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Posts posted by Lotus

  1. 11 hours ago, Phil said:

    You can definitely experience having a mansion or mansions… without ever having done a thing. 

    I think I‘ve heard Hicks talking about the thing you want to manifest has to feel realistic to you. Makes sense, because if you don‘t believe you can have it, you certainly stand in your own way.


    How would one go about manifesting things which seem unrealistic? What if aligning with that unrealistic thing seems impossible, no matter how much you ,do the work/transmute‘?


    What‘s going on when you write something on your dreamboard, don‘t do anything about it, and it doesn‘t manifest? 

  2. I think toxic positivity is also not meeting people where they're at. Not hearing them, nor giving them space for expression. I'm all in for sharing better feeling perspectives, but when someone's not ready to hear it in a given moment, then I think it's better to just let them freely express. Otherwise, it has a hint of "you should not be feeling like this, but you should think positively, like I do". Most of the time, when there's space for expression and emptying, the goodness naturally fills the room. Better feeling perspectives follow.

  3. 1) I enjoy life outside of forums way more. 


    2) After having read/listened to a lot of spiritual teachings, pointers & trip reports, I can‘t see them anymore. Everything‘s been heard in one way or another and it becomes tiringly repetitive and boring. Be it Eckhart Tolle, Sadhguru, Abraham Hicks, Phil, Adyashanti or any other spiritual stuff. From time to time it‘s great, but certainly not when it‘s chronic. 


    3) Might be projection on my side, but there seems to be a lot of arguing on who‘s right and who‘s not. Or what‘s right/true and what‘s not. I don‘t want to engage in those kinds of convos, as I don‘t even care about the concepts in the first place. 


    4) Posting seems to perpetuate a discordant identity. Again, probably projection on my side. It‘s either the ID of someone knowledgeable in spirituality or the ID of someone seeking help or the ID of someone having mystical experiences. The root cause of that ID is not the forum, but thought identification. Yet, engaging on a spiritual forum seems to keep the ‚spiritual ID momentum‘ up. I‘ve noticed that staying away from engaging in forums makes me think less about the above stuff, thus making it easier to let go of the above identification. Even this post creates a further layer of identity.


    It‘s beautiful to read how people here are healing, though! 🫶

  4. On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

    Are you continuing the cycle or ending the cycle?

    Sometimes continuing, sometimes ending. In the recognition of continuing the cycle do I get a chance of ending it. Sometimes I can be cold and uninterested when being with others, but if I don‘t act from that conditioned place, I‘m warm and interested. 


    On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

    Do you see the cycles? 

    Yes. Not always, but once you see one, you start to see more.


    On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

    Is there clarity on conditioning & the suffering therein, or are you just sweeping it under rugs of “that’s how it is”, “that’s how I am”, “I’m just burning my karma”, “it’s just how the world is”, “you don’t understand”, etc, etc ?


    The suppression of this is felt. Is it inspected, and therein the suffering dispelled? 

    When I recognize that I suppress something, I immediately notice how I‘m perpetuating suffering and conditioning. This feels so off that I can‘t hold it within. And it always feels so good to let go and break those cycles. The best part of it is the clarity and simply and truly feeling like me (good). 


    On 6/12/2022 at 2:22 PM, Phil said:

    Do you see yet therein is the realization you are the creator of your reality? 

    It‘s dawning on me. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Phil said:

    For that one finite being there is not actually these things.

    How do you mean that?


    17 minutes ago, Phil said:

    What could have an impact on an infinite being?

    Yeah, right. Doesn't really make sense that anything could have impact, because the impact is already being. Just like boxing gloves boxing themselves.


    20 minutes ago, Phil said:

    Psychedelics, self-realization, anything being prior to the movie, and enlightened being… are all movie. 


    And that's why this is not a teaching, I assume.


    23 minutes ago, Phil said:

    Thoughts can’t have a psychedelic experience, because psychedelic experience is already a thought, the actuality of which is of course already, infinite being. 

    If thoughts can't have a psychedelic experience (makes sense), and "I" is thought, who or what does have the psychedelic experience?

  6. @Phil


    What would happen, when an already enlightened/realized being takes something like N, N-DMT or 5-MeO-DMT?


    If this is a movie, and psychedelics change the movie screen, but self-realization is prior to the movie, would the trip have any impact on the ‚enlightened being‘?


    Or would only the seemingly separate self be having a psychedelic experience?

  7. @James123 


    The description that you can still think, name and label while simultaneously experiencing infinity/nothingness, and that this can be confusing, reminds me of a trip I had. It was the first time glimpsing truth. Thinking brought me into dual paradox and confusion. Relaxing, letting go, and simply abiding in being on the other hand.. yeah, that left no question behind. Truly ineffable.


    1 hour ago, Orb said:

    this can lead to what people call ego death, but I don't like that term because it assumes there's actually an ego/person dying.

    Yeah, right? During every trip, it's just me/awareness! Nothing's going anywhere. Funny enough, it's not even me who's tripping. 🤣


    1 hour ago, Orb said:

    Because once again it increases sensation so much that nothing can be held back, any beliefs/emotions will be seen clearly, there's no where to hide.

    Yup, definitely rings true. Denying would be a really bad strategy amidst of a trip. The practice of listening, expressing and allowing really comes in handy with this one.


