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Everything posted by Faith

  1. Yes, I don't think I've ever orgasmed while worrying about tomorrow. Same reason why ppl sky dive or do extreme sports I guess.
  2. @Wayne hehehe! Good one πŸ‘
  3. "God created man, then said wait I can do better" πŸ™‚
  4. Awe, hun πŸ’• It'll be okay. As Rupert says "solipsism is madness" and like I said on Actualized (Ananta hereπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ) no one can change or stretch the definition of Solipsism to fit their own narrative or agenda. Saying "absolute" solipsism is a terrible pointer and needs thrown out immediately!!! πŸ’™
  5. @BlendingInfinite or has a generator and an easy bake oven.πŸ˜‚
  6. Last year I said "I'm going to have a remote job" and now I do.😊 It took a lot of effort though.
  7. I would watch videos too. Still do sometimes, but I did get a lot out of some of the books. What's AOB site? Your welcome! 😊 My son is very smart (no really he is, it's not just because he's my son🀣), he tested in elementary into the gifted program, but for logistic reasons we didn't put him in it. Anyways, he REFUSED to do any college for probably the same reason as you're saying or because he didn't want to waste his time or something. Here's an example, he wouldn't read his school books or do his homework. No, I couldnt get him to do it once he hit about 13. He would just pay attention in class and then get A's on all his tests, that would give him a "C" in the class with little time and effort invested.πŸ™„ I however am not that smart and have to study like a mad woman.🀣
  8. Hm, have you read any spiritual books? I found the insights obtained from books priceless in the first few years of seeking. They can't be everything though as self-inquiry and other practice has to be done as well. I had to read to become a nurse and just recently, I also did some online courses and became dually certified in ICD-10 coding and OASIS review. I had to read to get these accomplishments. I'm getting paid pretty well for it and my new job is working from home too! Today I wore a reebok sweatshirt and yoga pants while working.🀣
  9. When? ...Once the "sense of self" was formed and the child said, "mine!" My toy, my candy, mine, mine, mine. This just continues on to bigger and better objects, but we can't take any of it with us and even while here can be taken away very easily. Best to not get attached and just "be" as @almond said.
  10. Those are fabulous....now, just add "pumps gas"⛽️ and we have perfection. πŸ˜…
  11. Isn't that the truth! 🐹
  12. Awesome. I also really like pics like that. Good reminder we are all kinda damaged, yet beautiful in our own way.πŸ’™
  13. I read something that Adya had said that went something like this- See if you can treat all experience equally. So that experiencing an emotion is no more significant then experiencing an itch on your foot. Experiencing a thought is also no more significant then hearing a bird. What do you think? Edit: I think the reason this is so difficult is internal preferences. There is a preference to feel good to have good thoughts and when this isn't the case it's hard to stay neutral, but the way around this is acceptance. Acceptance of the ways things are, just as they are, if preferences can't be met.
  14. @WhiteOwl I wonder if she's just acting out her conditioning in a mindless fashion. Probably, she doesn't realize its affecting you so much or in this way perhaps? Parents aren't perfect. Maybe have a discussion about it with her?
  15. A man goes to an ashram to study with a great master. One day, the master gives the group a chant upon which to sit and repeat to gain enlightenment. This man finds a beautiful, small patch of island several yards off the main shore. As he sits peacefully chanting there, the master happens to walk along the shore and stops for a moment to listen to the chanting wafting off the little island. Suddenly, the master calls out to the devotee, "You're saying it wrong!" "What?" yelled the devotee. "You're saying it wrong!" "Wait! I can't hear you!" The devotee then proceeds to run across the water to where the master is standing on the shore. "What did you say?", he humbly asked the master, to which the master replied, "Never mind!"
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