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Can we heal ourselves?

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Can we heal ourselves just by focusing on affirmation? To what extend? 

Can we heal cold ?

how wbout cancer? 

do you have any experiences with this ? What works ?


i am only familiar with David Hawkins method, its exactly what Phil says, just emptying belifes that feel shity, and do postive affirmation instead. It goes like that:


„i am healthy. Theres no outer circumstances. I am the infinite being, no limits are actual, my only limitation is what i keep in my mind.”

its like David knew Phil’s work well, right?😂 (are you familiar with David Hawkins btw ?)


but it doesnt seem to heal me from my cold right now. Any advices ?

Edited by Forza21
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From what I've heard and inspected... Yeah, we can heal pretty much anything. Cause all "physical" is really just a 'symbol' for what goes on in the mind... Ill beliefs appear as illness 'in the body'.


This is also why there seems to be stuff like a body, aging and death btw. A fundamental belief in lack, shortage, separation (ego) "appearing" as physical reality.


A quote I might have heard: "Only what's not really here requires a form." "Only falsehood needs a symbol."


19 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

but it doesnt seem to heal me from my cold right now. Any advices ?


In ACIM a very similar method as the Hawkins one is offered. It's called "forgiveness". I've learned it as a three-step thing:


1. "None of this is actually happening / This is a projection or symbol of the ego-mind, or belief in separation, guilt, lack, shortage etc. / I'm not really here" etc.


2. "All I see is an innocent mistake in thought or belief / Everyone and everything is completely, utterly innocent / I forgive everone and everything / I am innocent, I forgive myself / There isn't any self's here" etc.


3. "No separation has ever occured / I am not separate from God" etc.



Reiki might also be helpful. It might be pretty much the same as Hawkins and ACIM method, just a bit more "hands on". 😂 


There must be an effortless way.

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Affirmations work if you use them with awareness of how you feel. If the affirmation feels unaligned, notice the thoughts coming up that are being guided, don't assume the affirmation is untrue or affirmations don't work, etc. 


"I am loved." It either feels good, OR a thought comes up to argue, usually just in the form of something like a Nessie sighting on Lochness, it's a just a rumor and just something vague sticking out of the water. Seek it out. Seek out the see monster. Draw a picture of it. Send it to a company to have a stuffed animal made of it. Snuggle it at night. See it. Love it. Every shitty thought. It's just some fantastical innocent creation. It's not about you. 





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7 hours ago, Forza21 said:

Can we heal ourselves just by focusing on affirmation? To what extend? 

Yes. But minus the separate selves implication, which is quite key as betterment is already the nature of reality. ‘Healing a self’ overlooks the self is in no need of healing. It’s (perhaps surprisingly) paradoxically discordantly blasphemous. Imo it makes much more sense to frame as alignment of the body with energy than healing ourselves or a self. 


7 hours ago, Forza21 said:

Can we heal cold ?

Yes.  Think about the impact of alignment on the immune system, not about avoiding healing a cold. There’s nothing wrong with a cold, all that’s wanted is feeling great, cold or no cold. 


7 hours ago, Forza21 said:

how wbout cancer? 


Think of healing as alignment with naturally occurring betterment, and think in terms of momentum and change of orientation, rather than instantaneous ‘miracle healings’. Though that happens too. 


7 hours ago, Forza21 said:

What works ?

Vibrationally… honesty, sincerity, lightheartedness, selflessness. 

In practice, Reiki and all the other healing modalities likely previously thought to be ‘new age’ or’ hippyish’. Bear in mind these practices at green & yellow, and are attacked and belittled by blue & orange. Don’t expect anyone to ’go there with you’. Healing; table for one. Get out there and experience a variety of modalities. 


7 hours ago, Forza21 said:


i am only familiar with David Hawkins method, its exactly what Phil says, just emptying belifes that feel shity, and do postive affirmation instead. It goes like that:


„i am healthy. Theres no outer circumstances. I am the infinite being, no limits are actual, my only limitation is what i keep in my mind.”

its like David knew Phil’s work well, right?😂 (are you familiar with David Hawkins btw ?)

Not familiar. Sounds woke af though.


7 hours ago, Forza21 said:


but it doesnt seem to heal me from my cold right now. Any advices ?

Think in terms of the body and discord, stress & tension, and dispelling beliefs. Think of the immunity system and the health of it. The best cure for a cold is honestly not knowing if you even have one. 

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