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I've recently started working at a tech startup. The workload is surprisingly manageable and low stress, as well as being incredibly interesting. However, after work I'm absolutely exhausted. I just lie in my bed unable to do any chores. I'm tired and when I try to sleep I can't. If working life is like this, I'm never going to be able to get anything done besides work. I don't have the mental energy to find a social life or get a girlfriend or work on anything else.

Why am I so tired and how can I get more energy?


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Apart from the necessary physiological and lifestyle advice, which must be done in order to benefit from them, not just thought about (quality sleep and rest, whole-food and plant-based diet, 1 hour daily of moderately-intense exercise, daily meditation and mindfulness, listening to relaxing music, etc.), I'd recommend you try out practices/challenges. Experiment with intermittent fasting, cold showers, semen retention, remove a category of unhealthy foods, like processed sugar, for 30 days or so. See how you feel after a month with each of these practices. Pay attention to what works and what makes you feel tired. Ultimately one's disposition and commitment triumphs over what the body is feeling. Therefore, try simply "willing" your way out of tiredness.


Contemplate principles such as relaxing and being calm. Fully intend on experiencing those principles at all levels, as deep as you can, and then deeper. Ask yourself: How can I be in my body in the most effortless but effective way?


When I was a teenager, almost every day after school I'd get home exhausted. With some rest, I'd quickly go play soccer for 2 hours, do my homework, and played some video games, apart from walking my dog. 


So basically experiment with some of the things above and keep what works for you.

Edited by MetaSage
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Could be many reasons, tech companies also have a lot of radiation and electronics which cause havoc on the nervous system. You must find ways to counter balance the negatives. I would look into some Adaptogenic herbs or find something more in Alignment with who you really are and what you truly wish to experience.


Does any part of you feel you are not doing what you love and enjoy? Its usually a key player beyond all that other stuff.

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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15 hours ago, Pluto said:

Could be many reasons, tech companies also have a lot of radiation and electronics which cause havoc on the nervous system. You must find ways to counter balance the negatives.

I don't think  there is any more radiation than what I experience daily. 


15 hours ago, Pluto said:

I would look into some Adaptogenic herbs or find something more in Alignment with who you really are and what you truly wish to experience.

Yeah I'm looking into some adaptogens. Which ones do you recommend.


15 hours ago, Pluto said:

Does any part of you feel you are not doing what you love and enjoy? Its usually a key player beyond all that other stuff.

Well I wish there was more of a human element, but out of every single job I applied for, this one is by far the best.


After a few weeks of work I have now realised that a large part of the tiredness is the 1 and a half hour commute to work. And also the fact that I don't really take enough breaks at work which is kind of stupid of me because the higher ups let me take a break whenever I want.

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@spiritual dreams For Energy & Fatigue I would look into Astragalus, Shilajit, Schizandra and Chaga mushroom are some of my favorite adaptogens.

Some more ideas / herbs here https://botanicalinstitute.org/adaptogens-for-energy-and-focus/


Ashwagandha, Maca, Matcha and Cacao are also great for energy & fatigue and overall mood.

Edited by Pluto

If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

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On 5/10/2023 at 5:35 PM, spiritual dreams said:

yes, one is relative and one is absolute. 

This is the tiredness. The belief is discordant and exhausting. 

I once hung out with a guy who not only very much believed this but emphatically shared it as truth. Insisted upon it. (So to speak) his energy was so low, he had to literally lay down everyday just to have enough energy to get through the day. There wasn’t even ample energy to jog or exercise. The only point is, being right isn’t worth it. 


Working life, social life, relationships etc are not ‘like this’. These are wanted, and aren’t discordant. 


It’s only that underlying belief which is discordant, and taxing / draining. It’s a fundamental belief… through which all experience is filtered… and so it very much seems like the discord & exhaustion are caused by work, etc. Or put another way, it seems like feeling is coming from experience. 


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4 hours ago, Phil said:

It’s only that underlying belief which is discordant, and taxing / draining. It’s a fundamental belief… through which all experience is filtered… and so it very much seems like the discord & exhaustion are caused by work, etc. Or put another way, it seems like feeling is coming from experience. 

