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30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Why do you always assume something negative about me hehe?  As if I'm your enemy or here to undermine your whole business? 😁

You’re creating an experience of there being separate selves, and one specific self which assumes something negative about you. 

You’re creating an experience in which there is not-me, or not-consciousness… but rather negative, enemies, businesses and undermining. 

There’s no actual direct experience of any of ‘that’ ‘here’. 

I now own 4 businesses via creating and there aren’t actually any beliefs about there being not-me, such as an owner and owned.  


You’re creating through & as the lens of perception, and experiencing the perception you’re creating. 


QM’s wise, you are the white hole. All experiential reality is through you. What’s focused upon continues, what isn’t disappears into black holes. It’s like one big recycling basically, with a clearing out / rebooting ‘every night’ (sleep). 


The simplest approach is creating a dreamboard, writing what’s wanted, and enjoying the magical unfolding of it. 


If & when notions of separation arise, the discord is felt, and the thought is swiftly let go. 


Self-love, or caring more about how you feel than what you think, belief, know or understand, is consciously creating. It quite literally could not be simpler. The guidance is self-inherent and unmistakable. 

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@Phil thanks .that was more clarity . I understand it better now . So it is about blocking completely the second guessing thoughts and filling my mind with the right thought which only pertain to attracting what I want? Sure I will have doubts but it's up to me to focus on them or focus on the  empowering thoughts ?

P.S great to hear about the 4 Businesses.  You're working magic .keep ascending 🙏

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

@Phil thanks .that was more clarity . I understand it better now . So it is about blocking completely the second guessing thoughts and filling my mind with the right thought which only pertain to attracting what I want? Sure I will have doubts but it's up to me to focus on them or focus on the  empowering thoughts ?

P.S great to hear about the 4 Businesses.  You're working magic .keep ascending 🙏

If that’s what’s wanted, stay with that / continue focusing on that. 

If it isn’t, simply let it go. 

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@Someone here

(So to speak)

I just focused on, honed in on what you’ve shared. I asked for the most perfect video for you at this time. The most clear, clarifying video. The video which cuts through any shenanigans. And therein, I created it / it has manifested.

I opened Youtube and this was the first video.

I’m being what’s referred to.

Here’s the video. 


Internalize it & allow it to deeply penetrate. Focus on, and let go from focus accordingly. 


Just apparent advice - but really do what it says. Whatever arises or seems to be clarified or derived from it - don’t share that, just align & abide by that, as it suggests. Don’t ask me about it either, as I haven’t actually listened to it. 

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46 minutes ago, Someone here said:

OK thank you !

♥️ 🍻 


A ‘real life’ example presently-unfolding…

There’s ‘this thing’ / experience I’m manifesting, and while the synchronicity & signs are stark and undeniable, I felt into if there’s any alignment work to do. I felt that there is not. At the exact same time, wife walks into the room and says something’s going on with the dryer machine. I asked what’s going on. She said it’s drying, but drying only. When I pushed the button’s nothing’s actually happening. She said she even unplugged it and plugged it back in, and immediately upon being plugged in - same thing. It immediately resumes drying, with the controls having no effect at all on this. It’s not a coincidence etc, it’s the manifestation & clarification of what was asked. 

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7 hours ago, Phil said:

A ‘real life’ example presently-unfolding…

There’s ‘this thing’ / experience I’m manifesting, and while the synchronicity & signs are stark and undeniable, I felt into if there’s any alignment work to do. I felt that there is not. At the exact same time, wife walks into the room and says something’s going on with the dryer machine. I asked what’s going on. She said it’s drying, but drying only. When I pushed the button’s nothing’s actually happening. She said she even unplugged it and plugged it back in, and immediately upon being plugged in - same thing. It immediately resumes drying, with the controls having no effect at all on this. It’s not a coincidence etc, it’s the manifestation & clarification of what was asked. 

What's the clarification in this personal scenario?

