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Everything posted by Faith

  1. Bless your heart, but Rhodiola Rosea can also cause serotonin syndrome (toxicity) with SSRI use. 😆
  2. I got you 😉. Lol Apparently taking them at the same time or too soon after stopping SSRI's can cause serotonin toxicity. I don't know the mechanics of it though, that would take some research. I personally never seriously considered taking it, so never got that far.
  3. @Blessed2 I never tried it myself but I've heard of it. Just be careful because, it should not be taken within 2 weeks of any SSRI use.
  4. Perhaps get a pill splitter and reduce the dose by a 1/4 every 1-2 weeks. No worries. It's okay. Thanks! I appreciate your presence as well. 😊 💙
  5. Ishvara or God (Posted on September 4, 2017 by Dhanya on Advaita-Vision) "Vedanta uses the word ‘Ishvara.’ When teaching, my teacher, who is western, never uses the word ‘God.’ Why? Well, the word ‘God’ can be very loaded, and often for us born in the west, negatively so. So what is Ishvara? When I first met my teacher, I noticed she used the word ‘Ishvara’ a lot, and I never really know what she meant by it. The first time I met Swami Dayananda and heard him teach, he said, “If you want to see Ishvara in action, look around you.” I looked out the window at the autumn leaves on the trees moving in the wind. I looked at the little squirrels playing at the bottom of the tree. I looked at the clouds moving in the sky, and I thought, “Oh, Ishvara is everything.” So that is what ‘God’ is in Vedanta. Ishvara is everything, the maker, i.e. intelligence, and the material, of all that is seen and perceived. Ishvara doesn’t stand apart from the creation. Ishvara is the very creation itself–all the laws that govern the creation, both seen and unseen (or discovered and perhaps undiscoverable). Ishvara is also the material–the warp and woof of the whole thing. There is nothing that stands apart–or is not a part–of Ishvara, not the body, not the mind, not the sense organs, not the individual, not the rules that govern the individual’s behavior–they are all part and parcel of Ishvara. So that is God in Vedanta. Although Vedanta is not a religion, here is a nice quote from Swami Dayananda, “Some religions say ‘there is only one God.’ Vedanta says ‘there is only God.'” And what is the ultimate reality of Ishvara? The ultimate reality of Ishvara is the nondual (in Sanskrit brahman). So since everything is Ishvara, and the reality of Ishvara is nondual brahman–the reality of everything is nondual." https://www.advaita-vision.org/ishvara-or-god/
  6. Not gonna lie. It was extremely difficult. I was on SSRI's for a long time, but tried getting off them a few times in that time period and simply couldn't make it through the withdrawal period. For whatever reason my body/mind was very sensitive to even lowering my dosage. I did finally get off SSRI's, but it took years. To have the best chance at it, imo, one should do a slow taper over many weeks and be feeling emotionally stable, eat and sleep properly and meditate, if possible. You probably should also discuss with your doctor first. Good luck
  7. Howdy, I'm doing alright. Always nice to see you here! Hope you are well also. 😊
  8. Sure, but my opinion is your doing a lot of projecting onto @everyone. 👇
  9. @Devin It's a forum. People can say their point of view on the matter and if you don't like it, that's too bad. Many, if not most of the ppl here came from that site and have an opinion on Leo. Also, many here were banned from that site so, kinda hard to tell Leo your thoughts when your banned. Therefore, we can openly discuss his outlandish claims here, as long as no one is breaking forum guidelines, then it's not a problem, even if you personally don't like it.
  10. Then we agree, because I think what he is saying is crazy too and ridiculous. You are projecting if you think @everyone has jealousy/hate. I wouldn't waste the energy tbh. I think he's doing his followers a disservice though and leading them astray, but I personally never "followed" him. I just used his forum. So, I'm not hurt by him at all.
  11. @Lester Retsel Thanks. Hearing the story makes me now think it was some kind of transferable Siddhi experience.
  12. What the title of your video about it?
  13. Ok, yeah, I misunderstood earlier in the discussion when you first brought it up. I thought you meant that the teacher "actually" morphed into an alien. So, sorry about my initial reaction about not believing you. My bad. Anyways, if you know that what happened was essentially the point of the ritual, then why have a lifelong journey to try and understand it, as you said? To me, it sounds like you were successful at inducing a type of psychosis through the ritual.
  14. I see. So, what I wonder is what was happening prior to the hallucinations? Even an overload of stress on the brain can cause temporary psychosis, drugs aren't needed under certain circumstances. I have had acute psychosis with auditory hallucinations induced by short-term treatment with very high dose methylprednisolone for treatment of M.S. a few times in my life. It seems very real at the time and can be scary.
  15. If that's the case, then the teacher didn't "actually" change into anything. You just hallucinated that he did if you were the only one that saw it, right? I think the question would be why did you hallucinate? You said you were doing some kind of pineal activation, but what exactly were you doing? BTW, hallucinations can seem as real, as real can be....
  16. So, you think Leo can and will morph into an Alien? 👽
  17. aa886853dce4f15041d69fb9f8b35a8a.mp4 72404b4284e2fe753d65d933abf23e04.mp4
  18. d2c9ab66d541e67a33124d21bd5da2cf.mp4 71d41d7471c9e97a2c69a4b44ca3b109.mp4 😂🤣😂
  19. He wasn't posting it. He quoted it... to make a comment. That's sorta how it's done on a forum.
  20. Did I say you should? You said "way to contribute to the conversation". So, now I've contributed! I'm putting my vote in is all. One vote for bullshitter. 🗳
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