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Fear of fear creates a feedback loop from hell

spiritual dreams

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I've been having these sudden panic attacks and I'm slowly beginning to understand the root cause of it. My awareness has been pretty expanded recently so I'm a low more aware of what goes on in my subconscious mind.


Sometimes a really negative emotion will come up and I will be scared of it. I will then be aware of the fear and try to avoid the fear. This avoidance creates more fear leading to more avoidance. It's like I'm scared of my own fear which creates a horrific feedback loop.


I've found that the only way to deal with it is to just allow myself to be afraid and fully feel the fear. Sometimes I let the internal scared parts scream silently. Suddenly when you allow yourself to be scared, it's actually not that scary any more. It's something that I'm working in at the moment.

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A lot of stuff comes up after awakening, just hold on 🙂


Keep meditating daily, try diaphragmatic breathing when it gets intense. Hang out with friends and family, go for walks, workout, have fun, etc.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@spiritual dreams


The kids were projecting fear onto a clown, believing the fear was being caused by the clown, because they believed there is an objective reality.


It’s like the snake & the rope. At first the rope is believed to be a snake. Upon closer inspection it’s realized what was believed to be a snake is a rope. Then upon backing away, it again looks like a snake. But there isn’t the believing it is. 

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Fear causes a lot of problems in relationships and in your self-relationship.  Some people are more prone to fear than others.  The following are some writings I recently did on fear:

"Don't fear failure" is important because when you fail you can't let that bring you down.  Failure is part of life as long as you note it and make sure it doesn't happen again.  Make a specific mistake once if possible.  Smart people don't repeat a mistake that's clearly noted and understood.  It's ok to make mistakes, but try not to repeat those that really hold you back in a fundamental and foundational way or just negligent way.  Embrace risk and embrace failing -- but don't be stupid about it.  Anything that's a failure is already water under the bridge.  Learn from that failure, and get better by taking a note to self where you don't do that again.  Failure makes you stronger and better in this way because you're actually learning as you live.  You can fix any failure too if you work to do that.  A failure is not a full-stop usually, it's a temporary problem or obstacle that can be weathered like a small storm.

If you feel like you're constantly telling someone "dude, it's gonna be ok!" chances are that person has a noticeable fear problem.

Unreasonable fear is a thing. If you feel like you need to fight a huge battle to overcome someone's perception of a risk of catastrophic failure that isn't even remotely likely to happen -- they have a problem with irrational fear.  I deal with this issue on a regular basis in myself and notice it in others.  Fear is something we all know well and want to find a way to better manage.  You can!  It takes attention and work though.  I find that a lot of fearful people suck at thinking.  They're not thinking rationally or soundly about things.  This is why cognitive-behavioral therapy is so effective.  Not everybody thinks rationally or logically about things.   They get bogged down in madness sometimes.  It's weird to watch, but also you have this in you too!  Everybody is a little bit crazy, a little bit irrational.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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"In order to be free from fear, we must first learn to live with it." 


-Rupert Spira

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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