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Desire to be Understood that is Never Fullfilled


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I never noticed how strong the desire to be understood is. I find that a lot of discordant thoughts coming up are dialogues between orb and people who don't understand him. It's like a thirst that will never be quenched. I find lots of arrogance and being annoyed with all people. I've seen people arguing in comments about whether Jesus was black or white, fucking idiots I swear. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Feel into the discordant feeling and watch it transform. I just had this crazy experience just before (once again), where i showed up to watch a friend play some music, and his girlfriend was there with a friend, so i had to talk with them. In the beginning i felt really uncomfortable, conversation felt awkvard and i was having mild anxiety inside and thoughts whirling of them not liking me, and it was all really real. Then they left to smoke, and i just went inside and found the feeling, instead of listening to the thoughts saying all was terrible. Luckily they stayed out for about 20 min, and when they came back i was feeling so different that everything completely changed in front of my eyes. My voice was different, i acted differently, they responded differently and we had a great time, they even started giving me compliments. It was like 2 completely different evenings. Its really all about the vibration, find a way to turn it again. Go inside as @Loop also said.

Edited by WhiteOwl
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18 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Feel into the discordant feeling and watch it transform. I just had this crazy experience just before (once again), where i showed up to watch a friend play some music, and his girlfriend was there with a friend, so i had to talk with them. In the beginning i felt really uncomfortable, conversation felt awkvard and i was having mild anxiety inside and thoughts whirling of them not liking me, and it was all really real. Then they left to smoke, and i just went inside and found the feeling, instead of listening to the thoughts saying all was terrible. Luckily they stayed out for about 20 min, and when they came back i was feeling so different that everything completely changed in front of my eyes. My voice was different, i acted differently, they responded differently and we had a great time, they even started giving me compliments. It was like 2 completely different evenings. Its really all about the vibration, find a way to turn it again. Go inside as @Loop also said.


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@WhiteOwl thanks for bringing that up, I had a similar experience where I was chatting with people and noticed how thought was trying to separate itself from feeling. So I accepted it completely and felt better.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Phil that is mind boggling. Can't understand...

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 2/16/2023 at 4:39 PM, Orb said:

I never noticed how strong the desire to be understood is. I find that a lot of discordant thoughts coming up are dialogues between orb and people who don't understand him. It's like a thirst that will never be quenched. I find lots of arrogance and being annoyed with all people. I've seen people arguing in comments about whether Jesus was black or white, fucking idiots I swear. 

I have to ask this question, what if it wasn't the desire to be understood as much as believed?  People of faith don't want to understand what they believe isn't possible.


Say time is stationary and self evident perpetual balancing is measured intellectually by shared event horizons by every reproduction alive occupying space in series parallel placments as ancestrally alive now navigates space one at a time?


What governs great great grandchildren replacing their previous 4 generation gaps each one already born specificlaly occupying space now as was their previous 300 generation gaps or more?


I don't think leaderships want their fellowships understanding life doesn't exceed living here now. Always chasing tomorrows pretending now wasn't eternity from the start of civilization.


What a conundrum?  Where did the concept of Eternal Hell come from or eternal life in Nirvana, or Heaven? >Rhetorical questions from an instinctive brain understanding the mutual situation.

Edited by solereproduction
adding information to clarify more than just a single talking point.
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