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Everything posted by Devin

  1. No, again it's called manners and respect, authoritarian would be forcing everyone to be gay, like conservatives want with Kkkhristianity. What legal action(Authoritarianism) has been taken on ANYONE for saying they hate gays, Muslims, trans, mexicans,.... none, never Orb, and no one is proposing that except on your fox news.
  2. That's called manners and respect, what conservatives call 'woke'.
  3. He's always complaining we're intolerant of conservatives, he's just playing politics.
  4. More Q Homo- Latin for man Homo-human, sexual, homosexual- sex with humans Homophobia- fear of humans Homogenous Sexual, Homogephobia Title it " Homogephobia"
  5. But isn't "recognizing the subtle beliefs", just another narrative? There's no need to even recognize.
  6. And there's not a way to not be aware of everything right? if so meditation is just the thought of someone sitting lotus right?
  7. Wouldn't nonduality meditation be more aware of sensations, including those of "thought" such as sounds and pictures, but not awareness of "thoughts"? Isn't awareness of thoughts, awareness of separation? Like there's a thought and then everything else.
  8. The title should be changed. English is not OPs first language.
  9. But there really is no " us" or "we", so that doesn't really make sense does it? Trying to get someone else to 'understand'.
  10. The most important thing for blending in fast with a new group is mastering apology. Whenever you think you may have offended, quickly offering a sincere apology.
  11. @Orb is this church and people group new to you? If so you're still learning the dynamic, the language even, how to meld those with your personality, like how to paint with acrylic or play the Saxophone.
  12. Spend more time around people, it's like getting used to water temperature of the ocean, just takes time and awareness.
  13. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michigan-researchers-find-every-river-fish-they-test-contains-forever-chemicals_n_63fa39b7e4b0c253d3453d2a 'Forever chemicals' are contaminating Kentucky fish - Louisville Public Media https://www.lpm.org/news/2022-09-09/forever-chemicals-are-contaminating-kentucky-fish Every fish tested has levels billions, with a b, above the allowable drinking water limit
  14. You think this post shouldn't be allowed? Isn't that the same behavior gays were given just 20 years ago, shunning, this guy is asking for help.
  15. Yeah, and just all around people hater, i.e. a normal person but open.
  16. Superficiality and materialism, I dunno who she is, just Googled housewives
  17. Depends what you're trying to do, gain fitness then eat before, lose weight eat healthy fats, gain muscle eat protein right after.
  18. She seems insecure, I'd say you have a good shot with her.
  19. Life Purpose Life Pur-pose Life Per Pose Pose Cambridge Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org › p... POSE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have, in order to be admired or attract interest:
  20. Saylor Twift is Taylor Swift, it's just a wordplay on her name so she's not recognized.
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