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Ride the Lightning in C.  Wow!  It's cool to hear the grooves without the vocals there.  Interesting how the riffs, guitar harmonies, and solos can sound entirely different with a change of key.  The music on this album is very different than on "Kill 'Em All" when you hear them instrumentally.  You can hear the keyboards in 'Fade to Black' cool.  I never really paid attention to the keyboards before.  I like the guitar harmonies in the chorus of 'Escape', I never paid that much attention to notice those distinctly before.  The bass sounds amazing in 'Creeping Death'.  'The Call of Ktulu' sounds better in C in my opinion, darker and more soulful.


Edited by Joseph Maynor


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Where has this been all my life?  'Battery' sounds almost better as an instrumental.  I still find "Kill 'Em All" most interesting out of the first three albums when listened to as instrumentals.  'The Thing That Should Not Be" sounds almost better as an instrumental.  If the last album "Ride the Lightning" featured dual guitar harmonies, this album features dynamics.  I like how guitar is used almost like a string section or horn section in 'Disposable Heroes'.  'Damage Inc.' sounds amazing in C.


Edited by Joseph Maynor


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This is good!  I never noticed the keyboards in 'Sad But True' before.  'The Unforgiven' sounds totally different in C, wow.  The way they got that complexly (rich) thick sound on this album is producer Bob Rock recorded through a few different amps and then blended them all together.  I like the chord progression in the chorus of 'Don't Tread on Me' and Kirk's (I presume) lead guitar accompaniment there.  Newsted's bass sounds amazing on 'Nothing Else Matters' and James plays the lead guitar solo in this song instead of Kirk.  'My Friend of Misery' is almost better as an instrumental, I love it in C-- one thing I notice about Metallica is they like to do a one-step modulation (chord change) from the root, in this song from C to D.  'The Struggle Within' almost sounds better as an instrumental too.


Edited by Joseph Maynor


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Wow this is really good too.  I gotta include this one for completeness as one of Metallica's best albums.  This is an instrumental in C like the other 4 albums I posted.   I like the precision of Jason's bass lines.  He plays with a pick.  'One' reminds me of the slow part of 'Master of Puppets' for some reason.  I think I like 'Harvester of Sorrow' more as an instrumental.  Wow 'To Live is To Die' sounds better in C in my opinion.  A lot of chord changes in 'Dyers Eve' I never really noticed that before -- I like how the simplicity of the progression in the chorus offsets and counterbalances this.  It's a good song.  Much more complex than I realized listening to it instrumentally and in a different key.  I almost like it better as an instrumental.  Kirk is doing different things with his lead guitar solos on this album too.  I'm still trying to figure out what he's doing differently.  I notice he's playing a lot more sort of accompanying "outlines" in the tunes than in prior albums, although he did this before too.  These outlines function almost like strings or keyboards.  If there's anything that is characteristic of album it is this outlining or highlighting with the lead guitar and Lars' cool sounding drumming. 


Edited by Joseph Maynor


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This is great too.  Instrumental "1984" by Van Halen.  The vocals are filtered out (somewhat lol).  I don't think DLR could ever be completely filtered out of anything.  'Top Jimmy' sounds better as an instrumental -- I can hear a possible Steve Howe (Yes guitarist) influence in those fast and accurate guitar embellishments (runs) in this song.  You hear that Howe embellishment thing at points in 'Girl Gone Bad' too.  I can tell this album was influenced by the first "Asia (1981)" album which Howe played on.  EVH is highly integrous and also highly original.  I can hear a Hendrix influence in his style too.  'House of Pain' sounds better as an instrumental and is amazing!  'Hot for Teacher' sounds so much better as an instrumental.  'Girl Gone Bad' too.

Eddie Van Halen -- guitar, keyboards
Michael Anthony - bass
Alex Van Halen - drums


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I ain't got nothing but you
I ain't got nothing but you
I ain't got nothing but-

I don't need to find another
'Cause nobody knows me like you do
Oh, can we take it to another level?
I know you spend your nights thinking 'bout it to

Yeah, you know we grew up together
Broken in this small town
Tryna make our way out
And I know you're feeling the pressure
So let's call this thing out
You know the truth

I ain't got nothing but you, you
I ain't got nothing but you, you
I ain't got nothing but-

Look I know
You fear we'll mess this up
You've been like family since the day I met you
You can trust this
Just let your body talk
It's only natural for us to want to

Yeah, you know we grew up together
Broken in this small town
Tryna make our way out
And I know you're feeling the pressure
So let's call this thing out
You know the truth

