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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Sure! Let's have that space but let's also call out counter productive actions that seek more of what Osho is doing right now, long after we have left. Doing that perpetuates the pain of the traumatized self and goes against the point of unwinding. Let's talk about how it affected us but let's not continue seeking hate. What's a "where"?
  2. Not implying you did, just giving an example 🙂
  3. Just a way to paint a picture. If you say "feeling is good, thinking is bad" you are painting a picture. Every sentence paints one. I think we agree on this friend 🙂
  4. This way of conceptualizing it sounds like two, sounds like a knot.
  5. Awareness is no thought and it's always there. Saying "you are" aware doesn't make it any less true as you are awareness. There is no thought-knots, only thoughts. To think there is a knot in your thought is just another thought.
  6. NOO! There are no two. There is no battle between feeling and thinking. Nothing matters. There is NO ISSUE with thinking. The fact you can imagine issues is not an issue, because you are aware of what you are doing at all time. But at the same time YESS, you are also correct. 😁
  7. Not looking to restart a debate cause honestly I have no doubt the way you are framing things perfectly works for you! This idea that concepts are composed of multiple distinctions is kind of funny to me to be honest. If I bring words like "triangle, circle, person, hand, body, brick, red, metal, house, loneliness", which are concepts and which are not? Your explanation is not formal enough for me to be able to know which you would consider a concept and which you would consider a distinction. Seems like a lot to keep track of that, it's just simpler for me to equalize concept, notion, idea, distinction, duality. I never needed to have a difference between those in a practical scenario anyway. I'm not a native speaker though, so I might not be the best resource for english.
  8. Good. But if there was one, I hope he'd be ok.
  9. Yes. Unless the tree is in a vacuum, there's no way for an object to move without displacing air, and by definition sound is air displacement. Doesn't mean the sound exists (specifically if you imply a notion of existence which is "inside consciousness"). But as far as "making" a sound goes, the physical process you are theorizing about does "make" a sound, from our definition of sound and from our definition of falling. Saying things like "nothing exists out of consciousness" is fine too, if you decide to define existence in that specific way. You could ask instead "do sounds exist if they are not heard" to which the answer depends on your notion of existence.
  10. Express what was felt reading this thread. You judge 🙂
  11. Looking for reasons to practice or not practice is worrying about the correct or best way to live. If mediation is practised, it might become clear that there is no correct or best way to live. Yet it doesn't mean meditation is needed for that to become clear or that anything bad will happen if you don't meditate. Any explication of meditation would imply two. There is no way to explain or justify meditation in a way that is totally honest. But its clear if one were to do meditation one would understand everything there is to understand about meditation.
  12. Then there is no such thing as discordance 🙂 You don't need to look far to find no-concept 😂 Good definitions are key to good communication though, it's silly to debate whether trauma is a concept when we don't agree on what a concept is 😁 Much love to you too.
  13. I was only trying to mirror the vibe here and illustrate how it felt to read this thread. I think sarcasm can be an effective way to communicate things sometimes. I was not looking to explain anything, just make a quick point. But then we started a non duality war over it, for that, I plead guilty. As I said I got no issue against venting. The only criticism I made is from going out of your way to look at what Leo is doing just to shit on him. I simply expressed my opinion about how I feel in regards to that. I don't care what you do with my opinion, that's up to you.
  14. That's already two! Whatever is being discordant with guidance is the "who". Or even the discordance itself. No it's based off the word "listen" which is the language you use. Listen already has a meaning which requires the existence of 2. Guidance does too with the concept of being guided. Absolute infinity is kind of precise though. Must a matter of preference to be honest, you are free to use the words you want to describe no-concept 🙂
  15. Who is hiding? I thought there was only feeling, but now there is the concept of someone who doesn't want guidance? Who needs to L I S T E N ? There's need to be two to have the action of listening. A listener and a "guidance". When all is one there is nothing to listen to and no need for a source of guidance either. You are already where you want to be, no need to be guided anywhere. 🙂
  16. I see well I make no distinction between concepts and distinctions personally. Sorry to hear this disagreement was only a difference in language. So you agree the trauma is a distinction and there is in reality no such thing as trauma other than the distinction the mind might make of it? Do you also agree that You, Consciousness, God are all exactly the same as Guidance with no distinction or anything else separating them? e.g. There is no "you" separate from the guidance that must listen to it. Guidance is a fancy word to mean "not worrying about stuff".
