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Not Satisfied with the Non Dual State


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I'm not satisfied with spiritual experiences anymore and I've lost my interest in meditation because of that. When I meditate I'm guaranteed to get into a non dual state nearly every time. There's really nothing special about it, it sounds cool but it's just another experience and there's still the craving for me. The non dual experience feels like a full body non localized awareness of everything. It feels like becoming vast expansiveness yet simultaneously infinite contraction into the smallest thing in the universe. 






"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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8 minutes ago, Orb said:

I'm not satisfied with spiritual experiences anymore and I've lost my interest in meditation because of that. When I meditate I'm guaranteed to get into a non dual state nearly every time. There's really nothing special about it, it sounds cool but it's just another experience and there's still the craving for me. The non dual experience feels like a full body non localized awareness of everything. It feels like becoming vast expansiveness yet simultaneously infinite contraction into the smallest thing in the universe. 






Any experience, feelings, you, your awareness, meditation has nothing do with non dual state.  Non dual state =  Completely freedom. Completely freedom is not feeling the freedom. It is completely disappearing, it is completely being without a boundaries. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 that's not something I can do. I can't be free.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@James123 none of you enlightened folks actually stepped into enlightenment, rather it was God's grace that blessed you guys. So how can we be expected to jump off the cliff into nirvana?

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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5 minutes ago, Orb said:

@James123 that's not something I can do. I can't be free.

Definitely. “You” are the prison itself. 


7 minutes ago, Orb said:

@James123 none of you enlightened folks actually stepped into enlightenment, rather it was God's grace that blessed you guys. So how can we be expected to jump off the cliff into nirvana?

Knowledge =You=God=Enlightenment =Illisuon.


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 I can't let go of knowledge. I don't even know how to let it go. And ive lost faith in all the practices.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@James123 I feel like a spiritual orphan waiting to be accepted by god but never getting that acceptance. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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4 minutes ago, Orb said:

@James123 I can't let go of knowledge. I don't even know how to let it go. And ive lost faith in all the practices.

These practices is not something oh let me go mediate etc. you have to let go your entire self/expectations/life etc. Enlightenment is easy, but surrendering till enlightenment happens is difficult. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@James123 I don't know how to let go of those things. If you ask me to let go of an apple that's easy and I can do it, but thoughts and beliefs? That doesn't make sense to me. I've tried journaling and meditation and using crystals. Some people just aren't meant to awaken otherwise everyone would wake up, I just don't have the discipline for this stuff


Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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42 minutes ago, Orb said:

I don't know how to let go of those things. If you ask me to let go of an apple that's easy and I can do it, but thoughts and beliefs?

It is more easy. Where is your thoughts, show me? At least yoy can show the apple 😀😀


43 minutes ago, Orb said:

Some people just aren't meant to awaken otherwise everyone would wake up, I just don't have the discipline for this stuff

So dont do it man fuck it. Lol. Maximum you will just suffer thats all. Live your life. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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“State” would be two. 

Nonduality means not two. 


The “knower” or “understander” of “states” would be two, or, a second. 

Nonduality means not two.


“The one” that’s not satisfied would be two, or, a second. 

Nonduality means not two. 


“The one” that “goes beyond nonduality” would be two, a second. 

Nonduality means not two. 


There’s no “enlightened folks”. 

There’s no “enlightened self”.


Garbage in, garbage out. 

🤢 😵🤮



♥️ in, ♥️ out. 

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