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Tips On Using The Emotional Scale


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Just now, Isagi Yoichi said:

So to express each emotion thoughts about the next emotion on a scale are sought?

Thoughts on behalf of a seeker are beliefs. 


Happiness appears as thoughts about there being a seeker. 


What is the seeker of thoughts seeking?



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How Emotions Relate To - Separation, Withdrawal, Isolation, Loneliness, Being Misunderstood & Rejection. 



When emotions like fear or insecurity are felt but remain unacknowledged and unprocessed internally, they are often projected outwardly. This occurs as a defensive mechanism, or, the unconscious attributing of an emotion internally experienced, onto external situations and or people. 


By defensive, what’s meant is in defense of the separate self of thought, which is fueled by unacknowledged emotions. 

By unconscious, what’s meant is it’s occurring, yet one isn’t aware that it’s occurring. It’s felt, but what one is feeling might be misunderstood. 

By projection what’s meant is the entire process or happening of this. 


For example, if someone feels insecurity which goes unacknowledged, they might believe or perceive others as judgmental or critical, even when there's no tangible evidence of this. This projection distorts reality, reinforcing thoughts, beliefs and or an identity of being misunderstood or rejected.


With momentum, this can create an experiential barrier between one and others, as one starts to view the world through the lens of unprocessed emotions. This can lead to withdrawal from relationships & opportunities based on the assumption others are the source of the discomfort, which deepens the sense of isolation and alienation.


Essentially, projection is the deflection of responsibility for emotional experiences, keeping one ‘trapped in’ a discordant cycle of experiential, believed, or perceived disconnection.


What To Do?

How To Resolve This?



The aim is reconnecting with others and with / within oneself.


In Simple Steps:


1. Acknowledge when discord is felt, and acknowledge emotions like fear or insecurity.

2. Be open & willing to communicate. Express that the emotions are felt, and anything that comes to mind in that regard. 

3. Be proactive in building or rebuilding meaningful relationships such as with family, friends, or through shared experiences or support groups. 

4. Engage in activities that beget connection - such as hobbies, volunteering or shared interest groups. 

5. Allow self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-love - to interrupt and break the internal mental patterns that fuel the isolation. 


Be patient & loving - it’s gradual & it takes time. Isolation was created with momentum. Being mindful of this is being mindful that breaking down the barriers created by isolation is a matter of momentum as well. Be careful not to add undue pressures, such as expectations of timeframes. Ultimately it’s about re-engaging with life & relationships, and allowing your true nature to shine through. 

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@Phil Make sense that it's not that now you're experiencing let's say disappointment and then contentment and hopefulness but that the entire scale is actually already present in feeling?


You don't first feel this and then that, but you're actually already experiencing joy, love, empowerment etc, it's just recognized?


Sort of like... Each "part" of the scale is a layer of an "emotional body", and already present, and the scale is just helping you to shift focus from one layer to another? 


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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21 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

@Phil Make sense that it's not that now you're experiencing let's say disappointment and then contentment and hopefulness but that the entire scale is actually already present in feeling?

Yes, totally!

Feeling is already infinite & appearing in such a manor that there seems to be another self, a finite self, which is experiencing (emotions). There isn’t any thing, and so there isn’t any thing which isn’t already, actually - infinite. Infinite means or equals no finite. 


21 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

You don't first feel this and then that, but you're actually already experiencing joy, love, empowerment etc, it's just recognized?

Exactly! Already are! There is no separate self in time. Infinite consciousness / infinite self - is unfettered, unobscured, uncovered of beliefs to the contrary - beliefs which infinite consciousness is appearing as


21 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


Sort of like... Each "part" of the scale is a layer of an "emotional body", and already present, and the scale is just helping you to shift focus from one layer to another? 


Yes, very much so, except emotion / the scale is how thoughts / beliefs feel presently-only and there isn’t a sep self or sep scale in time. There is no ‘help-able self’, no self in need of help, nor which could be helped or fixed or improved in any way, nor is there a ‘helper-self’ - a self which is separate and could help another separate self.


And yes - the ‘top of the scale’ is synonymous with self-recognition. ♥️

Just like infinite = no finite, self-recognition = no experience. 

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