  17. What is the difference between conception and distinction? When I said trauma is a concept I didn't think of that as different from duality, distinction, idea or any other word which mean distinction. Is guidance also a concept or is this one a distinction?
  18. Call it whatever you want, my life, your life, the universe, consciousness, god, the experience. Just labels, I'm not implying the universe is owned by a human body in particular, as if its theirs. Why assume I came from somewhere? Why assume the concept of "location" and the idea that things can be at different locations? Whichever and whoever experiences those concepts cannot be subject of those concepts. Is it mandatory to have a concept of pain? Why can't I just vibe and chill instead of worrying about any of this? I'm ok with my definitions but if I'm gonna talk to you about trauma I need to work with your definitions, cause they are certainly not the same as mine, given your last response.
  19. Why not? It's my life I get to choose how I live it and with how many fingers I want to have 😂 Where is it in the body right now? What is worry if not "thinking something is bad" and being afraid of it? Feels like we're creating arbitrary definitions here. Worrying, being afraid of something, thinking something is gonna hurt you, thinking something is bad (for you). To me it's all the same thing but perhaps you have your own definitions we can work with?
  20. Yikes, sounds like a scary thing to have to deal with. I'm feel sorry for you. But why bother with this invisible, unreachable trouble called "trauma" though? Why not just live without worries and let the body fall apart at any rate it wants? Do you "need" to avoid physical illnesses and stay alive as long as possible? Sounds like all this worrying would generate a lot of cortisol, which isn't all that good for your body... Sure conceptualizing yourself as "bypassing a trauma" would likely generate a lot of stress. You don't have to conceptualize any of that though, cause there is no such thing as trauma. You are free 🙂
  21. Trauma is a concept, bypassing it is another 🙂 Let go of all those ideas and you are free, there's nothing holding you back from love. Love is exactly here and now, with no process or steps involved to reaching it. The idea of a body or the idea of a traumatized body are all ideas which you are not forced to believe.
  22. Good point I totally agree with that. There is various layers at which this point applies, one of which being continuing to focus on Leo and what he does just to hate on him. I'm all for venting and expressing things that suck in your life. But seeking what you hate just to have something you hate on? Is that really processing the trauma you have with that thing? If at all it's giving it more importance and power over you, conceptualizing it as even more of a trauma. Ironically this point also applies to my criticism of this thread but also to the criticism of my criticism. Unless arguing with me is what you want in life, we're all guilty of this. Trauma is a concept, I'd be careful of giving that concept too much power over your life. If someone is under the idea that they are traumatized by Leo they should have the space to process that idea here. But seeking new things to hate on Leo is not processing trauma.
  23. At the same level as "this thread is love", to which this was a response of. If we're gonna judge Leo for what he says and evaluate whether it's love we can do the same for this thread. If hating on someone is not discordance then you tell me what is.
  24. I mean yeah everything is alright, you are free to experience what you are doing and the effects of it. But I'm free to say shoulds too. If I see a kid playing a knife I'll be "hey you shouldn't do that", even if in theory there is no should and the kid could learn to not play with knifes by hurting himself. I'm not saying I know better than you. My honest reaction to this thread is: "Hey that's messed up what's happening here. Constantly putting Leo back into your mind just to hate on him seems unhealthy." My goal is not to try to convince you to change, but just to let you know this is my honest reaction. What you do from this, whether you choose to introspect or not is up to you. It also sucks if a significant portion of the forum's attention is used to hate on some guy. Doesn't make the forum looks good, doesn't make me want to share it with friends.
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