I ain't got nothing but you, you
I ain't got nothing but you, you
I ain't got nothing but-

There's nobody else, there's nobody else
There's nobody else but you
And I'll always be there, I'll always be there
I'll always be there for you

I ain't got nothing but you
I ain't got nothing but you
I ain't got nothing but you
I ain't got nothing but you
I ain't got nothing but you

There's nobody else, there's nobody else (you)
There's nobody else but you (you)

And I'll always be there, I'll always be there (you)
I'll always be there for you



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I think this is Van Halen's best album and to hear this as an instrumental is way cool.  'Hear About It Later' sounds amazing as an instrumental.  Eddie's rhythm guitar on this album is phenomenal - you almost can't make a brite-line distinction between lead and rhythm guitar with Eddie.  Notice that he often plays in a middle-zone between rhythm and lead too.  There's 3-parts with Eddie's guitar playing I can discern -- rhythm, middle-zone (listen for this), and lead (solos).  A comment I read from someone said EVH has an unusual sense of melody and harmony, which I think gets at what I'm trying to point out with the "middle-zone" word I used.  He can bridge rhythm and lead guitar is another way of saying it -- he's often kinda playing rhythm and lead guitar at the same time.  "Push Comes to Shove" sounds better as an  instrumental and is a good example of this.  All those little figures he plays that sound like little riffs but point to/reinforce the harmony (chord progression) and also have a lead quality to them too.  "One Foot Out the Door" reminds me a little bit of Metallica's "Orion".

EVH - guitar, synthesizer
Michael Anthony - bass
Al Van Halen - drums


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Oh man!  This one is a little louder too.  This is one of my favorite albums.  So nice to hear this as an instrumental.  Michael Anthony shines on this album on bass.  I can actually hear Eddie's guitar playing evolve from this album, "Women and Children First", to "Fair Warning" to "1984."  Then there's two albums before this one which are excellent too!  It's clear to me he was always working on his chops as a guitarist, and every album you can notice something different about his playing up to "1984".  I don't really like the Sammy albums, but I've never heard them as instrumentals either though.  I haven't resonated with "Diver Down" thus far either, but I gotta listen to that one as an instrumental.  It's out there.  It's the album that came out between "Fair Warning" and "1984".  Al really shines on this album on drums too, he's an excellent drummer.  

EVH - guitar, synthesizer
Michael Anthony - bass
Al Van Halen - drums


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Instrumental only version of Van Halen II.  Eddie's guitar playing on this album is so good: brilliant and emotional, a nice balance there.  He has a different rhythm guitar style on this album with more chug chug heavy metal style riffing.  He plays a little differently on each album trying out new things (at least on the albums I like which are every thing up to "1984" minus the album "Diver Down").  This was released in 1979.  

EVH - guitar
Michael Anthony - bass
Al Van Halen - drums

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Nice remaster!  I've always loved this album.  It's interesting how all their albums sound different.  I can hear things in this remaster that I couldn't hear before.  Jimmy Page really stands out on this album with the variety of guitars he's playing too.  John Paul Jones too.  Wow, he's on fire on this album with the ambiance and the background orchestral sounds using the Mellotron.  

Robert Plant – vocals
Jimmy Page – guitars
John Paul Jones – bass, piano, Mellotron, organ, synthesizer 
John Bonham – drums


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Released in 1969.  Led Zeppelin's first album.  What a great remaster!  This album is so different from any rock album that came before it.  I can tell Eddie Van Halen was heavily influenced by Jimmy Page in so many different ways, including as a producer.  Listen to "How Many More Times".  I'm pretty sure Eddie Van Halen and even David Lee Roth liked this track.  I can kinda hear Van Halen come out of this one song alone.

Robert Plant – vocals, harmonica

Jimmy Page – electric, acoustic and pedal steel guitars

John Paul Jones – bass, Hammond organ

John Bonham – drums, timpani



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I can kinda hear early Guns N' Roses come out of "Lick And A Promise".   The final song on the album "Home Tonight" is a cool ballad.  It shows even at this early stage Aerosmith could do a great ballad.  This is one my favorite albums released in 1976.

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One of my favorite albums.  I love the twin lead guitar parts on this album.  Twin rhythm guitar parts too like in "Sugar Blues".

Phil Lynott – lead and backing vocals, bass, keyboards
Scott Gorham – rhythm and lead guitar, backing vocals
Snowy White – rhythm and lead guitar
Brian Downey – drums, percussion

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