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3 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Someone here It's a strong theme in most of your posts, no matter who the subject is including yourself. 


Well..you are right !This has always been my main problem even in social situations. I tend to ‘"read'’ people’s minds and automatically fill in what they are saying as a way to appear smart ..which is always negative one way or another.

I think this is a defence mechanism from my childhood when I got bullied. I tend to assume that most people are full of 💩

Will try to work on it .thanks for the note .


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6 minutes ago, Phil said:

Why can’t both the position and momentum of a particle be known simultaneously?


Because your consciousness as an observer interferes with the actual particle.  You can't separate the observer from the observed .

BTW what dose this have to do with my question? 🙋 

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

Will try to work on it .


11 hours ago, Someone here said:

I tend to assume that most people are full of 💩


What do you mean by people being full of it? What do you assume to be the case about most people?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

Because your consciousness as an observer interferes with the actual particle.  You can't separate the observer from the observed .

BTW what dose this have to do with my question? 🙋 

‘You can’t’ separate the observer from the observed… yet… ‘your consciousness’ as an observer interferes with the actual particle. 🤔 


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54 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:



What do you mean by people being full of it? What do you assume to be the case about most people?


Like I said ..that they don't know what they are talking about and just pulling stuff out of their arse trying to appear smart or qualified or better than me. 

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I'm derailing the thread a little bit, sorry about that


55 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Like I said ..that they don't know what they are talking about and just pulling stuff out of their arse trying to appear smart or qualified or better than me. 


If you want to work on it, here's a secret: This is projection.


There's an assumption that you are a person who could be ignorant and then pull stuff out of your arse to appear smart or qualified or better than others.


Basically, there is an assumption that you are a person who could be guilty of being full of 💩.


That belief is not true. And u feel it.


And then it is assumed that there are other such selves too and that they could be full of 💩.


That belief is not true either. And u feel it too.



Who would you be without the belief that you could be full of 💩?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I like your signature so fucking much 🤟😇


Copy it to your signature. Then you'll see it every day.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Someone here

It reveals how via focus you’re creating your reality right now. 

It’s more revealing of the truth than useful. 

We can call this loa. 

Up to you if consciously creating & allowing the reality you actually want is ‘useful’. 

Ime it’s more about the instant-manifesting & experience directly, than an after thought of useful or not.


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5 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

It reveals how via focus you’re creating your reality right now. 

It’s more revealing of the truth than useful. 

We can call this loa. 


You mean QM ? I understand that(probably you can conclude that ).. But I don't think im in full control of creating my reality via "focus" alone.  If I focus on earning 1 million bucks for my whole life while sitting on my ass without taking massive action then it ain't gonna happen.

Also i dont get when these loa coaches on YT say shit like " you gotta be in the right vibration and feel like you already have it " bla bla bla ....

So let's say i want a car.. first i must feel like having the car already?

so literally fake it till you make it sort of deal?  act like ihave the car...FEEL like i have the car already..then over time the car manifests in the appearance?

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You mean QM ? I understand that(probably you can conclude that ).. But I don't think im in full control of creating my reality via "focus" alone.  If I focus on earning 1 million bucks for my whole life while sitting on my ass without taking massive action then it ain't gonna happen.


It will if we have runaway inflation. 😂 Anything is already absolutely possible, context and meaning is the set up for the cosmic joke. You can't do it by thinking inside the box, exactly because there is no box. Cat's alive as it is dead, one million bucks is equally as devastating as it is miraculous. 

 Youtube Channel  

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16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You mean QM ? I understand that(probably you can conclude that ).. But I don't think im in full control of creating my reality via "focus" alone. 

You’re presenting creating an experience of not creating your reality via focus alone. The evidence is, this is the experience you’re creating, and low & behold - that’s exactly what you’re experiencing. 

16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If I focus on earning 1 million bucks for my whole life while sitting on my ass without taking massive action then it ain't gonna happen.

As focus is upon that, that is what’s unfolding. 


16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Also i dont get when these loa coaches on YT say shit like " you gotta be in the right vibration and feel like you already have it " bla bla bla ....

Vibration is vibration. One can ‘get’ vibration because one is vibrating. 


16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So let's say i want a car.. first i must feel like having the car already?

If you want to create the reality that first something has to happen, focus on that. 

If you want to create the reality that something doesn’t need to happen first, focus on that. 

In either case you’re creating. 


16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

so literally fake it till you make it sort of deal? 

If fake is wanted, focus on fake. 

If that you have to make it is wanted, focus on that. 


16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

act like ihave the car...FEEL like i have the car already..then over time the car manifests in the appearance?

Yes minus time. It’s not possible to be aware of the current position and momentum because you’re creating (being) what you’re observing. 

Just close your eyes and enjoy imagining the car you want. Imagine going places, showing it to whoever, etc. Imagine and ‘see’ the details of the car. Feel sitting in the seats. If there’s a sunroof, feel the sun, hear the wind. Allow it to be real. 


Then reality will concur. Something will happen. The key is seeing that is not unrelated / you’re literally creating reality right now, presently-only. 

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