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How do you know when you are doing something that you love?


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You are always doing what you want really, might just be distortions from thoughts believed that make it seem like you aren’t & also make it seem like you can‘t do the thing you really want to do. I would ask yourself why you ever got into spirituality, or working on yourself. What were you really looking for? As in the searching for is you doing what you love already, and noticing that is noticing the Flow. 

Good way to put it is, look at everything as the Art, then you will naturally creatively flow towards manifesting the activities you want to do, as well as learning to enjoy everyday survival. This is really what everyone wants I feel, to love doing the dishes/ taking out the trash, and to flow into your arts/ passions.


The more this deepens, the more it seems Source just takes out the trash for you, and flows towards your love, your art, for you. ❤️


Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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15 hours ago, Loop said:

You are always doing what you want really, might just be distortions from thoughts believed that make it seem like you aren’t & also make it seem like you can‘t do the thing you really want to do. I would ask yourself why you ever got into spirituality, or working on yourself. What were you really looking for? As in the searching for is you doing what you love already, and noticing that is noticing the Flow. 

Good way to put it is, look at everything as the Art, then you will naturally creatively flow towards manifesting the activities you want to do, as well as learning to enjoy everyday survival. This is really what everyone wants I feel, to love doing the dishes/ taking out the trash, and to flow into your arts/ passions.


The more this deepens, the more it seems Source just takes out the trash for you, and flows towards your love, your art, for you. ❤️


I don’t know what you are saying - maybe because i have not slept at all.

Can you love taking drugs?  One can love the process of taking drugs but not the hangover part. But this love cannot be pointed in experience. One i believe can lose this love at times. 


How can one stop at the feelings while loving something? 

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On 1/4/2023 at 3:49 PM, Mandy said:

@nurthur11 Don't attribute things/people/circumstances as being the cause of the feeling, but recognizing the feeling for yourSelf.


On 1/4/2023 at 8:08 PM, Phil said:

That’s kind of a tricky framing. I’d start more simply…

What do you enjoy?

What do you like?

What do you prefer?


Those would be decent indicators. 

@Mandy I understand what you mean. @PhilMuch practical framing, thank you!


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Simply put, I am talking about noticing the difference between your intention towards what seems to be going on, & the thought about what is going on. Intention is like a feeling that is pulling you somewhere, setting an intention is really just shifting focus to the feeling that yes I want this, and then just letting that feeling take you into vibrating with the desire. The thoughts about doing what you love can be let go of, Knowing is just feeling the heart, feeling the Love that you are. The feeling ‘knows’ you are always vibrating towards your passions. 


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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19 minutes ago, Loop said:



Simply put, I am talking about noticing the difference between your intention towards what seems to be going on, & the thought about what is going on. Intention is like a feeling that is pulling you somewhere, setting an intention is really just shifting focus to the feeling that yes I want this, and then just letting that feeling take you into vibrating with the desire. The thoughts bout doing what you love can be let go of, Knowing is just feeling the heart, feeling the Love that you are. The feeling ‘knows’ you are always vibrating towards your passions. 


The problem with me is that when I enjoy, prefer, like something it is instantly and to it is very hard to dislike it. I would have to have a mega reason which is mega vivid(obvious).


For example, there are persons that I love and not love regardless of how bad or good they are too me. This is not apparent on my experience - which makes me frustrated, because it is unpredictable. I would love to feel this feeling with all people but it doesn't come. @PhilWriting about it definitely helps but not so much on the new things that I will love or being able to channel love on things that I want to love. 

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16 minutes ago, nurthur11 said:

things that I want to love. 

 Let go of ‘things’, embrace Love,

True Love has no not.

What is frustrating is thoughts, not Love,

Dam thoughts never letting me be board for a sec so I can find contentment ☺️

All these ‘things’ that I have to embrace, or let go of. 
When one can just let go of the many and embrace the One Alinement.

You can’t even have a reason, or a problem, or anything, there is just the Love that you are,

Attune to what you really are, all of your deepest passions start to aline with You.


Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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20 minutes ago, nurthur11 said:

Writing about it definitely helps but not so much on the new things that I will love or being able to channel love on things that I want to love. 

Look at what’s already written and ‘pick out the selves’. Include unconditional in the selves category.

The clarity of seeing it on paper simultaneously is the clarity of mind for having looked.

Then include the emotional scale in journaling and express in accordance with it. 


Meditation is fundamental in that it’s an un-obscuring, and therein is an allowing of potentiality & spontaneity where the activity of thought seemed to be.


Using the backside of the dreamboard makes it all kinda effortless & enjoyable. 




Inspection. The vantage point of ‘what you’re thinkin’, written on the board, is a bird’s eye view which is far superior in terms of allowing clarity in regard to thoughts, vs trying to make sense of the activity of thought ‘swirling around in the ether’ (“in your head”). This can be most useful for inspecting the ‘tricky nature’ of Self Referential Thoughts and Subject Object Thoughts.



The direct experience can only speak for itself. That is the only reliable testimony. Embrace non-conceptualization. Be where you are, enjoy this everlasting moment. Allow what you are wanting to come to you, to ‘show up’ in this ‘now’.


