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Not breathing through certain parts of the body

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It might not make sense, but I do not know how to put it elsewise.

I just became aware of how I'm basically skipping a bunch of parts of my body when taking a breath. I am completely tuned out of and disconnected from those parts. I do not feel them. I am ignoring them.


And it makes oh so much sense why...

Because pain lives there. Lots of lots of pain.

So much tensing. My neck and shoulders are close to being completely stuck. Abdominal area is tense AF too. Obliques even more so. 


It literally started feeling like someone is holding me by the neck and suffocating me. And I just go about my day that way... It's insane.

No one should live like this.


And the best part is... I more or less know, or can intuit exactly what needs to be done for relief. I just don't do it. I keep suffering for no reason at all.


So... Just now, a few minutes ago - if you will, I gathered some strength and courage and took a real, true, full breath.

One that was not skipping over all this areas of my body. One that was not afraid.


And let me tell you... The pain I felt with that breath... was overwhelming. It was really fucking painful. But oddly enough it was also very, very satisfying. It's as if the moment I dared to feel the pain fully, it started dissolving. Instantaneous relief. Release.


I could feel all those tense areas slowly but surely letting air through, expanding and relaxing.

It was so satisfying. Not just because of the joy of relief, but also because I felt somehow proud for being able to intuit what I have to do to help myself. It was great.


I feel much, much better now. Still not 100% - if you will, but it cannot be compared to how I felt before.

God... Why do we resist the things that are clearly and obviously good for us? 

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I sometimes put all focus on parts where i feel tension/pain, and just focus on deep breathing at the same time. At first it gets even more tense where it might move around, but then its like the body knows how to heal/relax itself and it happen automatically. Can be done on the train or other times of waiting.


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On 8/10/2023 at 9:40 PM, WhiteOwl said:

I sometimes put all focus on parts where i feel tension/pain, and just focus on deep breathing at the same time. At first it gets even more tense where it might move around, but then its like the body knows how to heal/relax itself and it happen automatically. Can be done on the train or other times of waiting.


Yes, I'd describe it similarly.

On 8/10/2023 at 11:03 PM, Phil said:

Breathe consciously from the stomach exclusively.

Whenever walking, put all attention on the back of the legs. 

Do some posture breathing… like deep breathes fully arms & legs fully extended outwar, like a jumping jack. 

Do deep stretches while breathing into the muscle being stretched. 

Doing all of that already, and more. As said, mostly intuitively. I just feel and breathe my way through tension. And that can look like anything.


Problem is, I guess, that I'm not consistent with it. I'd do it for a few days or even weeks in a row, and I'd feel so much better... but then something in life happens that throws me off and I stop doing it. Same goes for resistance exercise/lifting.


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Those are simple & always readily available exercises which are the withdrawing of attention from thought (the self referential narrative) and a being present perception & sensation wise. The resistance felt is of the narrative believed. With lifting the resistance felt bodily speaking is added. Mentally speaking it’s the same, but that of the narrative about there being ‘the lifter’. That you’re not consistent doesn’t feel discordant because it’s true, but because you’re not a separate self in time. ‘No self, no problem’. Freedom. 

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@Phil Here's maybe a bit of an unrelated question... Does the words one chooses to express themselves indicate how awake they are? For example, if there is a lot of self-referential thoughts, a lot of "I's, me's, my's" etc. in the conversation, does that necessarily mean one is asleep and/or lost in identity? Or is it just a way to relate and communicate? Should all I's, me's, my's and names be completely eliminated from one's vocabulary? If so, I think that's ridiculous. But if it occurs naturally, it's interesting - to say the least. Very, very cool.


More related question to the original topic... Do self-referential thought, self-defeating, self-limitting, self-harming, etc. thoughts and/or beliefs directly cause pain within the "physical body"? Also, is this pain actually stored in the body(or wherever else), or does it only exist in that precise moment when it arises in awareness?


If it's not too bothering to offer some clarity...

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Phil Here's maybe a bit of an unrelated question... Does the words one chooses to express themselves indicate how awake they are?

There seems to be choosers & levels of wakefulness as the screen overlooks the reality of itself appearing as the thoughts.  



3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

For example, if there is a lot of self-referential thoughts, a lot of "I's, me's, my's" etc. in the conversation, does that necessarily mean one is asleep and/or lost in identity?

Thoughts aren’t in a conversation. Conversation is a thought. 

Screen overlooking screen appearing as meaning… meaning seems to be a product of a that. 



3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Or is it just a way to relate and communicate? Should all I's, me's, my's and names be completely eliminated from one's vocabulary? If so, I think that's ridiculous. But if it occurs naturally, it's interesting - to say the least. Very, very cool.

Screen appears as thoughts, like thinker. 



3 hours ago, ivankiss said:


More related question to the original topic... Do self-referential thought, self-defeating, self-limitting, self-harming, etc. thoughts and/or beliefs directly cause pain within the "physical body"?

The discord of some thoughts = suffering.

Suffering is nonlocalized because it’s how thoughts feel.

Suffering is not an object and can not be (physically speaking) pointed to. 


Pain is localized experientially in the body. 

Pain is also not an object, but where the pain is can be pointed to. 


The ignore-ance of suffering, and the corresponding contraction, tension & stress can manifest as dis-ease localizing in the body, of which there can be pain pointed to. 


3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Also, is this pain actually stored in the body(or wherever else), or does it only exist in that precise moment when it arises in awareness?


If it's not too bothering to offer some clarity...

Check direct experience. Look for ‘this other moment’. 🙂 


What it sounds like you’re looking for is alignment (of thought / interpretation with feeling). Sounds like you’re trying to rule everything else out first. The discord or suffering experienced could only seem to be held in or stored in a body if it’s overlooked that ‘body’ is a thought, not a separate thing. 


The videos are just ‘if interested’ of course. Not trying to ‘shove it down your throat’ lol. 🙏🏼 


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