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Nutritional things make me feel overwhelmed

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There are so many things to take into account, or so we are taught.


So much different vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants. 


I'd love if there was simply one food, one morning smoothie which would include literally everything you need. And exactly the right amount. So you would never have to worry that you're missing something.


Why is there no a super multi-pill to contain every single vitamin, mineral etc. a human needs? Even the usual multi-vitamin pills are still missing some of them.


There must be an effortless way.

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I would go by how the food you eat feels, do you feel energized from what you eat, does your body feel stronger? 


For me personally when I'm eating at my best I use the loophole shake to get most of my vitamins, then I have calorie dense meals.

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I think because that would actually be awful. Nutrition is a thing of intuition, nature and beauty. The plant kingdom is so beautiful and varied, what's available changes with location and seasons and now we have access to so many different fresh fruits and veggies in all seasons. It's like a dream come true. 

5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

I'd love if there was simply one food, one morning smoothie which would include literally everything you need. And exactly the right amount. So you would never have to worry that you're missing something.

I wouldn't worry that you're missing something, just appreciate the unprecedented access (imagine he access and selection you'd have 200 years ago or 100, or even 50 years ago) you have. Then you'll be drawn to what is right for you when it's right. 

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