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It bugs me that you can't put moderators on ignore


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This complaint doesn't just relate to this place, it's also applicable to a couple of other forums I go on, including actualized.org. It wouldn't be a problem if the moderators that were selected were mature, responsible people, but far too often that isn't the case - often they're egotistical, condescending, or just plain obnoxious and tiresome (Leo's selection of moderators in particular I just find baffling at times, so often he seems to select people who really aren't well-suited for the role - maybe there's a dearth of good candidates, I don't know). But because they're moderators, you can't hide their posts, I'm assuming because this would in some way hinder their ability to moderate?


I know it's not very important in the grand scheme of things, it's just a feature that does bug me because the behaviour of some of these people really gets under my skin at times, and I'd like to banish them to my ignore list so I don't have to read their nonsense but I can't. 

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That's what power is all about - egotistical and condescending. 

Power is generally ugly, rarely beautiful. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Yes, I feel like some of them have very underdeveloped self awareness and just humbleness in general, they really believe their own bullshit. One of them I found particuliarly annoying, he was always hanging out in the dating section, talking about how you have no "Game" and shit like that, his posts contained a lot of grammar mistakes, and a lot of his statements were utterly illogical and he contradicted himself a lot, which was sometimes noticable within that very same thread/topic. Then there's a lot of people there who aren't mods yet, but keep being fucking smartasses about everything, so some of them will eventually become one, I'm sure. There's one of those in particuliar whom I won't name, but everyone who'll take a trip to that forum will be able to detect him, cause he's everywhere and he thinks he has the Truth in everything. So fucking annoying. How are these people even real

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2 hours ago, Reena said:

That's what power is all about - egotistical and condescending. 

Power is generally ugly, rarely beautiful. 


Which kind of power is ugly and which is beautiful? Rhetorical question;


Power to choose, power of suggestion, knowledge is power, Understanding the power one has, Power to govern tomorrow's outcomes arriving today.

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I think there's a good reason for this.  The moderators have to be seen as the authority,  But that means that moderators must be carefully selected.  You shouldn't be able to ignore the police officer.  This isn't a problem on this forum, but if there's something wrong with the moderator role where they shouldn't even be in a position of authority, that's a different problem.  In that case, the moderator should be demoted from that role.  That does happen on forums.  And if the big boss doesn't do it, it leads to corruption and abuse in the community.  Not a problem on this forum though in my estimation.  There's a couple of mods on Leo's forum that I think should have been demoted a long time ago, but Leo didn't do it and won't do it.  When there's only one person in charge and no balance of powers or appeal process, it is a dictatorship, so whatever that person wants goes.  You gotta have your head screwed on tight to be a good big boss if you're the single authority over who promotes and demotes moderators -- and who mediates appeals between members and moderators when a dispute arises.  It comes down to the character of the big boss.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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Behaviors & actions are not the entity. 

When you ‘put them on ignore’, you aren’t putting them on ignore. 

You’re putting the guidance on ignore.

Guidance which tells you, behaviors & actions are not the entity. 


To be the authority is simply to be the author. 

And sometimes, to let a little conjecture about authority go.

The author need not ignore anyone or anything at all.

For the author is the author and the guidance tells you so. 


This is true regardless of wether ‘the moderators’ believe the conjecture, or listen to the guidance, or not. 


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1 hour ago, solereproduction said:

Which kind of power is ugly and which is beautiful? Rhetorical question;


Power to choose, power of suggestion, knowledge is power, Understanding the power one has, Power to govern tomorrow's outcomes arriving today.

Power when it's used to show ego and is abused easily to satisfy the egoic needs of the person in power, then that kind of power can look ugly. 

When power is used effectively to bring order in chaos and to protect the vulnerable from the bully, to help those who need help using this power, then this power is humanitarian, just and fair and is beautiful. 

Power is like a weapon. It becomes ugly or beautiful depending on how you use it.

If you use power for narcissistic means and cause unfairness and eradication of truth, then that power is not for the greater good. It's not in good faith. 



In this context. If a moderator gives you warning points for something that is not your fault, I'll call that abuse of power. 

If a moderator uses their power to defend someone who feels hurt or shuts down a person targeting another, then that's good use of that power and fair disbursement. 


Most moderators don't care about all that shit. Their own personal biases get in the way. They support whoever they feel like. 


This is going to be the case on most forums because it's in human nature to be corrupted by power. 

It takes an awful amount of personal pride and moral integrity to not fall for human games and one's own ego. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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2 hours ago, Reena said:

This is going to be the case on most forums because it's in human nature to be corrupted by power. 

It takes an awful amount of personal pride and moral integrity to not fall for human games and one's own ego. 

This is very true, and moderators do provide the service free of charge (well, I'm assuming?) so I guess I shouldn't have too high expectations of them really, and I should try to keep things in perspective. It's a minor bugbear really, I just felt like getting it off my chest.


6 hours ago, Mandy said:

Moderators also aren't allowed to ignore users. There's a lot of time and money that goes into a forum. If you don't appreciate all that goes into it and keeps it running that's fine, but it really is just a resource offered to you at no cost. 

It's a fair point, I really should acknowledge and appreciate the effort and expense that you guys put into it more.