Writing what you want on your board is expressive, affirmative & validating of, and you could say breathes life into, what you want. There is indeed a Source of this wanting, of so called desire. This ‘Source’ is The Truth. The affirming & expressing, of your wanting, is most connective, so to speak, with ‘your’ source.


This is inherently ‘shadow work’, or, ‘shining the light of awareness’ on any limiting discordant beliefs. Beliefs which sound like ‘I can’t’ are dispelled by Truth.

These beliefs, while not things or objects in time, will arise to naturally ‘come up and out’, or simply put, naturally be let go - because they are in discord with what is natural, Truth. What might presently seem ‘woo wooo’, or ‘just wishful thinking’ will come to be known & recognized as, the common sense.


Just like with the experience of any relationship, some discordant beliefs are naturally illuminated… so it is with communion, the ‘relationship’ between ‘you and you’. What’s been bothering you, what’s been discordant, will naturally be illuminated, dispelled, and seen through. What’s dispelled & seen through are conceptualizations of yourself, how you feel, and reality. The ‘shift’ from focusing on (unknowingly) believing conceptualizations… to what you are actually feeling - emotions - it a shift from focusing (often exclusively) on thought(s)… to receiving the emotional guidance of, Source. 

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5 hours ago, Phil said:

Look at what’s already written and ‘pick out the selves’. Include unconditional in the selves category.

The clarity of seeing it on paper simultaneously is the clarity of mind for having looked.

Then include the emotional scale in journaling and express in accordance with it. 


Meditation is fundamental in that it’s an un-obscuring, and therein is an allowing of potentiality & spontaneity where the activity of thought seemed to be.


Using the backside of the dreamboard makes it all kinda effortless & enjoyable. 




Inspection. The vantage point of ‘what you’re thinkin’, written on the board, is a bird’s eye view which is far superior in terms of allowing clarity in regard to thoughts, vs trying to make sense of the activity of thought ‘swirling around in the ether’ (“in your head”). This can be most useful for inspecting the ‘tricky nature’ of Self Referential Thoughts and Subject Object Thoughts.



The direct experience can only speak for itself. That is the only reliable testimony. Embrace non-conceptualization. Be where you are, enjoy this everlasting moment. Allow what you are wanting to come to you, to ‘show up’ in this ‘now’.


Writing what you want on your board is expressive, affirmative & validating of, and you could say breathes life into, what you want. There is indeed a Source of this wanting, of so called desire. This ‘Source’ is The Truth. The affirming & expressing, of your wanting, is most connective, so to speak, with ‘your’ source.


This is inherently ‘shadow work’, or, ‘shining the light of awareness’ on any limiting discordant beliefs. Beliefs which sound like ‘I can’t’ are dispelled by Truth.

These beliefs, while not things or objects in time, will arise to naturally ‘come up and out’, or simply put, naturally be let go - because they are in discord with what is natural, Truth. What might presently seem ‘woo wooo’, or ‘just wishful thinking’ will come to be known & recognized as, the common sense.


Just like with the experience of any relationship, some discordant beliefs are naturally illuminated… so it is with communion, the ‘relationship’ between ‘you and you’. What’s been bothering you, what’s been discordant, will naturally be illuminated, dispelled, and seen through. What’s dispelled & seen through are conceptualizations of yourself, how you feel, and reality. The ‘shift’ from focusing on (unknowingly) believing conceptualizations… to what you are actually feeling - emotions - it a shift from focusing (often exclusively) on thought(s)… to receiving the emotional guidance of, Source. 

Okay - what you are asking is to do the work basically. I will start from tomorrow to use the dream board and the emotional scale consistently. 

On a pessimistic note: Currently, my selves are like a big giant mess and then there is the unconditional which is independent because it is always unconditional. But this is the life situation or experience that i find myself. I don’t feel great about it but it is what it is and all i can do is move on. It is not that i have not felt like this before and i am positive it will pass and one day i will feel like this again. Before i blame my mother now non duality tomorrow someone else. I definitely excepted more out of non - duality in exchange it is just a good story and the unconditional which is to be realized yet this realization is pretty useless one - in my case even more confusing + doesn’t change anything if the work is not put in using in our case the emotional scale, dreambord, mediation.



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2 hours ago, nurthur11 said:

Okay - what you are asking is to do the work basically. I will start from tomorrow to use the dream board and the emotional scale consistently. 

Great to hear. It’s really more of a getting out of your own way, allowing things to be easier & much more enjoyable. It’s ‘the work’ but it’s not really work. Wanted is coming, unwanted is leaving. Everything’s already working out. 


It’s really amazing how in sifting & sorting the aversion is dispelled and this is already what’s wanted. It does seem like it’d be something else, but oddly perhaps, it’s actually this. 


2 hours ago, nurthur11 said:

On a pessimistic note:

Nailed it. Nice. The sweet peace of boredom. 👊🏻 


Independent might be a condition implying from someone or something. 🤍

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@nurthur11 why do you ask that question? 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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