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I am psychologically addicted to Xanax. I just love how it completely takes away all worries and anxiety and I feel so peaceful. I also get good deep sleep which is amazing because I haven’t had good restful deep sleep in a long time.


I am worried because Xanax is one if the most addicting drugs there is. I don’t want to go down that road. I know if I actually become physically addicted Xanax it will make my anxiety worse.


I love that Xanax makes me step outside my comfort zone. I believe that it’s making me braver in social situations even when I’m off of it. But perhaps that’s just an excuse to keep using it.


It’s just such a weight off my shoulders when I take a Xanax. But I know every time I take it, especially consecutive days, I’m digging myself into a deep hole.

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21 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Video is time stamped to the important part. 




What is prior to placebo/nocebo? 

I’m not sure what you mean by prior to placebo/nocebo. Actually I don’t know what nocebo is.


thanks for sharing that video though. It seems like the message is that I don’t need Xanax. However I am on Xanax is within me. I just don’t know how to bring it out without drugs I guess.

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@Kevin Forget about the specific question of the Xanax for a minute. The belief is that we are affected by substances, how we feel is dependent on them. What's missed is that this is a thought, occurring now emotion is responding too. Don't get ahead of that one thought. What placebos bring to light is that our belief and expectation is very powerful. Really, each thought is being responded to by emotion is real time, and we have the power to intend to feel how we want to feel, though we can't force this, only allow it. 


Can you love yourself through the anxiety? I did a Facebook live the other day for my business. I just started doing these. I got a call from my kid's school in the middle that disrupted it right after I began, a call that I needed to respond to but couldn't, I was showing off a product close up and needed my hands to be steady, but they started shaking and I  struggled to finish it. Oh well. No one really cares. Good for me, I did something that pushed my comfort zone. Every night when I go to bed, I pick three things from the day that I appreciate about myself/the day, and that momentum carries through the next day. Highly suggest it. Sometimes we're really a mess. Oh well. Creation is messy. Birth is messy. It's not pretty, yet it's beautiful, yet, it's art. There's no one to hold accountable here. YOU are the art, the whole thing. It will never be completed, because completeness IS the eternal joy of creation. Drop the gun, don't expect yourself to achieve what you don't expect your most beloved friend to in every moment. 

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

@Kevin Forget about the specific question of the Xanax for a minute. The belief is that we are affected by substances, how we feel is dependent on them. What's missed is that this is a thought, occurring now emotion is responding too. Don't get ahead of that one thought. What placebos bring to light is that our belief and expectation is very powerful. Really, each thought is being responded to by emotion is real time, and we have the power to intend to feel how we want to feel, though we can't force this, only allow it. 


I am mostly on board with what you’re saying but Xanax is very powerful. Have you done it? I can definitely see how thoughts can influence the addiction though. If I continue to believe I need Xanax to feel ok then I’m gonna feel bad and it’s going to seem like Xanax is the solution.


1 hour ago, Mandy said:

Can you love yourself through the anxiety? I did a Facebook live the other day for my business. I just started doing these. I got a call from my kid's school in the middle that disrupted it right after I began, a call that I needed to respond to but couldn't, I was showing off a product close up and needed my hands to be steady, but they started shaking and I  struggled to finish it. Oh well. No one really cares. Good for me, I did something that pushed my comfort zone. Every night when I go to bed, I pick three things from the day that I appreciate about myself/the day, and that momentum carries through the next day. Highly suggest it. Sometimes we're really a mess. Oh well. Creation is messy. Birth is messy. It's not pretty, yet it's beautiful, yet, it's art. There's no one to hold accountable here. YOU are the art, the whole thing. It will never be completed, because completeness IS the eternal joy of creation. Drop the gun, don't expect yourself to achieve what you don't expect your most beloved friend to in every moment. 

Glad you pushed through that anxiety. I can relate. If I am talking to a girl I like sometimes my knees will get weak and my voice shakes sometimes. It’s starting to seem like not as much of a big deal though. I used to think it was the worst thing if anyone saw me get nervous like that. The good news is I’m starting to see it as less of a big deal.


Also doing the appreciation thing seems like it would be a very good practice. I’ll try it out.

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@Kevin not sure how much you'd have to dose, but tapering works best for xanax imo. 


as you taper you can introduce a new behavior that's fun or feels good. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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3 hours ago, Orb said:

@Kevin not sure how much you'd have to dose, but tapering works best for xanax imo. 


as you taper you can introduce a new behavior that's fun or feels good. 

Thanks man luckily I haven’t done it more then 4 days in a row. Usually I take breaks so I won’t have to taper. The worst I get is rebound anxiety. I’m mostly psychologically addicted.

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

@Kevin No, I haven't taken anything like that except ashwagandha and lemon balm. If you want to stop taking xanax, I'd look into them as supplements and trade them out. 

I’ll check out lemon balm. I’ve heard good things. I used to like ashwagandha but the effects changed and now I don’t like how it feels.

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