 

How do I get pandas without suppressing/repressing the painbody?




We already have pandas. Happy pandas in nature. Being beautiful and happy for us all.  AWWW.❤️


33 minutes ago, Mandy said:



Pain body panda. 😂



Some of my  favorite commercials 😍.




How do I love best now?

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You just enjoy the pandas. There isn't a painbody and repression is impossible because you are feeling itself already. Repression would be avoiding the feeling by believing it to be something else. Like a painbody. Or depression. Or someone's fault. Of that time of the month. Or the full moon. Or November. Or what you ate that morning. It doesn't exclude it it's just moving to what's wanted. 


I can never be happy again because I ate something bad for breakfast in 2000 and now I'm just repressing the memory and trauma of the bad box of cinnamon toast crunch my mom bought on clearance. 

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