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Decline in todays society video

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I do agree with the premise but also don't fully resonate with all it. I think we are always creating, so rather than feeling like we've slacked off, it just gives us more direction for where we want to go. We created abundance for many, but through excessive outsourcing and mass producing and focus on profit as paramount, we kinda trashed the planet. In my opinion the trashing of the planet is far more symptomatic of an issue than people feeling free to wear PJs in the grocery store. I think there was a strong sense and avoidance of shame in society in the past which lead to people making themselves and everything look presentable, although a sense of respect was likely present there in addition to feeling obligated to dress  certain way, I don't think it was pure. I think that feeling like one has to look presentable or acceptable to society in order to feel ok with oneself hinders creativity more than heightens it. I think that side of things was totally forgotten in the video, although he does raise some good points about what direction we might want to steer ourselves in in the future. Creating something with love and care and presence over simply engineering for profit is really satisfying, and we may have lost that in our literally "hands off, gotta have it now, gotta profit off it" approach. 


I do believe that craftmanship, the pleasure of creating with one's own hands, or from buying something that was created with care and love rather than just created for profit is being appreciated more and more in stark contrast to a world of McMansions and fast fashion. But we wanted abundance for everyone, and we pretty much accomplished it, which is kinda amazing. 🤷‍♀️ I love antiques and the detail and attention that went into old homes in contrast with most of what's manufactured today. Walking into an old house has such charm, soul and presence and invokes feelings of inspiration for me personally.  I much prefer to buy used quality over new made with cheap materials and often pay the same, or less. But no, I don't want to be spend an hour getting ready to get groceries, and spend the time in there freezing cold and uncomfortable for the sake of taking pride in myself. Wearing cookie monsters PJs, probably not my preference but oh well, more power to you girl. 

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

I do agree with the premise but also don't fully resonate with all it. I think we are always creating, so rather than feeling like we've slacked off, it just gives us more direction for where we want to go. We created abundance for many, but through excessive outsourcing and mass producing and focus on profit as paramount, we kinda trashed the planet. In my opinion the trashing of the planet is far more symptomatic of an issue than people feeling free to wear PJs in the grocery store. I think there was a strong sense and avoidance of shame in society in the past which lead to people making themselves and everything look presentable, although a sense of respect was likely present there in addition to feeling obligated to dress  certain way, I don't think it was pure. I think that feeling like one has to look presentable or acceptable to society in order to feel ok with oneself hinders creativity more than heightens it. I think that side of things was totally forgotten in the video, although he does raise some good points about what direction we might want to steer ourselves in in the future. Creating something with love and care and presence over simply engineering for profit is really satisfying, and we may have lost that in our literally "hands off, gotta have it now, gotta profit off it" approach. 


I do believe that craftmanship, the pleasure of creating with one's own hands, or from buying something that was created with care and love rather than just created for profit is being appreciated more and more in stark contrast to a world of McMansions and fast fashion. But we wanted abundance for everyone, and we pretty much accomplished it, which is kinda amazing. 🤷‍♀️ I love antiques and the detail and attention that went into old homes in contrast with most of what's manufactured today. Walking into an old house has such charm, soul and presence and invokes feelings of inspiration for me personally.  I much prefer to buy used quality over new made with cheap materials and often pay the same, or less. But no, I don't want to be spend an hour getting ready to get groceries, and spend the time in there freezing cold and uncomfortable for the sake of taking pride in myself. Wearing cookie monsters PJs, probably not my preference but oh well, more power to you girl. 

I think that dressing well does show respect to others, but looking presentable makes one feel good about themselves as well. Not saying that it needs to be a suit or a fancy dress to look presentable, but I mean generally put effort into your appearance, take good care of your body. 

I don’t believe that a person who weights 200-300 pounds feels good about themselves or fully loves themselves and their life, neither does a person who wears Cookie Monster pants or pjs to a supermarket. 

Generally I do agree though that the way we trashed the planet is probably a much much bigger issue than how people look nowadays. It’s crazy to see how beautiful the streets looked 50 years ago vs now. And streets nowadays still have to look presentable compared to middle of the ocean.


I do agree that we can use this as a vision to a better higher quality future.



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@Rose Yeah, I think sometimes loving oneself looks like wearing what's comfortable and other times it's dressing nice, or find some happy medium. 


16 minutes ago, Rose said:

Generally I do agree though that the way we trashed the planet is probably a much much bigger issue than how people look nowadays. It’s crazy to see how beautiful the streets looked 50 years ago vs now. And streets nowadays still have to look presentable compared to middle of the ocean.

Maybe it's because streets nowadays are for cars, entire cities are built for cars, not for people, so people get pushed off to the sidelines. Those are the kind of streets he's talking about in the video, skid row, etc. When cities are built for cars, no money, no car, no play. That's what I see happening in part in the US anyway. 

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The argument can be made that human civilization may be devolving and becoming more decadent.


No matter how many possessions and distractions we get, still our internal individual mediocrity and dullness prevails, and our superficial attempts at appeasing those feelings are futile.


We're becoming increasingly worldly and yet we seem to have become less happy and more anxious, among other things. Analogously, we seem to live as a plastic flower rather than as a live one.


Superficiality, pretension, lack of focus. We've placed knowledge above wisdom.


And here we are.

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I think the world is also becoming a lot more demanding, so people give up easier now.


For example, when I see the old video here, I keep thinking ok, this is doable… vs when I look at the new video, it looks scary, difficult, etc, so I wouldn’t be motivated to even begin.




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This probably also has a lot to do with it.


TLDR: All money is actually debt. There is no such thing as money, but only debt.


But if all money is debt, how can we pay that debt + intrest?


With more debt.


What is debt? Debt is a loan. A promise to pay a certain amount of money (debt).


How do you get a loan? By having the trust of the loan-giver that you are able to pay the loan + intrest back.


And how are you able to pay it back? By creating goods and services so that someone else's money (debt) flows to you.


And so the entire world is stuck slaving in never-ending and exponentially growing debt, which runs in exponentially growing goods & services market spending exponentially growing amount of resources.


Without debt, there is no money. 😀 What a great system.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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