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Jonas Long

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Everything posted by Jonas Long

  1. Afraid to not get Dahmered? Are there not mistakes for you?
  2. What did you mean to read? Something you were already thinking?
  3. What do you mean? Yes its what I meant to type...as in Jeffrey Dahmner-ed. He killed the bottom rung of society because they wouldn't get investigated. Just an example.
  4. I know lenses, I have the best lense.
  5. Honestly the only point was, me, or whoever, not getting into your truck isn't evidence to support your thesis of my reasons not to, or for doing whatever I'm doing. Maybe you're afraid to get Dahmered, maybe you just have no reason to think you will be paid or treated fairly, not exploited etc.
  6. Bills is just bliss misspelled
  7. The so called "personal power" is the will to question itself to create this thread. Everything we can speak of is ultimately euphemistic.
  8. I was getting Dahmer vibes so I said "van" instead of truck. "😂"
  9. Sorry, truck, omg my bad.
  10. You mentioned being in your company van when you make this offer to people.
  11. @Mandy I was referring to this attitude, but whatever
  12. Yeah, a far cry from hoping into some smug rando's van, which is really for THEM and not you.
  13. I thought that's what I was saying... the wheels aren't even turning on the chariot, they're inbedded in the earth, the planet itself is all that's moving it.
  14. I was speaking to that example because I thought that's what we were talking about...you quoted me talking about that example specifically. I'm not laying the blame anywhere, I'm saying their guilt is misplaced in the first place, and their "offer" and resulting extrapolation is exactly like you say, the smokescreen, distraction and passing of the blame FOR THEM, and not for the person the "offer" is being made to. I'm not accusing anyone of being responsible in the first place.
  15. Randomly offering someone a days work and them not taking it doesn't amount to a license for you to assume their reasons for that. Same with someone's life conditions in the first place. You have no idea, you don't know the first thing about them, how they got there or what they want. Those assumptions are masking a general feeling of guilt.
  16. I know that's why I said it's not even the charioteers agenda. In this case the "offer" is clearly a symbolic gesture to allay one's feeling of guilt. The guilt is misplaced in the first place of course, but it's not an offer that is actually based on empathy, it's to keep telling oneself the same story of "they want free shit, they don't actually want to work like I do, they're where they are for a reason etc. "
  17. The charioteer is not a charity, he has his own agenda, which isn't his either. I'm not hoping onto Arjunas chariot either. The offer isn't really an offer, it's a bid to go on not questioning one's assumptions.
  18. Enough so that I'm not getting into a strangers van, especially one with a clearly shitty and superior attitude to me.
  19. I'm just saying, there's no fucking way I'm getting in your van, I don't care how desperate I am. I don't know what your agenda is, I'll take what I already have and know, even if it sucks.
  20. That trope appears in fiction because it happens in life "lol". Unhoused people and sex workers are common targets because their misfortunes are not investigated well.
  21. No, and I'm not. I meant homosapien.
  22. I don't want to? Where are you going with this? Let's try directness.
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