Ok, so how do i get rid of this belief? and all the other beliefs that are holding back my life?

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16 hours ago, spiritual dreams said:

Ok, so how do i get rid of this belief?

By bringing it in closer and closer essentially. Seeing what it is & feeling how it feels. That there is an absolute and a relative is a fundamental ground floor belief about self, reality, love, life, energy. The belief & framing is in & of itself the belief there is a separate self - the knower of an absolute and a relative. It’s essentially vanity of the mind, or knowing, understanding, and therein an overlooking of that these are thoughts not things. To be frank, it’s a belief from the illusory perspective of ego which unfortunately basically verifies one is, the separate self or ego. It trickles into all aspects from there. On a great note with respect to alignment & energy, you’re questioning it, discussing it & looking into it. 


In one way it’s easy to dispel by attempting to point to an absolute and a relative. In another way it will take time for the secondary beliefs like you’re experiencing about work & energy to untangle. 

16 hours ago, spiritual dreams said:

and all the other beliefs that are holding back my life?

In a word - projection. Spot projection. This sounds like how I’m feeling is because of _______. That might be life, work, someone else, and or (most often) ‘the separate self’ of thought. This is basically what this entire webpage is addressing…



On 5/5/2023 at 4:15 PM, spiritual dreams said:

I've recently started working at a tech startup. The workload is surprisingly manageable and low stress, as well as being incredibly interesting. However, after work I'm absolutely exhausted. I just lie in my bed unable to do any chores. I'm tired and when I try to sleep I can't. If working life is like this, I'm never going to be able to get anything done besides work. I don't have the mental energy to find a social life or get a girlfriend or work on anything else.

Why am I so tired and how can I get more energy?


After some time with those contemplations, what you shared here above will seem very different. There are interpretations behind that which will untangle as well. 

Not at all meant in any ‘pick on you’ or ‘right or wrong’ manor… but the concept of ‘mental energy’ is a very telling sign. What’s taxing is the beliefs / interpretations behind that. Inevitably, ideally, it’ll be inspected wether there’s a thinker, doer, or mental energy at all. It’s sort of amazing how much beliefs & discordant psychology can make it seem like there really are these ‘things’. But again, hat’s off to you for looking into these. 


On 5/10/2023 at 2:57 PM, spiritual dreams said:

@Phil I don't understand, I or not, there is still the overwhelming desire to lie in bed.

Also starting a new chapter in my life has caused old traumas and patterns to resurface. 

Just to revisit this from this light… there are assumptions overlooked. That there is understanding, and therein one who does or doesn’t understand, is the activity of thoughts. Dispelling in this regard might be ‘down the road’, idk. But these can also be untangled / dispelled by attempting to point to what the thoughts are about, such as seeing that an understanding and or understanding can’t be pointed to because it is, just the thoughts. The ‘individual’ which does or doesn’t understand, which experiences overwhelment, which has or experiences desire, which has a (my) life… ‘in the end’ or ‘ultimately’ (already the case really) does not exist. Only seems to via believing thoughts that “it” does. It is that aspect, the discord, which is taxing, draining. Its resistance unknowingly, innocently, unnecessarily added. 


On 5/10/2023 at 4:11 PM, spiritual dreams said:

True, but then again I have to go to work everyday or I lose my job. Even though there is no I...

Coming back to projection & the conflicting statements there… going forward, recognize the emotions felt directly… vs attributing the emotions felt to ‘outside’ things, people, situations or circumstances. Same for energy. Let thoughts about energy levels go. Those thoughts are the resistance, and are felt accordingly. On a more specific note, hopefully not ‘too much’… that the body is receiving energy from food is actually a facade, like a cover up or cover story. Energy is infinite, and never finite, but it does very much seem that energy is finite. The more the details of this are inspected the clearer & more dispelled the facade gets. A simple example that comes to mind is the long held collective belief that energy such as electricity runs through wires. If you look into it enough you’ll find that was disproven a while back. 

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