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Krishnamurti non-brothers appreciation Post :-) :-) :-)


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I watched this last night 😄 😄 .



THE MYSTIQUE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: The Radical Ideas of U.G. Krishnamurti



"Whereas J. Krishnamurti was an iconoclast who reduced spirituality to psychology, U.G. Krishnamurti was an iconoclast who reduced it to biology. "


jiddu Krishnamurti



So fascinating these two... I feel a little uneasy about this forum now... but...... If I choose to stay will keep sharing 😄 😄😄 

Share your appreciations for these amazing two of spirituality!!! 😎

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U.G Krishnamurti is an interesting fellow.

His entire life was shitty, he blew all his money, he abandoned his family from what I heard, pretty much an asshole lol. But still enlightenment killed him, pretty interesting to see how enlightenment can blossom in anyone. 

His teaching style is unique, I like to think he was the OG Neo Advaitan, as he would deny every single thing you threw at him. For some reason, no one ever mentions U.G when it comes to the neo advantage crowd when he was pretty much the first dude, at least that I'm aware of. No one gave him credit! He's incredible 😉!

The stuff he says may sound harsh, but truly his words don't mean anything. He was really an enigma. 

I heard that when he was really old he was asked who was the greatest spiritual teacher and he said " J Krishnamurti". For anyone familiar, this guy used to bash on J Krishnamurti his whole life 😁.

The two krishnamurtis were super helpful pointers in my path. God bless those apparent separate selves 🙏.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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10 hours ago, Phil said:

Very interesting take on the two, nice. 

I hope you do ‘stay’ and continue to share, and want to mention if you or anyone has any questions don’t hesitate to pm anytime. 

Gone@Phil . lxlichael was treated badly. He is my friend. I am loyal to a fault. 

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40 minutes ago, ELove said:

lxlichael was treated badly

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Not only did he threaten someone and refused to follow the guidelines, but there are things behind the scenes you may not be aware of. Anyways, hope you stay, if you'd like. If not, peace.✌️💙

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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7 hours ago, Faith said:

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Not only did he threaten someone and refused to follow the guidelines, but there are things behind the scenes you may not be aware of. Anyways, hope you stay, if you'd like. If not, peace.✌️💙

@Faith I don't want conflict. It's interesting though that this is all conveniently said when the evidence is no longer viewable for an impartial view.

I want to be left alone now. I want peace 💙 as well. Love ❤️.

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12 hours ago, ELove said:

Gone@Phil . lxlichael was treated badly. He is my friend. I am loyal to a fault. 

I have nothing against either of you and do sincerely wish you both the best.  

4 hours ago, ELove said:

@Faith I don't want conflict. It's interesting though that this is all conveniently said when the evidence is no longer viewable for an impartial view.

I want to be left alone now. I want peace 💙 as well. Love ❤️.

Same here. 🤍 This forum has guidelines, and these guidelines apply to all members’ comments. The journal was hidden at the creator of the journal’s request. 

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46 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Orb enlightened me recently that they aren't two different people, I was thinking they were. Which also wasn't wrong, ultimately. 😆

They are 2 different ppl. What the heck? Lol  🤣


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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19 minutes ago, Mandy said:

ARE two different people, "aren't" was a typo. 🤣 

Hehehe, okay let's do the pics just to clarify for anyone not so sure.😂

UG Krishnamurti-


Now, here's Jiddu Krishnamurti-


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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@Phil I have been speaking to Phil on Michael's behalf so far and I never asked for his journal to be deleted as per his instruction, post banning. Confabulating circumstances is a pattern here that I do not endorse on Michael's behalf.

 @ELove The only comments he requested to be deleted were in relation to one of his threads to reflect an update in his relationship to the related person. No other comments. For whatever reason, all comments were deleted. If this is all just confusion, then it is confusion. Out of respect for Michael, where there is doubt please do not insert circumstances that have the potential to be false.

Michael is lxlichael.

I no longer wish to be a part of this forum either, I was only ever stepping in for him so please just drop it and move on.

I wish all staff and people here the best.


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Thank you, and you as well. 

6 hours ago, Phil said:

The journal was hidden at the creator of the journal’s request


5 minutes ago, Erin said:

I have been speaking to Phil on Michael's behalf so far and I never asked for his journal to be deleted as per his instruction, post banning. Confabulating circumstances is a pattern here that I do not endorse on Michael's behalf.

By creator of the journal, I am talking about Michael, who requested everything be deleted. 

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11 hours ago, ELove said:

It's interesting though that this is all conveniently said when the evidence is no longer viewable for an impartial view.


7 hours ago, Phil said:

The journal was hidden at the creator of the journal’s request.


9 minutes ago, Erin said:

@Phil I will ask him myself because he never said that to me.

If its true, I won't reply and wish everyone here the best.

No worries in any case. If you’d like to see it, just let me know. It’s no trouble. I did receive an email from Michael asking it to be hidden. So if he tells you he does not want it hidden, please ask him to just let me know that directly. It’s just a couple of clicks really and I don’t mind at all either way. Thank you. 🙏🏻 

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I don’t share publicly, or with other people, what people share with me privately. Also there is no need for a middleman. He emails me, I reply. I see people have said I refuse to communicate with him, but this is not true. I offered to talk on Skype or zoom the day of the banning. I am all about communication.

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"What is NOT allowed on this forum"

*Threats of violence or malice against anyone, member or otherwise.

Lxlichael was repeatedly, in multiple posts, threatening a person (we all know who) outside of this forum, with bodily harm. 

That is against forum guidelines. He was given the opportunity to stop posting in this manner and he declined.

Forum admin and staff do not need forum member consensus to give out warnings or to ban members that do not follow the guidelines and rules. I think you may not be clear on this point.

We also can (at our discretion) lock and/or hide threads. It just so happens this thread in question was requested to be hidden by the OP. 

Take care!


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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@Faith @Phil Michael has left for South Africa, he won't be available for another 48 hours. I have to speak to his secretary in order to get to him until he gets back, which is after another 2 weeks. His secretary has access to his email and computer, @Faith what you're saying was added after the occurrence and his secretary, this has apparently been confirmed by her. He's already told me he doesn't care about this though he already gave me the okay, I'm surprised he didn't mention this by email to @Phil . 

Out of respect, I won't comment anymore until I get approval from Michael, which will be after the 48 hours. 

6 hours ago, Erin said:

Confabulating circumstances is a pattern here that I do not endorse on Michael's behalf.

As a matter of principle, anything like this. What is valid, what is not?

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