That there is an alignment still going on, as indicated by the malfunctioning washing machine? Or some other thing?

Describe a thought.

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@Enlightened Cat
In dispelling the personal altogether, which QM’s is one means of, what remains is essentially consciousness being the world-sphere and the aliveness, lovingness, intelligence and playfulness of what might otherwise seem personal and like inert matter.

 Like the dryer working perfectly fine without any of the controls needed or even actually working… nothing to be done or aligned with a bit of symbol or synchronistic infinite humor.


’Ask and it’s given’ isn’t just about the ‘stuff’, although the stuff’s awesome, the (ineffable) intimate, dynamic & whimsical communion is just so mystical and delightful. 


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12 minutes ago, Phil said:

Like the dryer working perfectly fine without any of the controls needed or even actually working… nothing to be done or aligned with a bit of symbol or synchronistic infinite humor.


’Ask and it’s given’ isn’t just about the ‘stuff’, although the stuff’s awesome, the (ineffable) intimate, dynamic & whimsical communion is just so mystical and delightful. 

Ahh got it. That is pretty funny. 

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26 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Enlightened Cat
In dispelling the personal altogether, which QM’s is one means of, what remains is essentially consciousness being the world-sphere and the aliveness, lovingness, intelligence and playfulness of what might otherwise seem personal and like inert matter.

 Like the dryer working perfectly fine without any of the controls needed or even actually working… nothing to be done or aligned with a bit of symbol or synchronistic infinite humor.


’Ask and it’s given’ isn’t just about the ‘stuff’, although the stuff’s awesome, the (ineffable) intimate, dynamic & whimsical communion is just so mystical and delightful. 


My computer monitor stopped working. Spent the entire day trying to figure it out.

I was mindful of the fact that normally people might say "it's bad that my monitor broke" but I didn't even bother having that sentiment. Why assume it? The idea of bad and good really is just something I was taught by other people to think.

At the end of it, I found a much better monitor that was laying around to replace the old one, with very cool audio features. This also allowed me to discover those features on my earphones too. Well well worth it. I wouldn't have found it if my monitor never broke.

Edited by Enlightened Cat

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Talking about synchronicity... I had the opposite of a very eager dryer today. I washed some clothes and when I went to collect them from the laundry machine when it was done... They were all soaking wet. Not a little wet and ready to dry out like you'd expect when the machine is done. Soaking wet. It's like the machine hadn't done the spinning thing or drained the water correctly. Had to make it do the spinning again and they were still unusually wet. 🤷


Something about entanglement...?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Something about entanglement...?

Totally. The two events seem perfectly entangled in that they’re complementary. The dryer already running whether ‘anyone is pushing any buttons or not’ conveys an already effortless unfolding. The washer not finishing a cycle is like a subtle nudge to revisit something with a little more intention, attention, energy or alignment to bring it fully to completion. If it resonates I’d trust in & listen to that message.


With having to pull all the soaking wet laundry out, it sounds like a lighthearted suggestion that finishing the cycle, things would be running more smoothly, effortlessly & enjoyably. It might clear up any ‘stuck energy’ as well, revealing not an eager washer & dryer, but more of an eagerness within them. 


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9 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Talking about synchronicity... I had the opposite of a very eager dryer today. I washed some clothes and when I went to collect them from the laundry machine when it was done... They were all soaking wet. Not a little wet and ready to dry out like you'd expect when the machine is done. Soaking wet. It's like the machine hadn't done the spinning thing or drained the water correctly. Had to make it do the spinning again and they were still unusually wet. 🤷


Something about entanglement...?


Usually because there's a clogged filter... crap goggles. 

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Is a cone just a cross section of a sphere? Is a vortex just a cross section of a sphere? Is the cross section illustrating that this is no reduction, no real coming back "again", just expansion? Is all of this just light, light being nothing, the zero point of the vortex or the light cone, the non center and non pole of a sphere? 

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