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Love notes. What's love? Deep love

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Love is like an ocean. Don't let society mislead you with flimsy definitions of love. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Love is love, no conditions, including needing someone else for it.


Romantic love is pretty much bullshit, all these people running around looking for a lie, all these liars running around acting like they're in love with someone, almost all bullshit, sexual relationships are centered on procreation, not love, really relationships have ZERO to do with love one way or the other, love is not a relationship status.

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Kinda sorta sounds like you’re wanting to find someone to share the love you are with, who’ll share the love they are with you. If so, I sure hope you do. It’s the greatest ime. A case could certainly be made that - if the aim of the relationship is the actual manifestation of unconditional love / communion ‘in the flesh’ / co-creating - it’s the relationship which clears away all the bullshit. 

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22 minutes ago, Phil said:


Kinda sorta sounds like you’re wanting to find someone to share the love you are with, who’ll share the love they are with you. If so, I sure hope you do. It’s the greatest ime. A case could certainly be made that - if the aim of the relationship is the actual manifestation of unconditional love / communion ‘in the flesh’ / co-creating - it’s the relationship which clears away all the bullshit. 

Yep for sure, I just mean a relationship isn't what creates or contains love.

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@Phil like to have a loving relationship you need to have love yourself without the relationship, a relationship is the cherry on top while love is the cake.


It would be hard to have a loving relationship without first being in love(not in love with another person just in general), love is the horse the relationship is the cart.

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I agree with you there in that communion / self realization first is pretty ideal. Stands to save a lot of headaches, manipulation, codependency, mental push & pull etc in a relationship. Let alone if kids are involved in that kind of scene. But that the love created in a relationship is fake or a lie… I don’t know. I guess I go back to ‘if you create it as such’. If the love is ‘fake’, it isn’t really love, but then of course whatever it is, it really is love. It’s the whole overlooking / forgetting aspect. How realistic is it to put the ideal first, idk. Bit of a chicken or the egg situation. If it was mandated in some way it’d likely be interpreted by most as a limitation of freedom. That all there is is the love we are still seems a little out there to most. But I hear ya, that’s the whole point. Good luck & Godspeed 😂 🙏🏻.

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Have you loved someone in a way that you simply cannot be away from them. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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On 7/30/2023 at 11:20 AM, Reena said:

Have you loved someone in a way that you simply cannot be away from them. 


Yes, yet this is still a immature form of love and not an expression of (true love), because when you can also be totally away from another and feel the same oneness and love with one-another as if they are right there with you, is an even greater integration of the wholeness of love and being, a grander unity of love and freedom. This is what would be considered "True Love"/Unconditional Love or Gods Love. Its The All Encompassing, Total Inclusion / Divine Union.

Edited by Pluto

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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