    1 hour ago, Orb said:

    But I'd say psychedelics are cool and awesome! 


    And self realization sounds beautiful/cool! 


    Have fun with it! Whatever! Meditate every day, trip sometimes, it's all good!! 💙🙏

    Amen! 🙏

  8. 15 hours ago, Phil said:

    What does it seem to be?


    Identification as someone who has undergone a certain amount of spiritual practice/literature or spiritual intake in general. This might or might not entail the underlying assumption that this makes the spiritual ego in question better than other egos. Perhaps, what's "bad" about it is not even the identification, but the emotional discord that arises out of the identification and the beliefs connected to that identification, which distort the view of reality, thus rob you of clarity.


    Not sure how this pans out, so any input is welcome, but there seems to be a distinction between spiritual ego and spiritual personality. This is probably just my sense making of it, but a spiritual personality seems aligned (clarity, love, being laid-back), while spiritual ego seems not aligned (lost in its own views, being overly judgmental and serious).


    15 hours ago, Phil said:

    How does it arise?

    By believing and acting out on discordant thoughts.


    15 hours ago, Phil said:

    How is it seen through, unfettered of, dispelled? 


    By noticing the emotional discord which certain thoughts and perspectives bring about.



    15 hours ago, Phil said:

    How to address it? 


    The end of spiritual ego seems like the end of addressing it.


    15 hours ago, Phil said:

    Should you? 


    Great question. I'd address it if it doesn't feel good. I wouldn't if the thoughts and perspectives are those of clarity and an open heart. But then again, the ego can be really deceiving, and only make you believe that you're someone who has clarity and an open heart. Seems really tricky to answer this one with reliability. I guess intuition and deep listening to feeling is the answer, but I have no clue tbh.


    15 hours ago, Phil said:

    What are the ramifications of addressing this?


    Developing even deeper layers of spiritual ego?

    Or really emptying yourself?

    Seems like it could go both ways.


    15 hours ago, Phil said:

    What are the ramifications of not addressing this? 


    Keeping the spiritual ego intact?

    Or letting it go for good?

    Seems like it could go both ways.

  9. I wanted to suggest Kriya Yoga too. 15 mins of KY exercises can throw you into a state of deep relaxation. Once you get used to ‚getting thrown in there‘, it‘s easier to expand the length of the relaxation one KY-session gives you, thus to carry that on for the rest of the day. Just like the emotional scale, it‘s a tool to let more of the love within in.  

  10. 3 hours ago, Phil said:

    That there is no impermanence. 

    Would it be a misunderstanding to think that my dinner plate will last forever, when there's no impermanence? In direct experience, it sure is or seems finite and impermanent.


    Perhaps because "forever" is a notion of time, and "no impermanence" has nothing to do with time?

  11. 5 hours ago, fopylo said:

    what is really supposed to be the outcome of the practice


    I can only answer that from my perspective, the answer from ‚enlightened people‘ might differ.


    I suppose the outcome of the practice is enjoying life. The simple celebration of the present moment. On or off the cushion. 


    But probably also self-realization and recognizing your true nature, but that‘s not where I‘m at, so to speak. Not an enlightened yogi over here. 🤷🏽‍♂️


    5 hours ago, fopylo said:

    In general though, when I'm caught up in some stories... building stories on top of stories on top of stories... should I just be with those stories, like going deep with those stories and entertain myself, keeping it running?


    See them as guests, which come and go. Thoughts are like clouds in the sky. They arise and pass. When it‘s so clouded that one cloud follows another, it seems like there is no sky. When there is a little space in between, it‘s crystal clear that there indeed is a sky, no?


    Meditation is de-conditioning. Meditation makes it ‚less cloudy‘. This could mean that there are less thoughts in general but also less identification with thoughts when they happen to come up.

  12. 11 hours ago, fopylo said:

    I felt like I kept falling into thought stories, then 'trying' to meditate and try to focus on being (a perspective of what is being).

    That‘s meditation with the assumption that it‘s not meditation.


    11 hours ago, fopylo said:

    I was just trying to get somewhere sometimes. Letting go, more like trying to let go, felt like I'm pushing it.

    Was frustrated and annoyed like 5 minutes before it ended, but then my overactive mind tried to conceptualize this experience as well...

    Those are expectations, which come and go during meditation. They are a natural part of meditation. To ‚let go‘ simply means to let those arise and to let those pass. They are impermanent anyway. 


    11 hours ago, fopylo said:

    After the meditation I didn't feel much like I'm more loving and more myself.

    Those are expectations of a thought-based self, which come and go. 


    11 hours ago, fopylo said:

    I’ve been wondering how to really let go and drop into Being without conceptualizing the experience (holding onto thought stories)

    Is it even possible to drop out of Being?


    Perhaps it‘s already been suggested, but maybe don‘t force yourself to do half an hour, but only as much as it makes you relax. Imo even 5 deep breaths is enough for one sitting. If it feels good and you wanna extend, 5 more breaths, and so on. 

  13. 10 hours ago, fopylo said:

    Non-trying, non-engaging... which doesn't mean avoidance, but rather letting them be, not trying to convince yourself a conceptual you exists which can change the circumstances.

    Awesome, dude. That‘s meditation. That‘s feeling/being. Inspiration follows. 👊🏼

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