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6 hours ago, Reborn said:

Yes, I feel like some of them have very underdeveloped self awareness and just humbleness in general, they really believe their own bullshit. One of them I found particuliarly annoying, he was always hanging out in the dating section, talking about how you have no "Game" and shit like that, his posts contained a lot of grammar mistakes, and a lot of his statements were utterly illogical and he contradicted himself a lot, which was sometimes noticable within that very same thread/topic. Then there's a lot of people there who aren't mods yet, but keep being fucking smartasses about everything, so some of them will eventually become one, I'm sure. There's one of those in particuliar whom I won't name, but everyone who'll take a trip to that forum will be able to detect him, cause he's everywhere and he thinks he has the Truth in everything. So fucking annoying. How are these people even real

Mm, I personally wouldn't make a person a moderator who even uses the word 'game' in that context (I find that whole scene rather insufferable and immature), but there you go, Leo obviously has very different values to me. A forum tends to get moulded into the image of its creators, it seems to me, people will often ape the behaviour of the leader - which is unfortunate in the case of actualized, because I don't think Leo's a good role-model as far as his general conduct goes.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Mm, I personally wouldn't make a person a moderator who even uses the word 'game' in that context (I find that whole scene rather insufferable and immature), but there you go, Leo obviously has very different values to me. A forum tends to get moulded into the image of its creators, it seems to me, people will often ape the behaviour of the leader - which is unfortunate in the case of actualized, because I don't think Leo's a good role-model as far as his general conduct goes.

Well, the "game" is a bullshit concept in and of itself, these people act like human interactions can be summed up into some sort of a system, and you can play social situations as if it was an RPG game, that you just have to upgrade some stats, and it'll get you women, friends etc. And the principles they often preach about, that are actually general truths, are like, common sense things, such as be confident or flirt. So, since the base of the whole building is built on bullshit, then the whole building is bullshit, and therefore all the moderators, and all the discussions there are full of shit. No wonder there are no women present in those discussions.


Leo does likely have some sort of narcissism, imo. Obviously just a speculation, but it's likely imo

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39 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Mm, I personally wouldn't make a person a moderator who even uses the word 'game' in that context (I find that whole scene rather insufferable and immature), but there you go, Leo obviously has very different values to me. A forum tends to get moulded into the image of its creators, it seems to me, people will often ape the behaviour of the leader - which is unfortunate in the case of actualized, because I don't think Leo's a good role-model as far as his general conduct goes.

Leo does what Leo wants. It's like that. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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4 hours ago, Reborn said:

Well, the "game" is a bullshit concept in and of itself, these people act like human interactions can be summed up into some sort of a system, and you can play social situations as if it was an RPG game, that you just have to upgrade some stats, and it'll get you women, friends etc. And the principles they often preach about, that are actually general truths, are like, common sense things, such as be confident or flirt. So, since the base of the whole building is built on bullshit, then the whole building is bullshit, and therefore all the moderators, and all the discussions there are full of shit. No wonder there are no women present in those discussions.

The whole thing just seems symptomatic of a culture of instant gratification to me, it just seems like more pleasure-seeking without thinking about the consequences of your actions for yourself or other people. It seems like a very shallow pursuit to me.


4 hours ago, Reborn said:

Leo does likely have some sort of narcissism, imo. Obviously just a speculation, but it's likely imo

Does seem that way. I get the sense that he's actually deeply damaged and dysfunctional.

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7 hours ago, Daniel said:

Does seem that way. I get the sense that he's actually deeply damaged and dysfunctional.

It's really hard to decisively come to that conclusion based on such limited evidence, but the way he acts sometimes is suspicious, so we can't rule it out as a possibility. That's what I'm trying to say


Even recently, seemingly little things as "Leo's geography challenge" on his blog, could be a clue as to how he thinks. Now, I'd argue it's a pretty good challenge in and of itself, but why did he have to put his name there? Why couldn't he just left it as "Geography challenge" or something else other than that. In general he acts like he's an expert on everything, even though he does occassionally admit he doesn't know about something, but it sounds kinda strategic to me. Idk, he's sus

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@Reborn A big red flag for me was when he made a comment a few months back about how humility is bullshit and sometimes arrogance is justified, I thought that spoke volumes about his mentality.


Ugh, anyway, I don't want to turn this into a Leo-bashing thread, so that's the last I'll say on the subject.

Edited by Daniel
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2 hours ago, Daniel said:

@Reborn A big red flag for me was when he made a comment a few months back about how humility is bullshit and sometimes arrogance is justified, I thought that spoke volumes about his mentality.


Ugh, anyway, I don't want to turn this into a Leo-bashing thread, so that's the last I'll say on the subject.

But isn't that true in real life that people reward narcissism. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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On 11/18/2023 at 6:55 AM, Daniel said:

This complaint doesn't just relate to this place, it's also applicable to a couple of other forums I go on, including actualized.org. It wouldn't be a problem if the moderators that were selected were mature, responsible people, but far too often that isn't the case - often they're egotistical, condescending, or just plain obnoxious and tiresome (Leo's selection of moderators in particular I just find baffling at times, so often he seems to select people who really aren't well-suited for the role - maybe there's a dearth of good candidates, I don't know). But because they're moderators, you can't hide their posts, I'm assuming because this would in some way hinder their ability to moderate?


I know it's not very important in the grand scheme of things, it's just a feature that does bug me because the behaviour of some of these people really gets under my skin at times, and I'd like to banish them to my ignore list so I don't have to read their nonsense but I can't. 

Learn how to make intellectual passive aggressive mentalities ignore you in a passive aggressive method they use against you. Reasonable doubt has an "Achilles' Heel" in every instinctive brain unique to adapting in space now.


yes this is binary code speak. Instinctive brain will comprehend.

Edited by solereproduction
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