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Love is the only purpose fuck the enlightenment

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Love love love, everywhere, everything no need explain , proof, right or wrong. LOVE LOVE LOVE. So simply love, smooth within the heart, appreciation, respecting, being nothing, being overlooked, just by yourself, simply love. Amazing, amazing.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

- A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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What to do when you're frustrated with conceptualizing spiritual enlightenment? Get off spiritual communities and stop talking about spiritual enlightenment for 1 year and see what remains. What remains will be the spirituality that has nothing to do with words. You're attached to all kinds of concepts because that's what you're talking about and that's the social glue that forms the foundation for your social circle. It's annoying to you and it should be. It's like circling the wagons but never finding out what's inside them. Paradoxically, you find out what's inside the wagons when you stop thinking about them. You don't need to think anything to maintain spiritual enlightenment. It's cool to see what that is "up underneath" any concept or narrative for talking to others about it. I love coming on spiritual communities from time to time but I have to leave for periods of time too otherwise I'll get caught up in spiritual ego and intellectual issues that actually cause me suffering. Spiritual communities are great to recharge spiritual batteries though. Make sure to take yourself out of the charger and go do other things from time to time too in living life. You don't need to talk about hands all day to have hands.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

What to do when you're frustrated with conceptualizing spiritual enlightenment? Get off spiritual communities and stop talking about spiritual enlightenment for 1 year and see what remains. What remains will be the spirituality that has nothing to do with words. You're attached to all kinds of concepts because that's what you're talking about and that's the social glue that forms the foundation for your social circle. It's annoying to you and it should be. It's like circling the wagons but never finding out what's inside them. Paradoxically, you find out what's inside the wagons when you stop thinking about them. You don't need to think anything to maintain spiritual enlightenment. It's cool to see what that is "up underneath" any concept or narrative for talking to others about it. I love coming on spiritual communities from time to time but I have to leave for periods of time too otherwise I'll get caught up in spiritual ego and intellectual issues that actually cause me suffering. Spiritual communities are great to recharge spiritual batteries though. Make sure to take yourself out of the charger and go do other things from time to time too in living life. You don't need to talk about hands all day to have hands.

Conceptualizing / following concepts / conceptual ideology is opposite to spirituality, as the investigation of what is absolutely true. 


Apparently, not all spiritual communities are pro conceptualizing, suppression and mental & emotional manipulation therein (separate selves which become enlightened, thinkers thinking, maintaining spiritual enlightenment, etc, etc, etc). It’s entirely possible for some communities to be created of response.


There’s nothing, like meditation though. 


YouTube  Website  Sessions

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

What to do when you're frustrated with conceptualizing spiritual enlightenment? Get off spiritual communities and stop talking about spiritual enlightenment for 1 year and see what remains. What remains will be the spirituality that has nothing to do with words. You're attached to all kinds of concepts because that's what you're talking about and that's the social glue that forms the foundation for your social circle. It's annoying to you and it should be. It's like circling the wagons but never finding out what's inside them. Paradoxically, you find out what's inside the wagons when you stop thinking about them. You don't need to think anything to maintain spiritual enlightenment. It's cool to see what that is "up underneath" any concept or narrative for talking to others about it. I love coming on spiritual communities from time to time but I have to leave for periods of time too otherwise I'll get caught up in spiritual ego and intellectual issues that actually cause me suffering. Spiritual communities are great to recharge spiritual batteries though. Make sure to take yourself out of the charger and go do other things from time to time too in living life. You don't need to talk about hands all day to have hands.

3 questions;

How do you know these are words? 

If you are your suffering, why should I suffer?

Read your post again, instead of telling me something, actually this is your suffering that's why you share?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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